Alex and Alexa watched on the sidelines as the two adventurers devoured their food in record time. I guess having such an exhausting job like Adventuring leaves you hungry- cause almost half of the buffet was gone-.
Alex let out a silent sigh of relief "Good thing we already ate no? Or else we wouldn't have anything else to eat" he said to Alexa as the two sat formerly near the entrance of the dining room. Alexa nodded as she watched in awe "Guess people like them don't have to worry about getting fat if they risk their lives everyday- I hope our new bodies have a high metabolism"
Alex gave her a small smirk as he pinched her side to tease her "it would be cute to see you with extra fat on your stomach~" Alexa rolled her eyes despite having a small blush on her face, slapping his hand away gently.
"A-anyway...where our other mistress? Shouldn't she be here by no-" but just then, Roxy came in which prompted Alex to start to greet her
"Good morning missSTRESS!-" He was then interrupted as he realized that she was in her underwear...and as she engulfed his face with her badonkadonks in a hug.
"Awwww thank you for the feast my little cuties! Who would have guessed a couple of kids would know how to cook such fancy meals~" She coo'ed as she practically pulled Alex up from the ground as she hugged him swaying side to side.
"ALEXA HELP! I CANT BREATH IN HEAVEN-" Alex sent Alexa a telepathic message through their connection as 'twins' causing Alexa to giggle at the situation.
"Nah~ I think you're fine where you are" She sent a message back to him. Roxy, seeing Alexa smirking at Alex's visible struggle in breathing, let go of Alex and firmly wrapped her arms around Alexa
Giving her the same suffocating pleasure of being in between the two peaks. "And thank you too~"
"GAHHHH HELP I ALSO CANT BREATH IN HEAVEN----" Alexa sent a panicked message to Alex who had his hands on his knees as he took in deep breaths- "FUCK YOU" was his reply before she promptly shot back "YOU ALREADY DID GAHHH I NEED AIR"
A Few Moments Later
Alexa was leaning on Alex's shoulder desperately breathing for air as he comforted her by rubbing the small of her back.
Garnet in the midst of chewing her new found love, Chinese food, spoke out "Roxy don't suffocate our servants on their first day, we wouldn't want to get rid of their cooking- er I mean potential to grow since they are kids and kids are the hope of the future.... something like that-" she muttered as she chomped into a dumpling which she dumped in soy sauce
Roxy placed a hand on her cheek and gushed "how can I control myself when their just so cute!" She said as she gestured grandly at the two impeccable little rabbits "this is the definition of cuteness"
The two then posed and did a generic magical girl pose against one another, shamelessly flaunting their bodies new found glory.
Felicia harrumphed as she chewed on her delicious taco salad... so basically just a normal salad. "I suppose they are... conventionally attractive-" "Didn't you immediately buy them a closet full of clothes and THEN some" "..."
Roxy rose and eyebrow and gave her a victorious smirk, crossing her arms underneath her chest.
Alex and Alexa took this chance to take a good long look at Roxy, since she was out of her very constrictive clothing. They could now fully see her entire body.
The first thing the noticed was that she had a mole on the near uppermost part of her mouth, her lips looked (In both their minds) fuckable. If that even makes sense- and dark long locks of slightly curly wavy hair.
Roxy of course noticed their gaze and unabashedly put and arm behind her head and faced them. Giving them a model pose "Like what you see kids~ huhuhu~" she giggled as she liked their looks of appreciation...and slight lust, but not from who you'd expect-
Alexa's eyes looked at Roxy's bountiful feast and then looked at her own harvest and then promptly asked Alex outloud "Brother, do you think my breasts will grew to be like hers?" Causing all three Adventurers to do a spit take.
Alex let out a hum as he held his chin with his fingers and looked at his sisters body "We are still growing sister, so you still have the slightest of chances to grow even bigger fruits" he accurately judged with a look of professionalism and confidence in his own words...
"Aww shucks~ thank you" she said bashfully
The three women looked at the twos interaction with one another with a slight blush, Garnet calmly wiping her mouth with a napkin, Felicia countinuing to graze through her salad and Roxy clearing her throat "Alright then~ let me eat up and then we can go discuss about what you're going to do next"
The two of them nodded as they left...not before Alex promptly came back and pulled the seat out and pushed it back in for Roxy, giving her a slight bow and quickly exiting. Alexa's giggles echoing through the halls along with Alex's embarrassed words
And hour goes by as the two came back after some light exploring through the house, only to find a table filled with empty plates, pots, and utensils- along with the girls who are filled with food relaxing into their chairs.
