Chapter 29
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HEYA GUYS, OKAY IM DOING A COMPLETE REHAUL IN HOW THE STORY IS GOING TO BE FORMATTED NOW, BY THE TIME I POST THIS CHAPTER IVE ALREADY STARED ON THE EDITS TO ALL PREVIOUS CHAPTERS SO YEAH, This is an attempt to make my story more clean and pleasing to look at despite its filthy nature in general, So in doing this I'm also going to start the process of  rewriting ALOT of stuff soooo if y'all want, you can re-read everything and see if i improved in anything when i periodically do so in random times... so yeah make sure to  check back into this filthy book of mine, i haven't abandoned this yet! HAHHHAH 



Katrina gasped as she got doused in water, Alex busted out laughing as Alex had a smirk on her face “Wake up sleeping beauty~” She said sarcastically as she threw the bucket off to the side of the room. 


“W-Wha- What? Where-” Katrina sputtered with a gasp, a dull ache echoed in her head as she tried to remember where she was. With a start she tried to jolt out of her chair, only to fall and face plant into the ground. “Seems like she remembered~” Alex guessed as he pulled the chair back up to its legs. “We tied you up hun~” Alexa revealed as she took a hold of Katrina's chin. 


Getting a good long look on her  freckled face as she looked at her other half with a smile “Ain't she pretty~” She cooed as she made Katrina face him her face cheeks squished to make her look like a duck. He shrugged “I've seen better” that seemed to snap Katrina out of her stunned state, while Alexa just blushed as he winked at her when he said that. 


“Thwe Phuck yu mean by dhot you arshe!” she said with fiery bitchiness that could be mistaken for fury- but the since she was getting handled by Alexa she just sounded cute to him, but the first thing Alex noticed was her accent, ‘Oh fuck you didn't tell me we kidnapped a Scottish woman!’ He thought to his other half with glee ‘Don't ask me- I just ‘napped her cause she seemed like a fun gal to be pals with’ she said with full body shrugged letting go of the red heads face.


“Your idea of this being how you can make girl friends is highly concerning-” He said out loud further confusing the poor girl who was looking at her captors with wet hair. She shuddered a bit as she looked around the room to get some hints of where the fuck she was. 


She was bound on a wooden chair, with a bondage knot tying her hands behind her back and her legs also tied up on the legs of the chair, the room she was in was more of a very big garden shed- all sorts of gardening tools were all neatly organized on the wall, most of them seemed to be well used and cared for-

“You can't judge me on how I make friends! We don't even have any besides our employers– even then their more like our guardians then friends so that doesn't count-” Alexa said as with a pout, crossing her arms underneath her massive chest that Katrina internally compared with her own set-

Alex rolled his eyes as he went and got a pair of gardening sheers as he silently walked towards Katrina. In a panic she started to plead for her life “WAIT WAIT DON'T KILL ME- I-I'll suck your dick if you don't!” she said with a fake sob of desperation… 


Alex froze and just gave her a look “Just… Just no-” 






“AHAHAHA” Alexa's melodious laughter echoed in the shed as Alex and Katrina avoided looking at each other's eyes, her face matching the hue of her hair as she blushed profusely. Alex snipped her bonds using the sheers with a blank and impassive look on his face even if he was internally having a fierce conversation with Alexa.


‘Shut up shut up shut up’ ‘Aw come onnn~ why did you refuse her offer!’ ‘I invoke the fifth’ ‘I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind a scotty to suck on your Big Nessie~’ 


Alex gave her a glare as a blush of embarrassment also graced his face ‘Just because we have a thing for foreign accents doesn't mean we take advantage of bound up women to get a free blowjob’


Meanwhile, as the siblings chattered on in her minds. Katrina's pride as a women was in shambles, sure! She didn't particularly know how to effectively…Charm someone but she knew almost all the guys she's fought get distracted by her feminine wiles. 


And by wiles she means tits. 


As a professional thief she was (self proclaimed…) she takes advantage of all tools she has on hand, and if just shaking her melon juggs side to side would be enough to put a grown man in a gleeful daze. Then of course she'd take advantage of it! 


She rarely did it though, that shit was embarrassing… 


But to see a brat no that's like- at least 3 years younger look at her in disgust (in her head) at the mention of her sucking his probably weeny dick, did he think she was an STD ridden slut! He should be grateful she bothered offering.


As these thoughts swirled in her head, Alex spoke “My apologies for my sisters' rather inane way of making friends. You're free to leave since we decided to forgive you for stealing our money bag- since it was frankly our stupidity to flaunt it outside” He said in a professional manner, further making her blush red from anger! (not really, Him being in a butler suit did things to her teenage mind. Does not help he smelt so good!) 


“Hey now dude- Let me ask one question before I go then!” She pointed at him with a look of a woman scorned, Alex being the polite gentleman he was (Alexa, rolling her eyes with a knowing smirk at his act), gestured her to go ahead with a shrug. “What was that look you gave me when i offered my mouth…”


Alex's only reply to that was a drawn out "Uh..." Alex on the other hand- had a smug smirk of mischief on her face, and since her brother wasn't taking the chance, she was well... 


