103. Late Night
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All four of us played together till midnight and finally stopped. Even Anna had stayed with us for the whole session. It was understandable though, the 50 man dungeon we were tackling was just so intense and fun if she had left midway we would be at a disadvantage. The bosses were really fierce.

After shutting down their laptops all of them looked at me as if waiting for further instructions. They were weird like that, even though I was the youngest here.

Jake – I would love to fool around but I have a dojo early tomorrow... We can talk for a while though..

Anna – Of course.. We understand. You had that youthful program today too right..?

Jake – Yeah..

Abbey – Did you.. Uhm..?

Jake – What..?

Sara – Did you go through with this one..?

Jake – Oh yeah.. Actually I lost control and fucked her so hard I feel guilty ever since...

Anna – Woah ! So you really do just fuck them huh..?

Jake – Yeah, if I like them enough and they are willing..

Abbey – Willing..? Who wouldn’t be willing for sex..?

Jake – We think everyone is down for it but it’s not really like that.. Many girls I talked to are still just kids and don’t really understand what being pregnant means.. Emotionally of course.. Some have dreams and ambitions that they want to achieve themselves..

Sara – They tell you all of this..?

Jake – I am good at reading people.. They don’t have to say it.. I just understand what they want..

Anna – So this one wanted you to fuck her..?

Jake – Oh yeah..

Sara – Did you cum in her..?

Jake – Yupp, but she won’t get pregnant.

Abbey – Why..?

Jake – She was half-male..

Anna, Sara & Abbey – What !!?

Sara – You did.. She revealed it to you..?

Abbey – You really go for half-males huh..?

Anna – I always thought you were just being nice..

Jake – I am not that good a person guys.. If I don’t like something I say it loud and clear... Like I don’t touch half-male dick but their pussy and asshole is open business...

Abbey – That’s understandable.. You see us as woman..

Jake – Yes.. And no she didn’t say it I just made her lick my dick and she got so turned on I asked her she wanted to be fucked then she revealed it but I ignored it and fucked her senseless...

Sara – Wow ! That is so romantic a story..

The other two also nodded.

Jake – Is it really..? I fucked her through screams and all.. You know.. Without even caring about her at all?

Abbey – And she will cherish that memory for the rest of her life...

Anna – That’s exactly what most woman who don’t know what real sex is wants Jake...

Sara – Yeah.. We all wanted that before you taught us how sweet and comfortable intimacy could be...

Jake – Still it just feels like I made her worldview more distorted you know... Without another half male no one else be able to replicate what I did to her...

Abbey – She is half-male Jake, at best she can get is another half-male her age.. If she goes with a woman she would never experience how it feels to be a woman anyway.. She would be expected to take on the role of a male...

Anna – Yeah.. Don’t worry about it..

I just nodded. There was point in what they were saying but it just sounded so sad. I wish I could do more than just fuck few of them and change their thoughts... Maybe I could be an important figure if I revealed my identity but I was just a kid now. It would be more effective if I did it after I turn at least 15.

I just smiled at all of them and opened my arms, all three rushed at me and we hugged for a minute. It was pretty nice.

Abbey – Can we at least sleep with you..? Your bed is big enough...

Jake – Sure...

And so we snuggled into my bed with me in the middle on my right side Sara hugging me and from left side Abbey hugging me. Anna continuing her cool older sister persona was behind Abbey hugging her lover's flat ass instead.

Jake – You guys know.. I like to sleep in my underwear..

Abbey – Woah...! For real..?

Sara – Yes, I have seen him do it.

Anna – You slept with him for a whole night..?

Sara – Yes, it was so much fun. Though I could not fall asleep at all for the whole night and kept opening my eyes to see his cute face sleeping peacefully...

Jake – Creep much..?

And we all laughed. It was nice to be surrounded by so many beauties at once. I didn’t even care if anyone saw us or not. They would just think it was cute that they were sleeping with me.

Jake – Come on now.. Nothing but undergarments..

Anna – You want us to sleep naked too..?

Jake – My bed.. my rules...

Abbey – Okay, master..

Jake – Hey.. That was nice.. Did you watch anime or something..?

Abbey – I have recently discovered this hidden gem of a genre in porn called reverse domination... When I first saw it I was like ‘Yeah, that’s exactly what Jake is like’..

Sara – Ohh.. oh.. I have seen that too.. It was so hot...

Anna – I liked the parts when guys forcefully make them lick their behind...

Abbey – I love that too...

Jake – You guys are weird.. You know that..?

Abbey – Hey ! We are opening up here..

Sara – I have never talked about porn with anyone... It feels weird..

Anna – Not even on the internet..?

Sara – I was just never interested in females so it felt pointless...

Abbey – That is true...

While talking all of them removed their shorts and tshirts and were standing in just underwear and nothing else. They were really too lazy to put up even a bra. Wasn’t Sara and Anna the shy ones..? Were did that cute shyness go..? These chicks have become real sluts.

Abbey – Happy now..?

Saying all three of them got up on the bed and reclaimed their positions. I had also removed my tshirt and shorts and was in my underwear. However the underwear was rising up and up with each second.

Sara – Oh my ! What is going on here..?

Abbey – Who was the one who said he was too tired for sex..?

Jake – I didn’t say I was tired.. I said I had to wake up early...

Anna – Don’t worry.. I will wake you up..

Abbey – Yeah, you can count on her. She wakes up crazy early in the morning to study everyday...

Jake – You really love studying huh..?

Anna – I just want to be a doctor as soon as possible..

Sara – Why..?

Abbey – I think she just wants to touch other women...

Anna – I do not !! I just want to be ready if any of my loved ones ever need me...

Sara – Aww.. That is so sweet...

They were talking such nice things while two of them had already settled their paws on my hard dick inside my underwear and were already massaging it as if it was their favorite candy in the world. The scene felt really wrong.

Before they could go crazy on my dick I extended my left hand to Anna, she looked at me for a second then grabbed it and stood up on the bed. Without exchanging any words at all she settled her two legs around my head and slowly squatted down with her black underwear on. And soon enough I was under her velvety underwear that had her sexy pussy smell into it. The other two took it as a sign and got my dick out and attacked it like hungry wolves. Chomping down on it with their rosy lips and cute tongues, Licking and worshipping like it was the weapon of god himself.

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