'FUCK' Katarina cursed in her head as she smoothly turned and faced the new arrival with her arms spread wide and a smile on her face
"Ah Gordon! Huggins! Mole! My fellow pickies- What's the lot of you doin here on my route~" she purred, pulling her hood down, letting her lightly freckled face into view as her fiery orange hair that was tied into a messy ponytail.
Gordon, being the nice ole chap he was- greeted her back with a smile of his own. She could just gag by merely breathing in the same air as him...the faint whistling noise he made whenever he breathed through his mouth because of a missing tooth was grating her patience down to the last nerver.
"Ah nothing bad Lil Kat~ just paying a quick visit with the boys" The gangly creep explained, as if she cared- 'Don't fucking call me that you ugly dick swindler-' she seethed internally at his casual use of a nickname…that wasnt even a creative one at that!
"Aha~ didn't I tell you not to call me that" she said with a small cutesy giggle... the look in her eyes said otherwise- they promised murder and suffering.
Gordon raised his hands up in mock surrender "Noted" his grin still stuck to his punchable ugly mug of a face he was unfortunately born with.
Katrina, barely holding herself back from decking the poor sap into the pavement. Still plastering her nice and fake smile on her face as she made an effort to not make her bag filled with goodies make a sound that would have previously been satisfying to hear when she was alone.
"Well if you'll excuse me~ I'm off to sell my picks to a pawnie" She said as she graciously tried to walk past Huggins... Put an emphasis on try-
A wall of a man blocked her way, preventing her from getting passed as she looked at the big oaf. His hair was long and shaggy as a black sheep's wool, obvious attempts in trying to tame it were for naught as even she could see the knots in it.
Huggins, despite his rather unassuming name. Was a beast of a man because of his sheer size, what kind of beast you may ask?
The Bear Kind.
Speaking of animals- Gordon, the sonofvabitch he was, actually had the gall to act like he called the shots here. As he spoke up in a tone that ticked her off "Now now Katty~ Whats the big rush! You can spare a few moments with the boys no?" A friendly smile on his face as he rubbed his hands together. That alone made her put her guard up as she placed a hand on her dagger underneath her cloak…
“Y’know I'm a busy gal Gordon, can't make any money dwaddaling and gossiping~” Katrina said now internally panicking, to the point that she had to stop herself from biting her lips out of habit.
And all of a sudden, one of the boys that hadn't gotten a chance to be described, besides his name. Scuttled over to her and threw her cloak upon with a swish. His beady eyes zeroing in on the big, thick, mouth watering... Bag of money.
“SHE'S GOT TA BOOTY, CAP'N!” A rather rough and raspy accent came from the short fellow, a yellow grin on his face as he cackled. His beady eyes shining with delight at revealing such a score.
“Nice going Mole!”
Katrina immediately, without hesitation tried to punt the pint-sized wannabe pirate. The little shit always pretended to be one despite the fact there was NO FUCKING OCEAN anywhere near here.
Land locked
Sadly Huggins blocked the blow with his bear hands, and in the process grabbed it, pulling her upside down as the bag of money fell from her belt and unto the ground. The thing practically exploded into a loud jingle jangle of coins scattering around on the ground.
“You FUCKERS!” Katrina yelled out as she pull her dagger out only for the filthy so called ‘Cap'n’ of the crew took a hold of her hand to prevent her from stabbing Huggins.
“Uh Uh Uh~ Daww Kat Kat Kat! I thought we were fellow pickies! Why would you… Hide such a bounty from us!” He said as if he was actually upset, even though he had a face filled with greed and amusement
“Sod off you cunt! Petewt”
Was his only reply as she spat a loogie at his face, his amused expression gone in an instant as he wiped it off “Disgusting bitch-”
A simple kick to the head was what he gave her as she was held upside down, he eyes rattled in her head as she was effectively given a minor concussion. “Mole, gather the coin…” said lackey did a salute and started to dutifully pick up the golden coins
Katrina felt like her whole world was upside down. The side of her head ached like a mother fucker and she could barely focus her eyes in a single point, the blood rushing into her head felt heavy and she desperately wanted to crush a few man nuts as pay back.
“Alex! I heard a suspiciously loud sound of lots of money falling in that alleyway”
Oh great she's hearing voice now that wasn't her own
“Y'know I heard it too, I'm literally right next to you, you don't have to yell-” “But I want too, so deal with it!” “Shut up!” “No You!”
Higgins spoke out “Uh…Hey boss? There's people…” he warned his very much beloved boss, said boss groaned as he walked past Huggins and the hanging red head to go deal with the problem. They were children! It'd be easy to steer them away!
