6 – Lazy Receptionist
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The Adventurer’s Guild. It was the place everyone thought of when they pictured the life of an RPG character. The gathering spot for missions, the place where most Other World novels began.

Yuu had visited it earlier… or rather, he tried to. Unfortunately, no one was very friendly in pointing out directions to a newbie like him. Unlike before, however, Eir was there to guide him.

The fiery blonde young woman immediately strode through the town, her steps purposeful and exact.

Seeing that, Yuu decided to keep quiet and just follow after. No point in him sticking out his neck when his companion was being bold about it. And it wasn’t like he had any pride as a man to speak of in the first place. If he did, he wouldn’t have run away to join Company X.

Eir stopped in front of a building at the far side of the town. It was somewhat rustic with wooden sidings and glass windows. A sign hung over its entrance, written in some weird language that didn’t look Japanese, English… or like anything really.

Yuu frowned and tried to make out what it said, guessing at what it might be-

[Inquiry MAX activated]

[Adventurer’s Guild Outpost: Tier]


Eir turned around to look at Yuu and said, “Is there a problem?”

He quickly shook his head and said, “Not at all. I was just surprised that this was the Adventurer’s Guild Outpost.”

Eir nodded. “Indeed. You would think that such an important facility would look more grand, but…” She sighed and shook her head. “Well, if you have any expectations, I suggest you lower them. And stay close to me. While I do not doubt your abilities… I would rather not deal with more hassle than necessary.”

“Sure, sure.” Yuu shrugged and decided to go along with his newfound companion.

“Very well.” Eir turned back to the front door and steeled herself before opening it and walking inside.

Yuu followed close after her, trying his best to keep a low profile-

“Eh?” A low, masculine voice rumbled. “Who bumped into me?!”

…And it turned out that he didn’t need to worry about that since his companion was drawing more attention than he thought possible.

Eir glared at the man standing in front of her and crossed her arms. “Out of my way.”

Yuu sighed.

It was the typical cliché. A man with bulging muscles and an axe strapped on his back stood in front of Eir, blocking her way. He had been standing in front of the doorway, so it was inevitable that they’d crash into each other.

Yuu considered defusing the situation. He recognized the cliché and, considering how everything else in the world seemed to follow old tropes and patterns, he should be able to avoid things and-

“What did you say, girl?”

“Are you deaf? Or perhaps those muscles of yours have inflamed your brain so you can no longer comprehend words? I said that you are in my way. So move.”

Yuu facepalmed. This… was going to get messy. It seemed like Eir had things in hand though, so he’d leave it to her to settle things.

Before anyone could call him out, Yuu made his way over to the receptionist in the back corner of the room. As he did, he took a brief survey of the area. Mostly to evaluate any avenues of escape if things went south.

He could make it out on his own well enough with his skill, but it’d be remiss of him to leave Eir behind on her own.

The Adventurer’s Guild… or rather, Tier Village’s Adventurer Guild Outpost was rough. Rather than a clean modern office, it was like a rough tavern. Wooden tables, rectangular and circular, were scattered haphazardly about to seat idling adventurers. A wooden board with fliers pinned all over it hung on the wall opposite of the main entrance.

That part was expected. Though messier than Yuu thought it’d be, that part looked close enough to what he expected of an adventurer’s guild hall.

The other parts were different though. On the right side of the room, there was a fighting ring. A makeshift arena, marked out with chalk and cuts in the floor. At the back, there was a counter with a barista, manning beer taps. Meanwhile, on the left side of the room there was a line of stalls similar to a bank, where receptionists were waiting. Well, one receptionist at least. All of them were empty except for one where young woman with long black hair and stern dark blue eyes stood filling out some paperwork.

Yuu glanced around again to make sure there was no one else waiting and then made a beeline towards the lone receptionist.

She looked up from her paperwork when Yuu arrived and then sighed. “Atella Furgild here. How may I help you?”

Well, she was a lot more polite than the others Yuu had met all day. Bored, but at least courteous. Realizing that, Yuu smiled and said, “I’m here to register as an adventurer.”

“An adventurer registration?” The receptionist, Atella, frowned and said, “I’m afraid that we can’t allow solo adventurer registrations here.”

“Actually,” Yuu turned around and said, “I’m with her…?” He trailed off when he saw what Eir was doing.

It looked like she had gotten into a scuffle with that man at the entrance. Not only that, but she had won, already sending him to the ground and dazed in the few seconds it took for Yuu to walk over to the receptionists.

It was impressive. However…

“I! Am not! A blonde! Bimbo! How! Many! TIMES! DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS!” Each of Eir’s words were punctuated by a kick from her straight to the man’s groin.

Yuu paused, unsure of what to say about that. Instead, he just turned back to look at Atella with a neutral expression. “…Yeah. I’m with her.”

The receptionist stared at Eir, at the man on the ground, at the other adventurers who were either cringing or laughing at the man’s plight, and then shook her head. “I don’t get paid enough to deal with this.” She shook her head and dug around beneath the countertop before placing a pair of forms in front of Yuu.

He took the sheets and glanced them over.

It looked like the usual forms. Surprisingly similar to the job application requests he had to fill out for his boss at Company X when they were hiring interns.

Seeing that, Yuu felt that Kami-sama at least got one thing right.

Atella yawned and said, “There are pens on the tables over there… somewhere. Just find one and fill out that form with at least your name and alias. Bring it back when you’re done and I’ll hand you the plates for your party.”

Yuu blinked. “That’s it? I thought it’d be more work than that.”

“Yeah, well I don’t get paid enough to deal with all that.” The receptionist sighed and went back to her paperwork. “Damned musclehead Guild Leader, sending me out to the boonies to deal with these trash…”

orz. Car got marked as a total loss, so I've got no ride until I can find a new car... which will probably in spring. As a result, my schedules been all over the place. :sigh: Well, at least I've got this and you guys to keep my mind off of things. Thanks for reading as always and I'll see you tomorrow.