The last Act – Part 012
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“Now, back to the task at hand.” Merlin said to himself as he walked over to the center of the ritual site. Cutting a part of his arm he chanted the phrase as I had seen him do before and rather than Tim appearing before him, I did. The surprise on his face wasn’t worth all this but it did help me feel a bit better.

“I just killed you! How are you there?” he asked in shock.

“Simple. I am the new Time god. Which means I can do as I please.” I replied with a chuckle.

“Please, just let me have this? We can use the power of everyone on earth to bring back everyone you love as well.” Merlin pleaded as he fell to his knees.

“Nah!” I said with a snap of my fingers. Before he could do anything his body turned to ash and although he was strong enough to use as a way to bring back a few of my friends. There wasn’t enough power to bring them all back. Instead, I stored up the power in hopes that I could use it later. Returning to my world of stars, I thought about my next step.

“So, that went well.” Tim said enthusiastically.

“Why are you so happy? Everyone still died.” I said, feeling a bit annoyed with the fact that she found it funny that they died.

“Don’t you remember? The pendant was connected to Iscarat’s house so they still have a way to escape.” she said.

“How did I forget about that? Though what am I supposed to do? My human self died.” I replied.

“Just go there yourself as your human self. He died and is technically still you.” Tim explained proudly.

“Wait, how exactly do I do that? The last time I did that I slapped the earth to death.” I asked. Tim realized I had a good point and began thinking back to any time that she had turned into a human form so that she could walk the earth.

“There is one possible way. You could try doing what you did when you would want to return back from this place to the earth. However, I haven’t tried doing it myself in so long that I can’t remember.” Tim said.

“I’ll give it a try. Though if the world gets destroyed after I’ve successfully saved everyone then I’m gonna be pissed.” I said threateningly.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to see that.” she replied.

Focusing on the apartment building that secretly opened to Iscarat’s house I let out a sigh despite there not being any air. The feeling and smells that came with the old wood floorboards filled my mind. Even the smell of the family's dinner beyond the secret door wafted into my mind. Opening my eyes I realized that I was actually in the hallway connected to the secret doorway.

Placing my old key into the keyhole and giving it a turn I could feel the doors nature shift. Giving it several loud knocks I heard nothing from the other side. I continued to knock on the door until it started sounding like I was trying to force myself in. Nothing answered. Out of sheer will and desperation, I used my power as time god to open all the locks that I remembered there being. Finally opening the door… wait, I forgot about the chain. Though I gave it a quick tap and it shattered.

Inside I found the single bedroom of Iscarat as it was before. There were two hallways connected to the room which led to various parts of his labyrinth of a house. Walking in until I came to the doorway that led to the pendant. I hesitated to open it. If I did and there was nothing beyond it then what would I do next? I don’t want to lose them again. Even if they are from a different earth. Even if there are millions of them to replace their existence, I don’t want to see them die again when I could have stopped it.

Pushing the door open I saw a sight that I could only describe as wonderful. They were all alive. Medea and Elysif were arguing over something while Rebeccah played with Lily. Scott laid in bed asleep still with Silva and Compton talking about what they were gonna do when he woke up. Even though it wasn’t complete I couldn’t help but feel weak in the knees. Collapsing to the floor I began crying tears of joy. My sudden entrance and dramatic tears made all but Scott because he was asleep come over to me to make sure I was okay. I was… I was most definitely okay now.