Gordon walked to the entrance of the alleyway, meeting up with the two Albino twins. Immediately getting caught off guard at the sight of them, one had a wide grin on her face while the other looked at him with suspicion
“Hey mister! You wouldn't have seen a rather obvious thief did you?” Alexa chirped with a cutesy smile as she stepped forward, Alex hanging back with his arms crossed against his chest as he looked up at the man. Damn the fact he was still growing, he could NOT wait to finally get taller-
Gordon had his jaw slightly ajar, why did this girl smell so good!
why did the boy smell amazing as well-
He snapped out of his stupor, a faint red hue on his face. This guy must be a drunk, the two copies deduced without a doubt. “W-Well no young lady! I have not- they must have run off already” Gordon manage to say after he cleared his throat
‘he's lying…’ ‘No doi, I'm not that stupid… We're not that stupid-’
The twins thought to one another, they could see the subtle signs of deceit.
Alex looked behind the man and squinted, his improved vision and as well as his intuition helping him out to fully see what was happening in the back ground.
‘Alexa, Do it’
All of a sudden the cute smile Alexa had on her face changed into a grin as she swung her leg right in between the man's crotch with such practice precision, you would have thinked she played soccer-
Gordon was… Confused and then suddenly in massive immense pain in under a few seconds, he collapsed to the ground with a wheeze as bike started to crawl up his throat from the sheer agony his baby batter maker was in-
Alexa ran past over the poor bandit with Alex following along, not before he kicked the man in the head to make sure he was down “Double Tap!” he said with a snicker
Mole, who was busy picking up the coins, noticed that something was running up to Huggin “Behind y-” But sadly too late on his warning. Alexa kicked the back of Huggins knee, easily making the man almost 2 feet taller then her yell out in pain as his knees buckled.
Making him drop Katrina again on her head, a groan from her was heard but Alexa paid no mind to the amateur thief that just got robbed by another– How ironic.
Huggins tried to get back up on his feet, but Alex followed through with a knee strike on the back of the kneeling man's head, before he pushed him down unto the solid stone ground-
Damn, concussions were easy to give out honestly.
“Guess it was true that the bigger they are…” he said out loud standing over the giant man, right before he stomped on his head “The harder they fall-”
The one thing they learned from Garnet during their sparring and training sessions was that-
“Never assume the enemy is defeated, just pretending to be”
And so their response to that lesson is to always ‘Double Tap’ and make sure their enemies are either dead, or promptly knocked out. Alexa laughed at him “Bro, you really need to practice your one liners-” she said as she snickered at her lovers attempt at being cool
Alex promptly tutted “Huhuuu~ you're just jealous I took the obvious one” she rolled her eyes in response as she had her eyes on the last standing member of the bandit trio, who was actually shaking in their boots
“Ah shut your food hole, I can too make a better one liner then your pale ass-” “Take a look in the mirror you pasty fuck”
The two of them started bickering again, throwing insults and jeers at one another as the two slowly made their way to Mole, the poor man who was actually shorter then them tried to back away but… I
Inevitably reached the dead end
“N-No please! I'll give ya your money back!”
But his pleas were unheard… Along with his cries for help
“Alex! I heard a suspiciously loud sound of lots of money falling in that alleyway”
Oh great she's hearing voice now that wasn't her own
“Y'know I heard it too, I'm literally right next to you, you don't have to yell-” “But I want too, so deal with it!” “Shut up!” “No You!”
Gordon walked to the entrance of the alleyway, meeting up with the two Albino twins. Immediately getting caught off guard at the sight of them, one had a wide grin on her face while the other looked at him with suspicion
Gordon had his jaw slightly ajar, why did this girl smell so good!
why did the boy smell amazing as well-
‘Alexa, Do it’
All of a sudden the cute smile Alexa had on her face changed into a grin as she swung her leg right in between the man's crotch with such practice precision, you would have thinked she played soccer-
Gordon was… Confused and then suddenly in massive immense pain in under a few seconds, he collapsed to the ground with a wheeze as bike started to crawl up his throat from the sheer agony his baby batter maker was in-
Alexa is ruthless
Alexa ran past over the poor bandit with Alex following along, not before he kicked the man in the head to make sure he was down “Double Tap!” he said with a snicker
Huggins tried to get back up on his feet, but Alex followed through with a knee strike on the back of the kneeling man's head, before he pushed him down unto the solid stone ground-
Damn, concussions were easy to give out honestly.
“Guess it was true that the bigger they are…” he said out loud standing over the giant man, right before he stomped on his head “The harder they fall-”
The one thing they learned from Garnet during their sparring and training sessions was that-
“Never assume the enemy is defeated, just pretending to be”
Well then- uh HEY EVERYONE HAHA. Been a long long time since I posted another chapter, and for that I feel remarkably guilty-so much has happened in this poor authors life that I just didn't get the time to write anymore nor the motivation, this entire chapters was written with 2 to 4 sentences a week and my god I feel so bad-
Good to see you're still alive, I thought you were on Hiatus
Finally, it's here