The surgery was a success, there were few complications but it all worked out. However the doc has recommended strict bedrest for a week at least, can't use any screens in that time since it's an eye thing. I will upload from 10 oct, but I will reduce my rate of upload to half, I don't wanna put my parents through that ever again. I will reduce the price of each patreon tier to half to reflect the changes too, I will update today and the new prices will be effective a month from now.
Thank you all cuties who wished me luck.. :)
Happy to hear about everything going well. I hope your recovery time is a swift and pain free as possible.
Glad you are okay, rest up?
Get better, dude. Rest well and may godspeed on your recovery.
I hope the author has an excellent recovery!
Good recovery!
Wishing the best for ye.