The trip was quite uneventful, even relaxing. Or at least for the others. This carriage was moving about as much as a broken-down washing machine. I didn't feel dizzy, but I had to be careful not to open my mouth. I wasn't that used to my sharp teeth, and I didn't want to experience what it was like to bite my tongue with them.
There were no bandits, monsters, or an enemy army waiting to attack us on the road, just a long, very long line of buildings on either side with a few dozen people walking the city streets, quietly going about their daily lives despite how early in the morning it was. I supposed it made sense.
When I said I was up early, I meant, too early. You could barely see the light from the sisters in the sky (yes, I've started calling the suns the way they do here. Better get used to it since this is my new home), and I was not at all happy given how hard I had struggled to sleep the night before. According to my calculations, it was dawn at about 7 or 8 am, and that was early in this world, and confusing given that I still wasn't able to get used to having 30-hour days. In a way it felt like jetlag, or should I call it isekailag?
The sisters' light was coming from behind the buildings to the left of our carriage; what I translate as the east, predominantly colored white and terracotta, with architecture very similar to what it would be like in the 17th or 18th century. Houses and buildings made of brick or white stone, or even filled with lime or whatever they used here. I wasn't even sure if what I was saying was period-appropriate, it was just what it looked like to me. The point was that it all looked very period drama, and that aspect gave it a certain look of romance.
Most of the trip was spent staring in fascination out the half-open window, enjoying the alien scenery outside, excited to be out seeing the city for the first time.
There were so many different types of people walking the streets that I simply could not describe them all. I could only say that there was a very, very wide range of shapes and sizes; and a small portion of them were not even humanoid in shape, or a little bit away from that type of shape.
I could see a couple that were extremely tall; maybe about 3 or 4 meters, covered in a large dark robe, with intricate patterns all over it, that completely concealed their bodies. What I assumed was their neck and head, rose a little over a meter from where I could see their arms, and ended in something similar to a hood from where I could only see a single huge eye; or so it seemed. I was unable to tell if it was just a gigantic eyeball or if there really was a head holding it, hidden behind its strange clothing.
And that hadn't even been the strangest being I saw.
How many races or tribes existed in this empire that were so fascinatingly different from what I, as a former human, understood as "intelligent beings"?
Paying a little more attention, and straining my eyes a little, I could see even very small races, perhaps similar to my height, walking on a raised part, just above the sidewalks of the street, as if they were bridge paths between buildings. Others, hung from the shoulders or heads of some taller people as they talked happily. They were more humanoid than those previously described, but it was still amazing to see such small beings walking around normally.
"-just look at her, so incredibly caught by the view outside."
Makila's sudden voice snapped me out of my fascination with the outside world. A chuckle accompanied her words, and another echoed off to the side. When I turned to her, Ameli was covering her mouth with her hand, amused at the sight of me.
I felt embarrassed for a second, having shown such a... childish appearance. But I quickly remembered that I WAS a baby, and that was the kind of behavior that was expected of me.
That didn't change the fact that I felt embarrassed about it.
I decided to ignore them and just keep watching the scenery outside, refusing to listen to their adult teasing that they were amused by my curiosity.
With the slow pace we were going at, it took about an hour for the landscape to finally begin to change. There were fewer small buildings, commoners' homes, and small businesses, exchanged for large grounds with giant mansions, each one larger than the last, and surrounded by stone and iron walls that encircled the entire estate. There were some trees planted on the perimeter of those walls, giving a more natural look to the place, but also showing that it was an area of the rich and powerful. Which could well be described as a noble district.
On what I would call sidewalks, there were no civilians, at least not as many as in the previous district. It was entirely crowded with soldiers marching in small groups of 5 or 6, led by another soldier.
They wore different types of family crests marked on the chests of the armor they wore, and on the cloaks and shields on their backs, showing that they were knights in the service of their lords who patrolled the grounds maintaining security.
That reminded me that, on this little trip, it wasn't just us and the coachman.
