The Last Act – Part 010
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“Tim, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be dead or at the very least, not here?” I asked from my mind yet, also an unknown amount of mouths.

“It is true that you freed me from my job as Time god but it’s not like I have to go anywhere yet. I can pick a world in any dimension to go to whether it is earth or not. So long as it is habitable I can live out a fairly normal life.” Tim replied with a somewhat relieved tone.

“Why exactly do you still look like you do? I was turned into this monstrosity.” I asked.

“It’s how you are perceived. So many people have different views on what you look like that you cannot take a single form. When I made you a Lord of Time you gave me shape based on how you subconsciously imagined me and my brother. In the same way, I am about to give you shape.” she explained as I started to take the form of my human self. It was me, trenchcoat and all.

“So what now?” I asked.

“Well, that’s up to you. There is an infinite number of worlds that you can explore and alter to your whim. None of which are limited to the hands of destiny as you were before.” Tim said as if she was offering me some devilish scheme.

“Wait, does that mean that there are worlds where everyone survived the incident with Merlin?” I asked desperately.

“Probably not. However, if you so decided to change that then you could. I can’t say that it will be easy though. It may take you failing in hundreds of worlds just to save one of them. Fate has never been a kind mistress to time. You should know that by now.” Tim warned as she looked like she was playing connect the dots with some of the stars around us.

“I understand. Even if it takes me an eternity, I will save them all.” I said with a determined look.

“That’s fine with me. I might as well wait with you here with you until you create your utopia. It sounds rather interesting to watch. Plus, I doubt many of the other worlds would be any better.” Tim said in a way that sounded like she wanted a reason to stay here.

“I’m glad. It would be quite boring all by myself.” I said before looking for the first world for me to attempt to change.

Just like the world before it, I watched as an invisible spectator while this world’s version of me sat on a park bench in Warwick. From the pendant, everyone appeared. As if I was watching a playback everyone went off to fulfill their roles. What was strange though was that the conversations were slightly different from what I remembered.

What was throwing me off was that not only was watching myself but also Merlin and nearly every other thing living on this earth all at once. The feeling itself was so offputting that I had a hard time comprehending it all. So many sounds, lights, and experiences all at once. It was like I was tripping on acid a thousand times over.

“I see that you are experiencing the world as we have. If you focus on one point then you should be able to block out the other stuff. However, you’ll still know everything else that is happening.” Tim said, giving a helpful tip.

“How is this possible?” I asked.

“You aren’t human anymore. Thus, you no longer have the limitations of the human mind. Humans try and rationalize beings like yourself by limiting them to humans standards. However, you are no longer bound to such limitations. You no longer have any reason to justify yourselves to humans as you aren’t human. Why does a nearly omnipotent being as you have become have to live by the standards of those with such limitations? The answer is that there has never been a reason to so try and expand yourself a bit.” Tim explained.

“I see.” I said before returning to watching this world’s version of myself. How exactly was I supposed to change this? What would have an impact on everyone’s lives? That’s when it hit me.

“Tim, is it possible for me to interact physically with this world?” I asked.

“Of course. However, it is difficult to do without ripping the world apart. I’ve done t a few times though so I would give it a try. If you do rip this world apart there are an infinite number of others to use.” Tim said.

The thought of doing such a thing worried me. I may not be human anymore but my morals haven’t changed. I don’t want to be like Merlin, even by accident. However, I still needed to try, or else I would never know. What exactly would happen if I just killed Merlin? Could I just reach down and squash him like a bug? Perhaps.

Reaching down through the sky I watched as Merlin and Director Langston looked up in horror to see a giant hand reaching down from the sky above. Several hundred blades shot out of the ground at me but all they did was shatter like glass on impact. The size of my hand made it impossible for them to avoid it as I slapped them like a pesky mosquito. However, I didn’t account for what would happen if I produced that amount of force. The ground cracked as I slapped the earth like I was dribbling an oversized ball and everyone on the planet was soon dead.

“Well… Fuck.” I said, knowing that was bad. Tim watched with wide eyes as she sucked in some nonexistent air between her teeth in a sign of disapproval.

“I know what I just said about not being human and all but what the hell?” Tim asked with a judgemental look.