"Tssss- owwww fuck" Alexa whimpered as she slowly sat on her chair, the painful sting of her ass torturing her relentlessly.
Alex barked out a laugh at her pain and aswell as giving her a smug ass smirk "Told ya that you would have a turn in the ass whooping" he snickered as he took the seat right next to her.
She punched him in his shoulder in return of his snark "Tangina mo..." She cursed him out aswell "Shut up and leave my probably bruised ass alone. That woman Garnet must really hate women, she kept hitting me on my ass!" She muttered out in complaint
" And right when we were about to start our first real lesson about magic-" she groaned out as she face planted on the library table "God this is going to be a long one, and I can't even stand for long since my legs are completely buckled out" her voice muffled
Alex placed a hand on the back of her head and comforted her by rubbing it "Really? First real lesson? What about the stuff we learned yesterday...and the day before that...and the day of the day before that?"
Alexa turned her head to the side, peaking at Alex with a blank expression "That was only the theoretical knowledge. Today we get to actually do them"
Alex just gave her a look signifying his...look, Anyway-
"Speaking of which, Where's our most attractive and beautiful teacher!" He suddenly spoke outloud in a over exaggerated tone of voice. Placing a hand under his chin "She is awfully late, and I darn sure do hope not she's in danger"
A soft melodious giggled echoed in the library as something soft landed on top of Alex's head...two of them mind you
"Awww shucks thank youuu~" Roxy purred out as if she didn't appear from out of nowhere. Wrapping her arms over his shoulder and placing her badonkadoonks in top of his head so causally "You don't look so bad yourself" she complimented back
"Ah there you are teacher!" Alex exclaimed with a massive smile on his face.
"What are we going to learn today if I may ask?"
Roxy hummed as she disengaged her massive weapons from the top of his head and walked over to the other side of the table
"Today we're going to learn about all the different kinds and types of magic anyone can do~" she said with some pep in her step.
"Haaa?" Alexa groaned once more "I thought we were going to do actual magic!" She sounded quite dissapointed. Alex also looked dissapointed but didn't say anything
Roxy just gave them a smile as she gave their heads a little pat "we'll get to that in the future my little munchkin's~ but today!" She suddenly waved her hand and parchment paper magically appeared in her hand.
"We'll have a little looksie on what type of magic you can use! But only after I give you a pretty short summary about every single types of magic!"
"Yayyyyy exposition dump"
"Yayyyyy exposition dump"
The two raised their first in the air at the same time and said it with all of their enthusiasm... not really they moved like a sloth
Seeing their levels of enthusiasm are dwindling she placed a hand on her very amazing hips and said "oh you guys are finally burning out- I told you that you should!"
And indeed it was infact true. All their motivation and will to learn everything slowly melted away, making them just want to sleep and eat right at this moment till something else catches their attention.
Placing a hand under chin as she thought for a moment 'how can I make them more motivated again...'
But then an idea popped in her mind, with snap of her finger the library turned dim. The windows that fed the room natural light had it's blinds closed not letting any light in.
"What in the-"
The two exclaimed in surprise at the sudden dissapearence of light.
Another snap could be heard as a glowing smoke cloud appeared in the darkness, said smoke cloud started to stretch up and around them forming a dome.
Now it looked like they were outside at night where the sky shone so bright with beautiful stars and constellations stretching as far as their little red eyes could see
"Have I gotten your attention now~"
They turned to face Roxy with astonishment "H-how did you do this" Alex managed to ask as Alexa was busy gawking at how beautiful the skies looked.
"It's a wonderful how a little illusion magic can make something so stellar no?" Roxy giggled at her little pun, satisfied with how this little show of power could make the kids so mesmerized.
And this was quite an amazing sight for the two. Sure they've been outside and saw the night sky, hell even looked through a telescope once and stargazed but...that was nothing compared to this
As teens from a modern world, this was a rare sight to see because of the amount of light and air pollution city's produced where they previously lived.
Something inside of them snapped as Alexa started to silently tear up, comparing this sight to their own worlds made them think about the family they left behind...
Alex although choked up, never spilled a tear as he countinued to stare into the sky.
Alex and Alexa muttered into the air.
Roxy immediately noticed the twos mood as she got worried "Oh- I'm sorry. Uh- did...this remind you of your parents?" She had to question.
Alex, wiping Alexa's tears away shook his head "Nothing...just felt nostalgic, if that's even the correct word"
Sniffling, Alexa cleared her throat "Let's just countinue with the lessons shall we? I think you've gotten our atten and motivation up and running~" she chuckled as she smiled...as if she didn't even cry
Roxy still concerned, decided to heed their wishes as she nodded "Okay then...let's start with the types of magic then"
She clapped her hands as the stars started to move, congregating into the middle of the sky as it formed an image.
Holy sh*t this cursed novel made the homepage again!
@WinzumZimZam rumor say if you write po*n on scribblehub, you will get on trending
@fenon i mean those are somewhat fun to read, and honestly some have better plot(not including the po*n plot those remain the same no matter what) than some normal novels i read
@WinzumZimZam come onnn, make some more chappy
@dahman1999 I think he liked edging us a bit too much