38: Pandas and butterflies.
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After Rin headed home, Miri went downstairs to work on something in the kitchen, and Kiri called while Hikaru was packing her closet. 

They talked for a little while, and Kiri asked how much stuff she had. Hikaru told him she didn't think they'd need more than one or two trips. 

Kiri asked, "I'll come get you in a couple hours, if that's alright?"

She asked, "Do you have time to stay and help for awhile?"

He agreed that he could, and Hikaru waited happily.


When Kiri arrived he came up to her room and Hikaru shut the door behind him.

He raised an eyebrow at her and scooped her up and carried her to her bed.

After they'd kissed a little Kiri nuzzled her and said quietly, "I'm not carrying a condom, I'll fix that in the future."

Hikaru confessed, "I didn't shut the door so we could do that."

"Oh?" he asked curiously.

"But I like kissing you so much I got distracted," she admitted.

He grinned and kissed her again.

She laughed and hugged him tightly. "I want you to help me assemble some things," she explained.

He sighed and said sadly, "I suppose that means you want me to get off you." He bit her ear lightly.

She shivered and said, "No, but I do want to have it done."

"OK," he agreed and stood up, pulling her to her feet. He hugged her again and asked, "How are you feeling by the way?"

She shrugged, "Maybe a little better, but pretty much the same."

He winced. "OK, show me what you want to do, I'll try to do most of it so you don't have to move much?" he said.

Hikaru pulled a large box out of her closet, it had been taking up most of the space.

Kiri examined it curiously.

"It's supposed to give an ordinary bed a crib side, for babies and elderly people," she explained.

When Kiri looked at her and arched a brow she said, "When he came home for Christmas, Yuki-ni helped me paint my room in preparation for turning it into a nursery. Because it's at the top of the stairs, and you can hear kids in this room from downstairs if the door is open."

"Ah," he said.

Over an hour later they had it mostly assembled and were fighting with getting all the attachments lined up at once. Finally it clicked in. They tested it, and the bed which was built into a nook below the small window, now had a functional crib style edge. It could be raised or lowered, or the center 3/4 of it could fold down, giving a long shallow step about halfway up to the bed. Luckily, in the raised position, it didn't even interfere with the drawers below the bed.

"That's pretty cool, once it's assembled," Kiri said laughingly.

Hikaru hugged him. "Thank you," she said, leaning on his shoulder.

He hugged her against him and asked, "Is there more?"

She cupped his jaw in her fingers and kissed him gently. She said quietly, "Being willing to ask that after assembling that torture device, feels like you're saying I love you."

"I do love you," Kiri replied.

They kissed awhile more and then he laughed and asked, "So, there is more isn't there?"

Hikaru sighed and nodded. "But only small things?" 

She pulled out a mobile, which they mounted over the bed, and a light switch cover, which Kiri put on while she affixed large wall stickers of pandas and butterflies to the walls and closet.

She gave Kiri the fish to attach to the stylized blue waves that ran around the bottom of the room so that she didn't have to bend so far.

When those were done she said, "That's it."

Kiri grinned and stretched and said, "OK then, give me stuff to carry down the stairs and out to the car."

Hikaru suggested, "If you stand below the rail, I can hand stuff down and you can stack it by the door, then we can both carry stuff out after?"

He agreed and she handed all the boxes and bags she'd assembled in her room down to him.

"Is that all you have?" he asked when she brought out the last one.

"No, I've got some more boxes still packed in Yuki-ni's room, from when we painted," she said, and brought those out too. "That's everything now." She asked, "Do you think it will all fit?"

Kiri looked at her in surprise and said, "Yeah, you don't have much."

Hikaru shrugged and said, "I got rid of everything that was too old or didn't fit when we moved everything out to paint."

Miri said sadly from the couch, "It's a shame you're moving out right after painting your room."

Hikaru grinned at her. "When Izumi-san gets home, I'll show you something," she told her mother.

"OK?" Miri agreed uncertainly.

Kiri told Hikaru to sit and rest with her mother while he loaded the car. She tried to protest, but he asked quietly, "Walking hurts you still doesn't it?"

She nodded reluctantly.

While he was outside, Miri asked, "Are you injured?"

Hikaru blushed deeply and shook her head. 

Miri laughed and patted her daughter's shoulder. "He's right, take it easy for a couple days," she advised.

Kiri had finished loading the car before Izumi got home, but they waited the few remaining minutes. Miri fed them tea and cookies while they waited, since they refused to stay for dinner.

When Izumi finally arrived, Hikaru led them all up to her room. "Yuki-ni helped me with it and Kiri helped me finish setting it up," she said before leading them in.

"Oh Hikaru!" exclaimed Miri when she entered.

"Wow," Izumi commented.

"You were planning to leave since Christmas?" Miri asked sadly, looking at the way the new paint combined with the animal stickers to create scenes.

Hikaru shrugged and said, "Or to move into Yuki-ni's room at least, but yeah, when I graduated, I'd figured."

"It's lovely, thank you," her mother sniffled.

Hikaru grinned and said, "I'll hold a blanket over the window, you turn off the light and close the door."

The ceiling lit up with hundreds of glow in the dark stars painted onto it.

Miri squealed with delight.

Hikaru dropped the blanket and grinned at her mother.

She demonstrated how the bed edge worked. Then she said, "I'll go with Kiri now."

Miri nodded reluctantly.

Izumi frowned but didn't say anything.

Kiri hugged her when they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Ready to go home?" he asked.

Hikaru nodded.


When they reached Kiri's, Kazuha was waiting on the porch. Kiri had messaged him for assistance. Hikaru looked at Kiri in surprise. He grinned at her.

Kazuha came out to the car, said, "Hey," and took the box Kiri handed him.

"Go open the door for us?" Kiri asked Hikaru.

Hikaru used her key for the first time, and had the door open before the two men came up the porch.

Kiri stood in the entry for a moment and then asked, "Hikaru, where do you think we should put things?"

Hikaru shrugged and suggested, "Maybe just set the boxes in your office for now?"

Kiri nodded and he and Kazuha carried everything in. Hikaru started tea, also for the first time, but it wasn't too awkward as she'd watched Kiri do it several times. Then she went into the office and tried to separate the incoming boxes into clothes and other stuff.

When they were done they sat at Kiri's table with a collective sigh.

"Thanks," Hikaru said.

"No problem," Kazuha replied.

Kiri scooted closer and hugged her.

Kazuha looked at the two of them and shook his head.

Hikaru blushed.

Kiri asked, "Should we order food or should I cook? If I'm cooking we need to go to the store."

"Pizza?" suggested Kazuha.

Hikaru shrugged and looked at the time. "I've still got over an hour."

"I'd rather get noodles than pizza?" Kiri said.

"Sure," Kazuha agreed.

Hikaru nodded when Kiri looked at her and said, "I'm kind of hungry so everything sounds good?"

"OK," he agreed and placed an order. It arrived quickly, so Hikaru assumed it was from somewhere close.

After they'd eaten Kazuha went home and Hikaru checked the time. She still had a little while before Mirage's performance.