Chapter 23
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After their rather embarrassing showcase (In their minds-) of their vulnerability. Alexa managed to dry her tears while Alex didn't have to do anything at all, sat down on the cool grassy floor as they looked at the night sky.

"This is a really  convincing illusion Mistress Roxy- I could even feel the grass tickling my ass!" Alexa giggled as she picked at the floor, pulling out bits of grass that fades away since it was all an illusion.


"Did you really have to say that out loud-" Alex said after he gave her shoulder a rather light slap. She furrowed her eyes brows and rubbed the place she got hit "Sheesh, try wearing a maid outfit then KJ"

"That's not how you sit properly with a dress!" "LIKE YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT DRESSES" "BITCH IVE COSPLAYED BEFORE"


And keep in mind this happened all between a minute or two as Roxy watched the two 'siblings' fight one another on how you properly sit on the ground with a maid outfit.



Their argument has now started into an insult fest as the two shot vile words of vicious mockery to one another like they rolled a NAT 20 because RN-Jesus gave his blessings. And the DM has no idea who would win between the two.

Roxy started to sweat a bit from the sheer burn of their insults as she was a bit too scared to interrupt. And also because she found it a bit entertaining.

There was also a fact that even though the two of them were viciously attacking eachother with words that would make a pilgrim from the 1800's think they were summoning a demon. She sensed no real hatred and their words didn't actually mean anything.

She let out a laugh causing the two buckaroos to stop their match of sfw tounge fighting. "Alright alright, enough of the bickering. Let's countinue with our lesson about magic no?"

She said with a wholesome smile...well as wholesome as a mommy vampire could.

Alex flustered a bit as he scratched his head "Oh yeah forgot about that- sorry"

Roxy clapped her hands and the stars in the sky formed an image. It was of four large symbols each with it's unique design.

"These are the four elements of magic and existence, without them our world as we know it wouldn't exist" Roxy started off 

"Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water. All living beings have some sort of affinity with these elements, others more so then some." She demonstrated as she used the same spell back then, carrying he 'twins' into the air as a gentle breeze scooped them up from under their seats.

Much to their glee and enjoyment of being mid air, they gave her a nod of understanding as they paid attention..

She snapped her fingers and two other symbols were formed by stars "But, there are also two more elements...Light and Shadows. Most refer to it as the symbol of good and evil, but I prefer to think of it as a constant. Good cannot exist without Evil, And Evil without Good is impossible" 

"These elements can be used by all Races, although Races Of Umbra like me have a more easier time using Shadow"

Curious Alex raised his hand "Races of Umbra?" He questioned with a tilt of his head

Roxy smiled at his curiosity "Creatures Of The Dark, Children Of Nyx, yadda yadda yadda. We will talk about religion and beliefs  and other Races another time. But that is just the name most people use to refer to Vampires and the such..." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"I won't go into much detail about every single element, but I will give you an idea about it" 

Alex and Alexa looked at one another and spoke using their connection

"Aw man I was hoping for an exposition dump-" Alex said a tad bit dissapointed, while Alexa looked relieved "Well I wasn't- let's just ask her what they all mean one by one-" he shrugged and nodded at the same time

"Alright what does Fire mean?" Alexa started off first, causing the Fire Symbol in the sky to  get bigger after she said those words

Roxy then spoke in a wise tone of voice "Fire is the symbol of bravery, passion and determination. It is the embers of life that fuels all living beings. All of us have a fire inside, that if it were to be extinguished. Life would have no meaning or point to it" She cryptically said  as she summoned a and played with a ball of fire before she crushed it with fist.

The two watched with an excited expression as a little of their pyromanical part of them wanted to watch something else burn... Shaking out from his stupor he asked the next question

"What about Water?"

Roxy smiled as the Water Symbol in the sky got highlighted the same way the last one was. "Water is the symbol of hope, change and intelligence. One of the things that is required to have life, its  form ever-changing from one thing to another, solid to gas. It is everywhere"

"Hmmm...seems like this world also has a bit of science too it and not just runned by magic...that's fuckin amazing" Alexa thought as she started to think about all sorts of brand new inventions and ideas she could bring her from her original world too exploit- err I mean to HELP the people and inhabitants of the world yes?.

"Next up is wind-" Roxy stated, without even getting asked as she already knew what was next.

"Wind is the symbol of freedom, free will and perseverance. For it has the power to wear down stone if it is given enough time. It is the very thing that lets the birds rest while they glide through the sky searching for a new place to call home"

"And last but not the least...Earth, the symbol of stability, mindfulness and calm. It is and will be our final resting place when the sand of our hourglass have all fallen. But do not be afraid..."

"As the world will always find a way to make you useful again."

HIIIIYAAAA GUYS! HERES A NEW CHAPTER IN CELEBRATION OF THE END OF MY EXAMS AND FIR MY BOOK REACH 100K READERS! Be sure to follow my profile and leave tons of comments since I love interacting with you guys since I have nothing else to do! BAHHAHA