It has been only a few days since Akisu began to regularly meet Miku. However, their recent conversation and closeness gave him the courage to contact her on his initiative every night. Although their chat didn't last long, given his shyness to talk to her even on the phone, the distance between them had shrunk.
However, despite how much their relationship developed, asking a girl to meet so late at night was still a little too much!
He just committed a blunder which can possibly ruin their relationship.
[Ah...if you are uncomfortable then please don't mind it.]
He couldn't remember when he typed a text so swiftly before.
The longer it took for her to send a response, the more his heart grew heavier.
Suddenly, she began typing, making him grow anxious.
Akisu held the phone tightly in his hand with his eyes constantly plastered on the screen. However, down his head, he has already lost his strength.
The stress was so fucking real!
After seven long seconds, a message finally flashed on the screen,
*Blink* *Blink*
Akisu couldn't believe his eyes. He blinked twice and thrice but despite how much his inner self was shouting that it was a dream, Akisu knew that he didn't read the wrong thing.
He rummaged through his mind, trying to figure out where they could meet. He doesn't know where she lives, but fortunately, she wasn't living far away from the gym, so he suggested
[The family restaurant near the gym? It shall still be open.]
This time the response was quick,
[Okay! Give me fifteen minutes.]
Akisu stared at the screen dumbly, imagining what might be her expression when she wrote that. However, he suddenly realised that he was in his pyjamas and to meet Miku, this was far from the correct get-up.
Exactly fourteen minutes after he received the message, Akisu reached the eatery while panting heavily. He didn't wear anything exaggerating; rather, he chose jeans and a plain white T-shirt with sneakers.
He didn't want to make her uncomfortable by wearing something fancy in a family restaurant for a casual visit.
"Ah...shoot..." He suddenly remembered that he didn't spray deodorant and now he was reeking of sweat.
However, it was too late to worry about that, as he heard,
"Good evening, Aki-kun!" Suddenly, someone crashed onto him from the side, but the person was so light that he didn't move even a bit and allowed her to hug him.
Ah, she smells sweet.
"Miku-san, I...." His tongue got tied seeing her current appearance.
Denim shorts adorned her lower half, exposing her long legs and creamy thighs. A full-sleeved black shirt gave a very elegant appeal to the girl. And those pigtails...God, talk about the perfect recipe to murder by looks.
"Hehe~do I look pretty?" She extended her hands after stepping back and asked with a slight blush on her cheeks.
Akisu has gained enough confidence these days, that he didn't shy away from complimenting her, "Yes...you look cute."
She giggled, "Thanks...I chose this outfit for you. I know you like to look at my legs."
...now this was becoming a little too much. He cannot endure if she says things like this!
A blush bloomed on Akisu's face as he hurriedly asked, "L-Let's go inside?"
Miku smiled mischievously but she didn't tease him anymore and said, "Okay."
Stepping inside, Akisu crashed into someone, "Ah, sorry."
"No it's-huh?" Suddenly, the other person halted to look at Akisu, urging the latter to do the same.
"Fatty?" The tall guy was Akisu's classmate.
Akisu inwardly clicked his tongue. Out of all people, this bastard has to come across him?
"Natsuko-kun." Akisu slowly muttered, wanting to just enter the place and end this conversation.
However, "Hey, who is that hot chick? Your sister?" Natsuko suddenly draped his hand on Akisu's shoulder and whispered those words which were clearly intended for Miku.
Akisu felt irritated, however, before he could have said anything...
"Can't you see, he is uncomfortable being treated like that?" Miku asked in a cold tone. Akisu had only heard her talk like that once before when that gym dude bullied Akisu.
Natsuko smirked before asking Miku, "Hey there, babe. I was just asking about your relationship with him."
Miku suddenly stepped forward and pulled Akisu in her direction, before declaring, "He is my boyfriend. Happy? Now leave."
"-----!!" Akisu's eyes widened hearing that as he stared at Miku in disbelief.
Meanwhile, Natsuko's expression shifted, and a scowl appeared.
However, before he could have said or done something, Miku's eyes changed for a moment, and Natsuko stiffened.
Without another word, the blond delinquent walked away; without a single intention of disturbing them again.
Miku glanced at Akisu before she giggled while shaking her head.
"Let's go in and talk," Dragging him inside, she sat down with Akisu beside him.
Akisu has yet to come out of his daze so Miku ordered a simple dish for both of them when the waiter arrived.
Akisu slowly collected himself before he asked in a whispering voice, "Why...did you say...that?"
"You didn't like being called my boyfriend?"
Akisu's head leaned down as he mumbled, "Forget about me...being called my girlfriend would surely ruin your reputation-"
"What reputation? And why do you evaluate yourself so poorly, Aki-kun?"
Akisu heaved a sigh before asking her, "Have you looked at me properly? There is not a single good thing about me. I am a weeb. I like anime and comics, and I avoid meeting people. I am obese at this age and don't have a good academic record. Seriously, no girl would ever fall for me."
Miku remained silent for a moment before slowly asking, "And...what if I say I fell for you?"
Akisu helplessly smiled and looked at her before saying, "Then...I will feel you are pitying me."
Silence befell between them as no one talked for the next five or so minutes. Akisu didn't know what expression she had as his eyes were drawn on the table.
Suddenly, Miku went through her small purse and took out some bills which she slammed on the table and got up.
"M-Miku-san?" Akisu was startled as he looked at her...and was astonished upon seeing that serious look.
Sliding the chair, she uttered a few words before walking away,
"I am leaving. Don't contact me again."
A/N:- Damn, Akisu needs to man up now!
Get your girl(?) dude
Chase after the shapeshifting chick
Poor Akisu
Oh sh*t, not good. He need to move now!
Oh shit