11 Bonds
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It took 30 minutes for the drone to locate the hunters’ camp, and Nadia did not like what she was seeing.

“There’s forty hunters in the camp, roughly 5km northeast of the mountain.” Nadia said while watching the visuals relayed through her Evo Suit’s HUD, having switched over from her Bone Hunter Armour to perform the search. “They’ve got some weird animals I’ve never seen before, chained and collared.”

Nadia pulled out the information panel that was mounted on the left arm, and brought up a display of what the drone could see, before she noticed what she was doing. “Oh, uh… sorry. I forgot you don’t have eyes.” She said apologetically, earning a chuckle from the Banshee.

“You think that because I do not have eyes, that I cannot see as you do?” She asked, amused. “Those of my kind like myself, we do not have eyes because we do not need them. I cannot say if my vision is sharper than yours, but I can perceive light without issue.”

“Right. Magic.” Nadia replied with a sigh. “Not a thing that existed where I’m from.”

The Banshee stared at the image on the panel as Nadia had the drone zoom in on the creatures the hunters had brought with them.

“Cloudhunters.” She said in a soft voice. “They mean to capture us.”

Hearing that, Nadia felt a mixture of emotions running through her at the Banshee’s words. The creatures held by the hunters were large, winged serpents with pale grey scales and eyes of sapphire. Each one had an ivory horn protruding from its snout, and their necks fanned out in feathered, cobra-like hoods.

“They are creatures altered to hunt my people.” The Banshee said. “They choke the air with their venom, numbing our bodies to keep us from flying away, so that their masters can take us alive. They will use us in their experiments… turn us into abominations… slaves.”

“Can’t you use your magic to get rid of them?” Nadia asked, eliciting a bitter laugh from the Banshee.

“Cloud Serpents, ages ago, were our natural predators. A Banshee’s magic could be used against them, but would be greatly weakened. These are not what they once were. Their very presence disturbs the mana, protecting themselves and those around them from my Voice.”

“There are only a dozen of the serpents with them, and if what you say is true, they need to keep some of them nearby in a fight, or else they’ll expose themselves to your magic.” Nadia said after some consideration. “Attack from a distance, draw out the Cloudhunters little by little. If you can keep hitting them, but never stand to fight, they’ll be forced to commit or retreat, or face death by a thousand cuts.”

The Banshee stared at Nadia in surprise, her mind working overtime, seeing how the strategy could work. “What you say is true, but I don’t know of any weapon that would offer sufficient range for us to outrun Cloudhunters. Their speed in the air far outstrips our own.”

“I may be able to help you with that,” Nadia suggested, pulling the spare Viper Modular Rifle from her Internal Storage, showing it to the Banshee. “This weapon can kill a target at over 2km in skilled hands. If there’s a skilled archer among your people, I could show them how to use this in less than a day.”

“And what is it you wish for in exchange for this?” The Banshee asked cautiously.

“I would like it if you could allow my comrades and I to leave after the hunters have been dealt with. We were hired by the alchemist to scout a Convergence nearby, not lead them here to enslave your people. Frederick and his guards… Do whatever you like with them.”

“And if your… comrades don’t agree to come peacefully?” She asked.

Nadia shrugged. “All I ask is that you give them a chance.” She replied.

“Very well. But — I shall require an Oath from you.” Said the Banshee, her tone serious. “What kind of oath?” Nadia asked, uncertain. “Oaths are constructs of blood and magic, that bind our very beings.” The Banshee answered. “We will join one another in an Oath, preventing either party from betraying the other, or revealing their secrets, willingly or otherwise.”

“Wait, what?” Nadia asked in shock.

“Allowing you to leave represents a constant danger to my people.” The Banshee explained. “If we are bound by an Oath, even against your will, you could not violate it. More importantly, if someone tried to force you to violate your Oath, I would know. The same applies in reverse, as well.”

“How long does the Oath last?” Nadia asked.

“For as long as any part of us, body or soul, remains.”


“By my blood, I bind my body.” Nadia spoke alongside the Banshee, a cut along each of their hands leaking blood to mingle within a stone bowl.

“By my magic, I bind my power.” They spoke again, each one pushing a portion of their magic into the dish.

“By my name, Nadia Laurence, I bind my soul.” “By my name, Zarathea Castra, I bind my soul.” As they spoke in unison, the magic and blood mingled, stretching to form a tether between each of them, a physical reminder of the Oath’s power.

As the tether formed, Nadia felt as though a part of the Banshee— Zarathea’s mind was revealed to her, as hers was revealed in turn. Rather than something that could be expressed by words, the Oath was a joining of intent.

Nadia could feel Zarathea’s intention, that Nadia protect the secrets of herself and her people, and that if any tried to force them from her, they would vanish from her mind like mist before the sun. The power of the Oath worked both ways, ensuring that Nadia would enjoy the same protections from Zarathea.

To Nadia’s surprise, however, Zarathea’s intent for the second part of the Oath was somewhat different than she imagined. Nadia had interpreted the Banshee’s earlier words as an vow preventing betrayal, but Zarathea’s intent showed her a different perspective. It was a Oath meant to form a connection that strengthened one another, that carried with it understanding and empathy. We can be— no, we are stronger together.

