The last Act – Part 014
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“What exactly is he helping you out with?” Tim asked as she gave me a death glare.

Oh god, she is really scary! Wait, I’m a time god. How could I forget? Before I could answer the question that would seal my fate had I been a mortal I disappeared and reappeared outside the apartment a few minutes later. Both Elysif and Scott were both standing outside the apartment as if they were waiting for me.

“You have to stop doing that. It’s getting quite annoying.” Elysif said as she started heading towards Iscarat’s.

“I’m sorry. Though what do you expect me to do? Between the three of you, I’m getting thrown around like crazy.” I asked.

“I don’t really care but could you stop letting my mother act like your some kind of pet? That’s what really annoys me.” Elysif replied.

“Yeah, I just felt bad for leaving her alone for thirteen hundred years so I didn’t see much harm in letting her have her way for a bit.” I said. Elysif didn’t reply to this, she just kept walking.

“Sounds like you’re digging your own grave.” Scott said to me in a hushed tone.

“You think?” I replied sarcastically.

“Yeah, you have no clue how to make all of them happy so you just end up pissing them all off. Just pick one of them and let the others go.” Scott said.

“It’s not like I can pick any of them though. Medea is like a daughter to me despite being way older. Tim is just hanging around for no reason other than to annoy me and because she finds it interesting. Plus, she doesn’t look anywhere near legal. Then you have Elysif, who is the only one who I could see as a lover but she is Medea’s daughter. Which makes her similar to my granddaughter. Do you see how screwed up this whole thing is?” I explained.

“I can’t possibly relate but Silva will probably understand. Like I said before, she’s going through something similar with Compton and her mother.” Scott said.

“Yeah, I doubt it. Though it does help that our memories are connected.” I said with a slight chuckle.

After we arrived at Iscarat’s old place we found Silva crying as she filled out a large pile of paperwork. Beside her was a half-empty bottle of rum that I would have thought was Scott’s. Though as we walked over to ask what was wrong she picked up the bottle and gulped down some more of it before returning to the paperwork. It seemed that the Agency was dealing with a lot of issues due to Merlin’s action against humanity. Thus, many world leaders that somehow found out about the situation were asking a lot of questions. Silva just happened to be the one Mordred chose to answer all of them.

“I hate politics!” Silva yelled before slamming her face against the desk in a drunken depression.

“I should probably take over for her. She’s been working on those since dawn due to the outrageous deadline Mordred gave her. That’s actually why I needed your help sorting through Iscarat’s stuff. We’re a little too busy with paperwork right now to actually sort through it.” Scott said before he picked Silva up in a princess carry and took her to bed.

Both Elysif and I watched the woman who was now technically younger than Scott being carried off with a drunken look of happiness on her face. As soon as they had left we walked over to Iscarat’s old library and began sorting through the stacks of books that weren’t shelved due to there not being any more bookshelves. Most of them were on magic theory and explaining the laws of various sciences but every so often we would come across smut. Which would promptly be thrown into a pile to be burned.

After several hours of sorting, we had finally completed the room. Though there were another three libraries that needed to be sorted through. It would take us days to sort through it all. After we were done with the one library though, we all left to go get some dinner. However, we remembered that the several hours we spent in Iscarat’s old house equaled to a day or two in normal time. At this point though, time wasn’t something I bothered with. Other than keeping it flowing, I had no other jobs.

Since it had been a day since we left Elysif and I picked up Medea, Rebeccah, Tim, and Lily before heading to Monty’s bar. He sat us down with a welcoming smile at a large table that he had started reserving just for us. At this point, we were considered a part of the bar itself by Monty. Even when we didn’t know what we wanted he would bring us something we liked. Unlike our normal days though, Mordred and Compton showed up as well. It seemed that they were dodging work just as much as Silva.

As all of us ate I couldn’t help but feel satisfied with everything. There were no murderers running around nor vendettas to be dealt with. It was just us eating and enjoying each other’s company. This was no doubt the happiest time of my life. Even with all the shit that we were dealing with. At the very least, we were all together. That in itself was a blessing.

“I would like to say that I am thankful for everyone here and despite all that’s happened, I am happy that we are still together.” I said as I raised my glass. The others raised theirs in celebration only for everything to freeze. It was odd though. I didn’t stop time. Yet, everything was frozen. Looking all around I saw that there wasn’t a single person moving.

Looking all around I saw a lone person sitting at the bar swirling around a short glass of gin. The person in question was wearing a fancy black suit with a single white snowdrop flower sticking out of his breast pocket. White hair flowed down just above his shoulders underneath a black dress hat which made the person seem like a contradiction of colors.

“Who are you?” I asked. The person turned around to reveal that their eyes shoed the entire universe.

“I am Raguel, god of Fate. I think it’s about time we talked, god of time.” he said before giving me a sinister smile.