85-True Noble
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Chapter 85

Kali's pov

"Yeah, I am that too." I told her calmly, hoping that she just has a bad experience with Nobles and does not hate me for being a Noble, since I like her and don't want her to hate me for such a reason.

This time a unique aura came from me, just as subtle as the Noble Aura and it works the same as it too, only instead of my Noble Rank it shows my status as Heroine of Sydocia.

'That is useful, I knew about the Noble Aura, but I did not know that Heroine of Sydocia also has it.' 

"I am sorry for thinking bad about you, I did not know you are a True Noble." Yennifer apologized to me and it made me feel a little better even though I have no idea what True Noble means.

"I forgive you."I told her, accepting her apology, and decided to ask,"But what is a True Noble?"

Yennifer looked into my eyes, and answered me,"A Noble that has a Noble Rank with the System instead of a Noble Rank from any other way than the System."

"So not all Nobles gained their nobility from the System." I stated in surprise. My Noble Rank gives me several useful advantages, including claiming a area which only other Nobles can contest, Nobles from the System can, at least.

"Correct, almost all Nobles gained their nobility from royalty for doing something for them, or paying them enough money." Yennifer answered my unspoken question, and then she told us how the Nobles act in Lorenta, the city she came from.

The royal family would give Noble titles to merchants that pay enough gold, or to people that would benefit them. The nobility is nothing but a group of scum, in her words, and there is almost no difference from them and the criminal guilds that run the slums. The only thing that is different is the need for secrecy, Nobles don't need it and criminal guilds do.

Yennifer was protected by her mother, but if she was not, she would most likely already be kidnapped and raped by one of her Noble classmates, since there are countless stories about that happening and the Nobles that do those things don't even try to hide it since there is no need to do so. The King and Queen has been quiet for years and have not done anything to stop them so the Noble families basically run the city at this point.

"The Nobles run the city and previously, they focused on doing things in the city and they almost never pushed the {Corrupted} that have invaded Sydocia and instead, they have been ignoring any talk about it. They only focus on indulging in their lust and greed." Yennifer concluded.

She continued,"But, lately they have finally focused on the {Corrupted}, but not with good intentions or anything like that, pure greed drives them to kill them since it increases their levels, which is hard for Tier-2 and Tier-3, and for the Lyr Points that they can use to buy rare things."

After she said all of that, we took her time to think about it before Nina said,"Korin told me a little about that, but he did not say that it is so bad."

"Korin?!" Yennifer exclaimed. "Do you mean the God of Wisdom, Korin?"

"Yes, we can talk using a Skill that I have, but he is very busy so we only sometimes talk." Nina said as casual as possible, like it is normal to talk to Gods, and I knew she was only doing it to mess with Yennifer, her smile betrayed her.

Yennifer got quiet, and we all let her digest everything. It took her a while before she spoke again,"Okay, so yeah, Nobles are bad in Lorenta."

My face twitches at that trying to hold back a chuckle at her glossing over that Nina talks to Gods. 

"So, that is why you reacted so badly when you found out that Kali was a Noble." Annika calmly states, but I could hear a slight edge in it to.

Yennifer nodded. "Yes, every Noble I met were disgusting and extremely vile. I reacted instinctual to Kali when I found out she was a Noble. Again, I am sorry."

"I can understand now that you explained it, but it is late and I am tired after talking so much." I yawned, feeling tired after being awake for so long and talking for hours.

Annika and Nina looked at each other and had a mental conversation, something weird that couples can do, but I can't for some reason.

"We are still not tired, so we will stay awake." Nina said for both of them.

I nodded at them, and turned to Yennifer,"You tired?" 

"Yeah, honestly, I am exhausted." She yawned, and I took her to the bed which still has Draka on it.

Yennifer also noticed Draka and asked me,"She another one of your girlfriends?"

"Nope, that is Draka, a friend which we saved from the {Miasma}." I told her and crawled on the bed. Feeling the soft fur made me sleepy, I burrowed my face in it and stretched my body comfortably with a pleased sigh.

Yennifer also joined me, when she let out a soft moan from feeling the soft fur. "What fur is this? It is even better than the fur that my Mom gained from a hunter friend of hers and that was from a Tier-2 Gold Wolf, which is famous for its soft fur."

"Brola Bear Cub." I told her with a sleepy voice, smelling the fur, I started to get wet since it smelled faintly of sex.

"Never heard about that before." Yennifer said and laid down next to me. 

We both started to drift off, but before I was totally gone, I felt something push me to do something, and I was too tired to fight the impulse.

I pulled Yennifer against me, buried my face in her neck and took a deep breath.

'Ah, Goddess, yes.' I sighed in pure contentment, something I have never felt before. Something primal inside me felt content like this, and I don't know why.

But I did not care, I was happy.



Annika's pov

Nina and I just discussed what we learned from Yennifer, and were about to do our own things again, but we noticed something.

Looking at Kali and Yennifer, I can see them in a deep embrace with happy smiles on their faces.

"They are so cute." Nina stated next to me with a giggle, obviously enjoying the view and I have to agree with her, they are cute like this.

Turning away from the bed, I told Nina,"I am going back to work."

With a kiss, I left Nina to her own thing. I still have a massive amount to do, luckily I didn't need to learn to move in this taller body. I instinctually knew how to move, and I have not been bumping into things like I expected with this bigger body.

'Kali was right, Evolution does not just change your body.' I thought, remembering that Kali also noticed this with her own body, specifically, her Asera form which has bigger breasts and butt than her Human form.

Entering the smithing room, I walked towards the work table. There is a half finished couch on it, which I am creating right now.

The main room of our home is too flat and empty, so I want to create some things to add to it, and change things up. 

In my mind, the main room is a place to relax, and I want several paths deeper into the cave, which has different rooms for different things to do, like this smithing room. A room for sleeping, a room for leather working which Kali can use, a library, and so much more. Almost like a mansion inside the cave.

So many things to do, but not enough time to do them.

Several furnishes were already complete by me and I put them on the other side of the room, but I need to ask Kali to finish them since they need some padding and fabric, which she is better at than me and she can hunt them much faster than me.

Finishing the last couch, I put it with the rest and moved towards the smelter again.

My [Smithing] is still just at level 1 after Draka helped me get the Skill, but I did not have time yet to focus on it since I wanted to finish the couches first so that Kali can start on it.

"Draka is so nice." I mutter seeing all those finished ingots that she created for me. She told me that she wanted to help me with the Skill, so she already made the ingots, so I could start on making things with them. Nina also told me about the conversation she had with Draka and her decision to let me choose first so that I can do what I enjoy while she takes something else.

Of course, I have no interest in letting that happen.