Next to the carriage, escorting us, was a retinue of about 15 knights mounted on Ekus, who positioned themselves around us in defensive formation. Some carried swords, others with spears, and some with maces, but with the same basic design for their armor. Breastplate, gauntlets, greaves, prominent shoulder pads, and a full helmet that was customized for each race to which each of the knights belonged. On their chest and their cloaks, they bore the family crest, one that I had only seen a couple of times, and one of those times it was Zenya who showed it to me.
The design was simple, a shield divided in two vertically. The left section had a jet-black horn; representing the Friasan, on a red background. The right section had a tree with deep roots. It was painted in a combination of gold and silver, running from the roots to the leafy branches at the top, all highlighted by an emerald green background. This represented the strength, prosperity, and long history our family had in the empire. It was said that the combination of gold and silver was for our abundant wealth, but, even Lady Grawfalls, seemed to be a bit doubtful about it, since, from what she told Zenya, those kinds of depictions are usually completely different on family coats of arms, especially for families of high nobility. Zenya seemed to share her thoughts but did not speak further on that subject.
For the moment, I was just enjoying the ride and watching the knights mobilizing alongside us with their rather menacing looks. Would it be okay to say that I was getting princess treatment? It's not like I wanted to be one, but it felt surprisingly satisfying, almost convincing me otherwise. Emphasis on almost. If I was going to be a "princess" it would be because another girl would make me one.
And that was the most embarrassing thought I have ever had... I will never think of anything like that again.
Leaving that aside, we passed at least 5 estates with huge mansions. From the soldiers' shields I could only recognize one, the Gormantis, a family of counts that belonged; to no one's surprise given our destination, to the territory of the Nazzik.
And speaking of them.
The carriage slowed down as we approached the largest estate so far, and also; like our own territory, it had several buildings apart from what seemed to be the main mansion.
We stopped in front of the large gate of the main entrance while I heard the heavy steps of one of the Ekus advancing rapidly towards the front, the metallic sound of armor, possibly of the knight dismounting, and a conversation that I could not understand very well. I barely managed to catch a few words, the mention of our family, invitation, party, and young lady.
"Are they really going to let us in?" asked Ameli with a nervous tone.
Makila merely smiled silently and rearranged my position on her lap. Outside, the footsteps of several knights began to be heard approaching the carriage, then the sound of someone knocking on the door.
"Pardon the interruption, ladies. I must make a brief inspection before you can proceed. Would you please open the door?" said a knight in a very polite tone.
Ameli looked at Makila who nodded immediately. The girl proceeded to open the door farthest from us, the one on the right, letting us see the knight standing on the other side.
"Good morning, sir Knight. As you can see, it's just my maid, my daughter, and I inside the carriage. Do you need any proof or to inspect further?"
The male, who was also a Kibi; by the feline ears protruding slightly from his helmet, was silent for a moment. His keen green eyes had searched every inch of the carriage, looking for anything out of place. Detecting nothing, he put on a smile that highlighted some slight wrinkles and age marks on his face and nodded towards Makila. "For the moment, I just need to see the invitation."
"Of course," Makila replied with a smile, then gestured for Ameli to hand the envelope to the gentleman.
This whole situation felt like a mere procedure. A mere formality, given that the knight knew perfectly well that this carriage belonged to the Baelian family. It simply seemed that it was part of his duties to comply with the protocol of inspecting whoever entered his employer's grounds.
Also, I should point out his professionalism by not making a face at us, and keeping his tone and expressions formal and polite. Considering that both families are supposed to "not get along", it was reassuring that we were not treated as enemies.
As he read the letter in the envelope, his brow furrowed into a frown. He looked up from his reading, staring at Makila and then back at the envelope. He folded the letter and handed it back to Ameli, who promptly tucked it away in her apron.
With a serious expression, he addressed Makila again, his tone sounding somewhat sterner, showing that he was a veteran among the knights in the service of the Nazzik. "The letter states that the guests are young Lady Orinthya Baelian, Duchess Irlana Baelian, and Madam Fiana Baelian de Galari. I recognize the young Lady; however, I do not see either of the two madams inside the carriage."
