001 – Demon Lord ~ Reincarnated in the Modern World – Chapter One
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It's been about a week and a half since Grandmother died, and I've managed to show everyone that I'm ok to be left alone while father is at work.  My grandparents all still have their own jobs, after all, and father already took too many days off from work, which will eat into our living funds a little bit.  Yesterday, I made him set up an account with Jungle.com so that I can take care of ordering some of the household products that are more expensive to buy at the local stores that I can get to on my own.

Today... well, I'm taking today off.  It's been a little stressful lately, you know?   All these weepy people around me all the time, trying to come up with some answer to me, as if I'm some sort of a problem while saying that everything will be ok and nothing was my fault.  I mean, I know it wasn't my fault.  Grandmother said it felt like a kick in the head, and then she wasn't in her body any longer.  So she can stick around and advise me, I've put her in the Karakuri Ningyou (tea serving doll) that she gave me for my birthday; now she can actually still help around the house a little, although she's too small to work in the kitchen.  At least she can tell me how to cook some of the simpler recipes.

With my day off, I'm relaxing in front of the television.  There is so much to learn about this world!  You'd think that a person would learn a few things about the world they live in after six years, but that's simply not true; small children simply don't get the opportunity to do so, and mostly can't understand a lot of what they are exposed to.  I've learned the basics of this country's governmental structure, how the school system is organized, the basic monetary economic necessary for a household to survive, and.... ANIME!!!  What is this?! Amazing!!  It's all made-up stories for the entertainment of the masses, but I can see that it's pretty solidly rooted in a foundation of this country's culture.  I can't wait until I'm old enough to say "Oh! Auughhhhh!!!  My Demonic Eye is coming unsealed!  Everyone, run!!!"  I'm definitely doing that at least once after I get into middle school.  I mean, I've actually got real heterochromia, so with one (slightly) red eye, and one black eye, I can totally pull it off.  And also, yeah - my red eye really is my Demon eye.  It's just a little souvenir from my previous life.  If I try, it actually gets redder, and the pupil elongates like a dragon's eye.  It's pretty cool.

Right now I'm registering for Primary School online.  I looked all through the paperwork and documents that I could find, and it looks like nobody remembered to take care of this little detail among all of the death and funeral and stuff.  It's ok.  Once I'm registered, everyone will think that someone else remembered and took care of it properly.  Tomorrow I'll be going over to scout the premises and turn in the papers that have to be stamped with father's seal.

I think the most interesting thing that I've discovered so far since regaining my previous life's memories is that almost a full quarter of all humans in this world have a pretty high capacity for magic.  The just don't believe in it, and so they can't use it.  The wimpy looking guy working the checkout lane at the supermarket literally has 'hero' class mana just overflowing all over the place.

I think I can manage to do something fun before I graduate from primary school.