As understanding rushed over her, Nadia’s intent matched Zarathea’s own, and she felt a surge as the tether joining each of them flared with still more power, and another mind that was both alien and familiar.

Felix accepts.

With a pulse of indigo light, the tether melted into each of their bodies, taking hold as the link between their souls was forged.

Suddenly, to Nadia’s surprise, she felt the Mask of Guile forming on her face, becoming engulfed in Felix’s indigo light as it was reshaped into a new form. Now, rather than a mask, it manifested as an intricate, lacy pattern of black and silver lines that curved and flowed like waves that looked as though they were painted onto her skin.

The shape and colour of Nadia’s eyes shifted, now bearing the same unearthly emerald glow that the Bone Stalker’s had, with vertical pupils that drew in any that looked at them, radiating a sense of attraction and danger. The changes didn’t stop there, and she felt as her cheeks, jaw, and throat shifted, taking on delicate and elegant features, similar to Zarathea’s as she could feel a warming sense of power gathered in her throat.

Mask of Guile enhancement: Haunted Queen’s Visage
Haunted Queen’s Visage: Physically melds the Mask of Guile and its linked Essences into the wearer. Bone Stalker (eyes), Banshee (voice)
+3 Presence
Bewitching Charm - Beguile, charm, mesmerise, paralyse, or terrify a target through eye contact or voice.
Our Word is Law - Apply and maintain a temporary Geass on a target.

Eyes widening in surprise, Nadia looked across to Zarathea, watching her form melt into her surroundings, becoming invisible.

Wha-ACK!?” Without realising what she was doing, Nadia’s voice rang through the room with the same magical potency Zarathea’s had before she managed to cut herself off with a yelp. Felix, what the hell happened!?

Felix facilitated the bonding of the Oath. Host shares Zarathea’s strength, Zarathea shares Host’s. “We are stronger together.”

Despite being unable to see Zarathea’s form, Nadia could feel her, and the Active Camouflage once she concentrated. Very carefully, she tried speaking again, willing herself not to infuse magic into her voice. “Zarathea, are you alright?” She asked, surprised at how much genuine concern she felt.

A moment later, Zarathea’s form seemed to rematerialise as she cancelled the Active Camouflage. “This was… unexpected.” She replied. “Yes, I’m fine. Felix, even if it was an accident… you have given us an incredible gift.”

Felix is glad to assist. Connection feels… Comfortable? Appreciation? Many sensations.

Zarathea let out a laugh that mere moments before could have scrambled Nadia’s mind with its magical beauty. All around her, she could feel the magic in the air shaking with mirth.

“Well, now that we’re bonded, would you like me to teach some of your people how to shoot a rifle?” Nadia asked. Further surprising her, however, Zarathea manifested the Wavecaster in its rifle form directly in her hands. “If you don’t mind teaching me as well,” Zarathea answered with a smirk.


This is so bizarre. Nadia thought to herself. A few hours ago she was a captive, and now, Zarathea felt like a part of her that had always been there, inseparable from the rest of her. What was more, she discovered that when they were close, they could direct thoughts to one another, similar to how she could subvocalise to speak to Felix.

As if that wasn’t sufficient, Zarathea could manifest Felix’s forms and attachments, although they couldn’t both manifest the same ones simultaneously. Still, if she could teach Zarathea and one of the harpies to use the rifles, then they stood a good chance of dealing with the Cloudhunters.

Unsurprisingly, teaching a skilled archer to use a rifle wasn’t difficult, with Zarathea and a harpy named Tirie picking it up quite quickly, even displaying exceptional accuracy over distance. With the advanced sights on the Viper compensating for distance, it wasn’t too much trouble teaching them basic handling, safety, and trigger discipline.

“So. We go down and the three of us set up in different perches.” Said Nadia. “I’ll take the first shots, then I’ll switch to the Heavy Battle Suit when they get close. You take the second position, with the Aquila Flight Suit and the Empyrean Wings. Those should let you outrun Cloudhunters.”

“From there, you and Tirie provide supporting fire for me, to make sure I don’t get cornered, and if things go really badly, I can duck out with Active Camouflage. Plus, without any Cloudhunters near me, Veil of the Haunted Queen should be more than enough to finish off any of the robes.”

Zarathea chuckled at the name as she fixed Nadia with a look. “Alright. I’ll send a squad of my people along with Tirie, including some Rooks.” She said. “I’m sure I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but I will regardless. This bond is considerably stronger than is typical, which means that if something was to happen to one party, it would have a very real and very strong impact on the other. Do not allow yourself to be killed.” Her words hummed with power, and Nadia could feel their weight settle upon her, not as a command or compulsion, but as a heartfelt request.

“You’re going to have to teach me how to do that so well.” Nadia answered with a smile. “After we get rid of the hunters.”

Here's another chapter for you guys, things are heating up! With this arc, we're getting more background info on the world of Ariad and its people while Nadia's facing another confrontation with the robed hunters. It's funny, I knocked out this chapter and 10 in the same day, which was way faster than usual, but it also gave me the time to go back and look/tweak things a bit.

Next chapter, I'm going to aim for Tuesday, but if I get ahead, I may release it a little earlier, depending on how long my focus and caffeine hold out. I hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to leave a comment and rating if you do! I'd love to hear what you guys think of how things are developing.