Ameli tensed in her place. She seemed frightened of the knight's words. Though there was also a slight annoyance in her expression. I could share that sentiment. Was there any way to prove that Makila was indeed Fiana Baelian de Galari? I didn't know, and neither did Ameli, given the anxious look she gave to Makila.
However, my second mother remained calm and relaxed in the face of such a situation.
"I am sure Duchess Katarina must have informed you of the slight change in my appearance since I informed her by letter a few days ago. But, to make it clear, I am Fiana Baelian de Galari, Irlana was unable to attend due to other appointments. The girl with me is Ameli Vialea, one of our servants." Makila replied with complete calm, but with special emphasis on her name. She gracefully pointed to Ameli, who tensed again as she received the old soldier's hard stare at her.
The guard looked at us seriously for a few moments, trying to assess us, but quickly returned to his earlier professional smile.
"We were certainly informed of such a change, but it was my duty to be sure to check. You never know when some sort of con man or assassin in disguise would show up."
"Certainly, admirable work, Sir. May I assume everything is in order?"
"Of course, my lady. I will instruct my brother guards to open the gates immediately so that you may make entry to enjoy the event." The gentleman took a few steps backward, slightly away from the door, then stood his ground, bowed slightly placed his left hand; which formed a fist, on his chest, and with a clear and firm voice stated, "You are welcome to the grounds of the Nazzik house. May prosperity and good fortune be with you on this glorious day."
With those words, the knight walked away in the direction of the gates.
"A great fellow Sir Lorbend." Said a new voice approaching the carriage door. It was one of our knights who had helped Makila and Ameli into the carriage when we left home.
"He certainly is. Do you know him, Sir Derham?" asked Makila in a curious tone.
"Not formally. Though I had heard of him." Sir Derham said as he gave Makila a quick nod. "Among the most famous knights of the Nazzik family, Sir Lorbend is one of the most prominent. Able to see through magical illusions with just a glance, discern between truths and lies just by hearing a few words. A veteran of dozens of battles. No wonder they left him to guard the gates to someone as incredibly capable as Sir Lorbend is."
"He must certainly be incredible if Sir Derham speaks of him with such respect," Makila commented with some amusement in her voice. "I almost feared that our knight captain might run for an autograph if I didn't know better."
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! If it were my younger self, I might certainly go so far as to consider such an action. But no. I respect the knight, but I would not so easily lose my composure by questioning the seriousness of Baelian knights with such an act."
"I'm glad to hear that Sir Captain."
The conversation ended in that instant, before falling into a quiet silence. In the background, only the guards of the Nazzik could be heard and the heavy sound of the doors opening. Sir Derham resumed the conversation after a few moments.
"Then, madam, I will leave Erick, Virielt, and Zeam with you. The rest of us will head immediately to our next position." The captain said as he gave a respectful bow upon seeing Makila nod at his words. Behind him, he closed the carriage door and before long, we started moving again.
"Madam Fiana, what was that all about?" asked Ameli, her voice in a still nervous tone.
"What was what?" replied Makila in confusion.
"Sir Lorbend."
"Oh, that? He was doing his job. He already knew who we were, thanks to the letter I sent to Katarina, but he had to get on with the act. One can never be sure of anything until one sees it with one's own eyes. Besides, there are still soldiers among the Nazzik and Baelian ranks who hold grudges, being strict in this situation can clear doubts as well as build trust," Makila explained, resolving the doubts in Ameli's mind, who nodded, looking satisfied and enlightened by her words.
Shortly after passing through the large entrance gates, leaving Sir Lorbend behind, we were already stopping in front of a large building attached to the mansion.
There were not many people around, apart from a couple of maids and some knights standing guard. When we got out of the carriage, helped by one of our soldiers, I could see that there were several carriages of other families parked in a nearby spot.
