chapter 2 “New race?”
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   why can't I see anything  wait a minute I can see stuff it's just there's no light it's just dark,  whoa whoa what's this


System activation started……


Analyzing location (limited).....


Startup complete……

Hello welcome to the multi-control system


This system is limited to the following each with different variations: Gods, hive minds, kings/queens/ruling classes, necromancers, mind-controlling/altering ability holders


You are of the following class: hive mind

As a hive mind, you get to choose your appearance and race

race options:                          choose existing race     creat new race

Creating a new race allows you to create new units as you go

Choosing a preexisting race doesn’t allow you to create new units until you are the heights level of your race



Umm….. I think…. Wait, wait, okay what?


Okay...okay…. I think I got it umm…..


So I am a hive mind like in strategy games okay. Cool :)


Show me the preexisting races





Characteristics: fast, strike and flee, not durable, some ranged attacks


Characteristics: slow, heavy hitters, very tanky, no ranged attacks



Characteristics: medium-fast, repeated light attackers, semi-durable, mostly ranged attacks


Wild magic users

Characteristics: varied speed, heavy hitters, not durable, mostly ranged attacks


Okay, cool umm… show me the creat a new race options


There are no limitations of creating a new race besides physics



Woah?! Really?! Cool um I will create a new race then


Creating new race describe race

