Bro, don't let insecurity dominate you, your series is entertaining, learn the rest along the way
Take your time, we can wait
Don't compare your works with others it's a mistake lots of authors do, ok . Don't write to create a perfect novel because that is impossible and no one has ever written one because writing itself is a art without any upper limit simply put there is always some room for improving so you should simply write for the satisfaction it gives you .
While for some it might add some pressure and motivate them but for many authors all it ever does is to fill their head with thoughts like " why do i even bother writing when others have written so much better than i ever will" and kills the joy of writing.
I can bet my soul that most of the novels you have written by people who started earlier than you , also are you really going to compare your stuff with hard-covered books like those books are fking edited , proofread and edited again multiple times by multiple people who have enough experience that they get paid to do it
THANK YOU so much for your words, they really do mena alot to little ole me~ and yeah I'm slowly getting my confidence back up, but it may be a little while for me to start writing this book since I succeeded in joined a theatre club! And it's taking quite a bit of my time along with school stuff sooo I hope you can wait~
@WinzumZimZam Hey author have you checked out the scribble hub forums ,it has very useful and handy threads in there for authors ,readers and artists alike you can get in stuff ranging from writing prompts, chapter analysis, tips about writing , gaming ,music and novel covers and plenty more
@Quack-Doctah Nope! Not yet however! I've been meaning to take a looksie at that side of scribble hub but haven't got the time to do so. But I'll get to it eventually... probably....heh
@WinzumZimZam corty has made multiple threads for newbie authors so check them out if time has some mercy upon you
I can always wait.
You made the biggest mistake a writer can make, reading your own writing. It's equivalent to hearing your voice in a recording lol.
Yeah it really does-
Bro, think about bro...if you suck at making a novel. Then does that mean us readers as the real suckers? You have your style. Don't just follow what others have gone through, but create your own...I mean, this is your story, not theirs, and there's no standard, so. Just do what you enjoy to do
I'm practically trying to speedrun a knitting project with sausage fingers instead of actual knitting tools-
And you already made a sleave for a multicoloured advanced textured sweater. Sure there are some imperfections but the style is literally one of the best I've seen and the colours you have chosen work perfectly with the stitchwork and each other.
When we look at our own art we know how we made it and how to make it better. When we look at someone else's art we don't, any flaws go unseen. Because you look at art because you like it, you look at your own art to see if others will like it. We love it.
Okay wow- first off, thanks for the MAJOR confidence boost, and second! I'm still going to post chapters, but it's going to take quite awhile since I'm still determined to make my work a higher quality. I'm not going to change my writing style but I am going to think of the future more and probably take some writing classes in my school. But nonetheless THANK YOU FOR THE SO SO KIND WORDS!!!
+1 to this, it’s impossible to remember all of a story even (maybe especially) when you’re the one writing it so the little things that you think sucked are gonna stick out HARD, if you think think they’re bad enough then a quick edit can usually fix ‘em but otherwise just move on and push forward.
To add on, the best way to make your story good is simply to make it not shit. You’re lucky enough to get a bunch of interaction in your comments so look at them and note criticism (if it isn’t brain dead). Also think of what makes other stories bad, the most common thing I see in negative reviews is 1 unreadable because of sh*t grammar (despite spelling errors you’re fine on this) and 2 brain dead mcs that seem purposefully dumbed down. (just what I’ve found) Lastly think of what you dislike in stories.
People already like your concept and execution so far, keep on keeping on and write it till it’s good enough that you’re happy with it, never till it’s perfect.
@ReversedThree thank you! Imagine my surprise when when I got like literally 15 notification- I'd it ain't obvious I like reading through comments and yours are FUNNY! Thanks for leaving them!