Roxy sighed in relief as she rubbed her stomach with contentment before she noticed the two "Oh you two are back! Here let me make it easier for you two" she said as she gave them a smile, gesturing her hand towards the table as a calm and stable wind that came from seemingly out of nowhere whisked away the plates and stacked them up!
Alex and Alexa having never saw actual magic in their life besides the small magic tricks they learned from hyperfixating on random stuff they saw on the internet. Looked eagerly trying to feel or see something that felt different.
Unfortunately they didn't feel anything besides the gust of wind, even when they closed their eyes and tried really hard to concentrate on a feeling.
Roxy, seeing how concentrated they are chuckled as the dishes floated into the kitchens where the *clinks and chinks* of plates landing in the sink sounded. "I'm afraid it won't be that easy trying to feel the Mana in the air Kiddos...in the beginning it sorta feels like you just lost a sneeze and you're trying to find it again" She described, before she tilted her head and hummed "Does that makes sense?"
"Wait there's Mana in the air here?" Alex voiced outloud, Alexa on thee other hand snorted and spoke into his mind "Called it~" "No you did not-"
Roxy nodded with a curved smiled on her smile "Oh my, you really have lost you're memories if you both don't know that" she said clicking her tounge as she shook her head "Tsk tsk tsk- we can't have uneducated servants! How would that make us look like"
Roxy gave them a parental pat on their heads, ruffling their hair "Don't worry little ones~ all three of us will teach you all that is needed for you to know~"
Alex and Alexa very much liked the little headpats and nodded to Roxy. Whilst they conversed in their heads
"well it seems like we have a lot to learn brother" "Indeed we do sister" "Well atleast what will learn is going to be fun and exciting! Plus the ones teaching us are hot as fuck" Alexa pervertedly thought as a lewd smile formed on her face, And Alex just gave her a blank look "I think the myth of girls being more hornier then guys is true with you"
"Hey I didn't agree to this!" Felicia stated as she clapped her hands unto table but was then silenced by Roxy... Literally, as strings of blood were sewn unto her mouth closing it shut.
"What about you garnet? Are you interested in teaching again?" Roxy asked the black women casually as Felicia in the background was trying to open her mouth again
Garnet, casually slurping on some noodles gave a thumbs up. Speaking with her mouth full she said "I won't be able to teach them much about...literally stuff, but I can train them in combat"
Roxy clapped her hands "Wonderful! And I can teach them about Magic and Felicia can take care of their educational needs~" Felicia hearing that started to shake her head, but one look at Roxy's eyes made her slump down and give up...also giving her a shaky thumbs up.
Alex and Alexa looked at eachother for a moment before they turned and bowed
"We shall be in your care Mistresses"
"We shall be in your care Mistresses"
"Nah~ I think you're fine where you are" She sent a message back to him. Roxy, seeing Alexa smirking at Alex's visible struggle in breathing, let go of Alex and firmly wrapped her arms around Alexa
Giving her the same suffocating pleasure of being in between the two peaks. "And thank you too~"
"GAHHHH HELP I ALSO CANT BREATH IN HEAVEN----" Alexa sent a panicked message to Alex who had his hands on his knees as he took in deep breaths- "f*ck YOU" was his reply before she promptly shot back "YOU ALREADY DID GAHHH I NEED AIR"
good way to die
Ayyyyyy your alive!!!
but i have a question isn't the party 1 male and 2 girls before?
Nope, all girls.
Your aliveeeeeee. Anyways
"Brother, do you think my breasts will grew* to be like hers?"
you really have lost you're* memories if you both don't know (?) that
(?): you can maybe add 'even' there, seems more "dramatic"
Roxy asked the black women* casually as Felicia in the background was trying to open her mouth again
I won't be able to teach them much about...literally* stuff,
Thanks my man! I'll edit that as soon as I start to write the new chapter!
@WinzumZimZam Np.
Btw, how are things over there on your end? If you don't mind me asking, cuz I was starting to get alex&alexa degeneracy starved haha...
I mean that mostly as a joke
or do I
@Ambly Fine and dandy! Well as good as I could make it, Christmas break is up but only until Jan 2 (pretty f*cking short ik) but I'll try to get as much writing as I can here! And I'm glad that I managed to make you feel attached to my two characters
and mind if I can ask why you like them? :)
As a fellow degenerate that can be classified into the category of "extreme degeneracy", how could I not? If I had to give an example, it would be "you want PTSD, lost of all faith in humanity and a brain hemorrhage? Read my browser history."