Chapter 98: A Bold Front
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A company that can have offices and staff in every single town around every single city where there were carriages without arising any suspicion whatsoever. 

That was the power of the Glorenstein Carriage Union. With these facts, it was perfect for a front of a revolutionary organization that planned to change everything about this world.

Information, activities, one could get through everything as long as they had people who could move without arousing suspicion.

"So, did you guys use that thing?" I asked as I swayed in my chair. The two girls in the room had taken a seat as well while Anthony stood in front of my desk. He was too large to fit in any chair.

"We did," Rena answered. "You have quite the magic tool. As you guessed, there were many hearing devices."

I laughed at her words.

"As expected."

"Hey, hey, aren't you being too carefree about this big bro?" Anthony said. It was quite something to be called Big Bro by a guy who looked like he actually ate planes for breakfast when he was a toddler instead of make-believe ones.

"He is right," added Shirley. "I think you owe us an explanation. Why would they let you have a building like this in the first place? And why in the world would they wiretap you?"

I continued laughing. It was not my fault, today was a fairly happy day for me. I had been looking forward to this from the moment the war ended. Even though I had to complete a lot of tasks back at the border, this was the true beginning of the change that I wished to see.

"You see, they sold me this place because they trusted me." I answered. "And they wiretapped it because they do not trust me."

"Heh?" Shirley asked. "To be fair, I wouldn't trust a person like you either."

She seemed to be seeing something else. Shirley shivered slightly, perhaps she was recalling the Behemoth battle. That sure did a number on me.

"Rude?" I asked. "Anyway, here's the deal."

The reason they let me buy this place was simple. It was because I needed it. Gladwin was right next to me when I was in the hospital and had cooked up the idea of the Glorenstein Carriage Union.

This building where Mrs. Frock used to be was too dangerous to sell to anyone who was unverified. If someone found the secret laboratory she had made it would come with its own set of complications. 

Gladwin could have used it for his own tasks, but the academy had just gone through a giant 'renovation' and he had enough 'offices' for anything that he could want to do.


His only option so far seemed to be letting this building rust by leaving it locked. That's when I asked for it. 

For Gladwin, it was killing two birds with one stone.

He was making sure that this place could be used well enough for him. In good hands, he didn't have to worry about the laboratory that Mrs. Frock had left. 

On the other hand, there was another reason why it was best that 'I' found a place to use like this. In a secretive manner.

It was simply because the Empire did not trust me.

"The empire, or rather, the higher ups." It was really just the Emperor, but the others were fairly suspicious of me too. "They all have beef to pick with me."

"They do?" Shirley asked. She was the only person in all of Glorenstein who did not just know my strength but also my goals. It was fine to say things to her.

"That's right. You do know the current state of the academy, right?"

Rena answered instead of Shirley. "It's a hostage situation. They have kept all the scions of the next leaders under observation and are using them to make sure no one steps out of line. It's a win-win for everyone, though the biggest victory is with the Empire."

"That is right. But there's one more person other than just the students they are looking to observe."

When I had sneaked into Gladwin's office during the investigation of the Mundus incident. I had discovered dozens of detailed reports about my own actions.

"They are also watching me."

Rena and Anthony gulped at my words.

"Big bro, are you some giant criminal?"

"Why would the Empire watch the second of the Kalenice Family?" Rena continued. "The Kalenice have been the blade of the Bezark since the beginning of the Empire's history."

We have? I didn't remember that. I had never really been interested in my family's history.

Before I could answer, though, Shirley stepped into the conversation.

"The reason is simple. Do you remember the rumors floating around about two years ago?" 

Shirley's words made Anthony squint.

"Which?" He whispered to Rena.

"About... the guide of the Hero party? I remember that many retiring and decomissioned soldiers mentioned a man who had been guiding the Hero Party through the demonic lands."

With a smirk, Shirley stretched both her hands as if presenting me.

I bowed playfully.

"That's me right here. Mr. Ethan Kalenice. The person who had been guiding the Hero Party and also the only person who has lived in the Demonic Lands for three years straight."

The other two's jaws dropped to the ground.


I guess it was time to tell people about my past.

I was not going to divulge everything. Not even about making demons and humans unite.

Not yet.

But at least... I could make a start. That was enough to make a change.


The meeting with the three ended at almost the same time as the event. The others left first while I stayed back to talk with Jackie and some of the Carriage Drivers. Anthony, Rena, and the other members of Shirley’s resistance group whom I had rescued were all going to work here.

It was enough to give them an identity. Small-time merchants, captured by Mrs. Frock because they did not have anything to their name, and now working here in Glorenstein on my recommendation as a way to repay the debt for saving them.

After finally finishing it all, I made my way back to the academy. 

My gaze went up to the stars. I pushed one hand in my coat’s pocket and swayed the other around.

The wire-tapping… I couldn’t use magic, so it was impossible for me to detect any wire-tapping. The empire was of the same thought, but still used fairly high-grade wires.

Thankfully, my friends had given me quite a few things. The magic-blocker stone that I had lent Shirley and team was one of those things.

My body was a magic-blocker thanks to the abundant mana I had which could make even some demons dizzy. 

There was another reason why I had taken this place. While Gladwin trusted me and wouldn’t care for much of its usage, eventually, my plans and my actions would come to the surface.

At that time, if the Emperor thinks he has an ear on me, then it would be of great advantage.

My eyes narrowed. 

Field trip, huh?

It was annoying, but I absolutely had to go to that place.

I reached the entrance of the academy and greeted the guards before heading to the Black Rose.

A revolutionary. That word suited me…

Right as I was close to the Black Rose, I noticed a student sitting on a bench near the flowers with his head held low. It was one of the few well rounded kids in the class.

“Student Zacka!” I called out to the dwarf with a soft smile.

Zacka turned my way. He suddenly shot to his feet and wiped his face before bowing lightly.

Well, I guess I was a professor first. This was a bit more important than the other things for me.