"Oh it was a look of apathy, but do you even know what that word means? Ah~ in sure you don't, so I'll have to explain it to you anyway" She said in her must stuck up voice she could, embracing her inner spoilt brat. 


"Apathy means in your common tounge is he doesn't care for your offer~" you Alex's word just bristled Katrina as the girl snarled, about to fire back a retort of her own before she got rudely interrupted again "Besides~" Alexa visibly gave her a lookdown-


"I have a feeling your just bluffing anyway" 




Alex just opting not to get in between a potential cat fight kept silent, part of him wanting to watch on and see where this situation was headed... He already knew honestly, but I and what kind of hot blooded male would sabotage himself? 


Katrina slowly walked up to Alexa, standing half a foot taller then her as she just gave Katrina an irritating grin "And what do you mean by that... Shortfuck" is Alexa shot Alex a quick look 'Oh I like this girl hun~' she thought to him right before she went back and made eye contact with Katrina


Her blood red eyes glittered with excitement as she gazed into Katrina's hazelnut iris's... Slightly unnerving Katrina along with sparking a small but heated feeling in her stomach "What I mean by that freckles~ you'd probably bite his cock off then actually pleasure him at all!" 

Katrina gasped as if she just got strucked in the face, honestly that would have been way better at this point "Do you want to bet on that you stuck up bitch-" A flash of greed not at all obvious to anyone who would have witnessed this besides Alex himself. 


"Ohoh? What would someone like you bet anyway! Not like you have any money to use HAHAH" Alexa snarkily boasted as she guffawed like a prideful cockatoo...or those blonde anime girls that have drill bits for a hairstyle.

Having been put on the back foot- Katrina opted to put her dignity on the line "I-If i don't make him cum in ten minutes, ill make sure to uh..." she blushed slightly before she finished her words "To follow any order you say...O-O-Only for a week!" She announced out loud, making Alex face palm while Alexa just nodded with utter confidence in her lovers self control.

"Okay bet!" She said as she took a hold of Alex's arm, pulling him towards the chair and making him sit his ass down. Alex just complied with a sigh as if him getting practically pimped to another woman was a normal occurrence, well... at least his customer was a pretty tall scottish woman. "Get on yo knees!" "...why are  you saying that too me! I'm not the one who agreed to this-" "Shush the hidden baseball bat in your pants practically agreed itself" "That's just a physical result of the build up of the plot!"

Katrina, just looked at the two with her frustration slowly increasing between the two bickering siblings. The situation so ridiculous, common sense was just ignored and was replaced with the whorknee, the enclosed space did wonders for trapping the almost addicting smell  of cinnamon buns and other sweets. Why did it smell like a bakery here, and why is it making me feel so warm inside-  She shivered with a gulp of saliva she unknowing built up in her mouth, was it the anticipation? or was it because she can see what was going to be inside her mouth in a few moments-

 Alexa and Alex finished with their usual endearing banter, with Alexa giving him  a final wink. Turning to Katrina she ordered her to- "What are you waiting for? You're still wearing your clothes? tsk tsk~" She clicked her tounge at the thief's utter incompetence and inexperience "Don't you have a slightest clue on how to even begin?"

"Of c-course i do!" She didn't "I just have to...take off my clothes?"  She wasn't sure, that was just a logical guess

"CORRECT! Now take them off" Alexa ordered with the snap of her fingers to emphasize "Your  customer is waiting for the suckage of the dongs!" Her words as crass as her... ass

Katrina just clicked her tounge and started to slowly take off her clothes, right when she realized something "HEY WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?" She yelled in realization that his  sister  was going to watch him get a full blown blowjob in 4K HD eye quality 60 frame per second 1FUN FACT! The human eye can see in-between of 30 t0 60 frames per second depending on how much they focus!

Alexa snapped her fingers with another click of her tounge "Drats- got caught right before the good part..." she said with an actual pout, and with a disappointed look she started to walk out. "Welp brother tell me ALL about this experience~ If this common thief actually manage to pleasure you, then you may spank me in compensation for being a bad girl, anyway toodlessss" She said without sounding like he was joking, and with a waggle of her fingers she slinked off with a grin slamming the shed door shut, leaving the two behind.

Not before  Alexa sending Alex a mental note

"You are going to pay me back for this young man~ with lots of hugs and kissed along with slow and sensual cuddle sex till we fall asleep! and while doing so...tell me how the fiery mouth of hers feels~" Her giggle echoed in his head as he sweat dropped. Now face to face with a girl whose about to have his cock down her throat... With a cough he decided to break the tension with a joke 

"So uh...Come here often?"



HELLO GUYS! Wow I made this chapter in a span of 5 days and it's only 2K words--ugh does not help I was busy and typing this out in a document during class hours while we weren't doing anything- Anyway! I hope yall like this new chapter~ I'm trying to get into a habit of writing whenever I don't have anything to do instead of doomscrolling- still not promising any working schedule so expect no chapters or more chapters. WHO KNOWS! And and. I gotta ask, how do yall like the new way I formatted the chapter! I'm going to slowly but surely make this the official way and so I'm going to edit the previous chapters and rewrite them in the process! I so look out for that~.