"Your Excellency." One of the nearby maids spoke. Different from what I expected, she was not a Kibi like many of those who seemed to serve the Nazzik. She was, surprisingly, of the same race as Neth. Her face was covered by that mask they wore, and the antennae on her head looked different than Neth's. Much longer, fluffier, and bright pink. She was also a little taller. "We've been expecting you. My name is Calta and, if I may, I will be your guide to the location of today's event."
Makila nodded toward her, indicating for her to guide us. Ameli did not look pleased to see that she was left out, but she remained silent, accepting that there was, in fact, nothing she could do about it.
Calta walked in front of us, with Makila carrying me in her arms behind her, and Ameli slightly behind and to the left. The maid led us through the door of the building, and down a long hallway.
The look and decor of the interior were very different from our mansion, where we had a more Victorian style, the Nazzik's had a more... I wouldn't know how to describe it well. Maybe the best comparison would be that it had a Nordic feel to it. Lots of animal pelts, trophies, shields, and weapons hung on the walls. Some armor was also more reminiscent of that style. Surprisingly it contrasted nicely with the whole design of the building.
There were different types of paintings, many depicting what looked like epics or historical moments of the empire, in a style very similar to the ones I had seen myself in my previous world. There was even a character that reminded me an awful lot of Thor, which was incredibly strange.
"Have all the guests arrived? I'm worried that I'm late, after seeing so many carriages outside."
"Not at all, Your Excellency. So far only half of the guests have arrived. Your arrival has been eagerly awaited by the Duchess."
"Really? I couldn't imagine Katarina being excited for me."
Calta laughed lightly, amused by Makila's comment. "You'd be surprised how much she expected it. The Duchess has been very interested in seeing you ever since she read your letter a few days ago. She might even jump on Her Excellency and not let her interact with the rest of the guests all day."
Makila shared a laugh, revealing a very happy as well as nostalgic expression. "True. Katarina is someone who would do that."
As soon as she made that comment, Calta stopped in front of some double doors, guarded by 2 guards in uniform. They both kept blank expressions. As soon as they noticed us, they immediately moved to open up, allowing us to enter.
Calta entered first, announcing our arrival.
"Dear guests, my Duchess, Her Excellency, Fiana Baelian de Galari, and young Miss Orinthya Nita Baelian."
After those words, Makila advanced confidently and gracefully, showing off her new appearance and great beauty. The eyes of several people, including Katarina, opened as wide as possible, surprised by what they were seeing. A couple of women, at the back of the room, which was quite a bit larger than I expected, seemed to be conversing in a very low voice, looking intently at us, or more specifically, at Makila.
But she didn't care about such a thing and kept walking as if unconcerned.
"Duchess Katarina. It is a pleasure to see you after so many years." Makila said as she arrived in front of the Duchess, who was looking at her very excited, with a bright smile on her face. Makila made sure to emphasize those last words, hiding the fact that we had met her before. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."
"Not at all!" Katarina answered immediately. Then she took Makila's free hand between her hands. "I'm glad to see that you were able to attend, especially since I get a chance to see this little sweetie finally." The Duchess said, looking directly at me, and winking.
Including Katarina, there were five women clustered around us. Three of them were to her right and 1 to her left. The Duchess, after leaving those words, gently cradled my cheek, an action that made me squint and enjoy the sensation. It didn't last long, though, as she pulled away, stepping back, and nodding to the other four women.
The lone woman to her left, whose race I did not know, but was quite similar to the Valven, only without her tail. She wore an emerald green silk gown adorned with gold embroidery snaking down the fitted bodice. The long skirt fell in soft pleats to the floor, with a high neckline adorned with small pearls that subtly shimmered. Combined with her dark violet hair, which reflected the light in an elegant contrast that highlighted the golden details of her dress. Her golden amber eyes, a little lighter than Makila's, looked between us with curiosity and anticipation. She greeted Makila gracefully, introducing herself as Countess Alnara Klesrund.
Next to present herself was the first to Katarina's right. She wore a dress of deep blue velvet, cinched at the waist with a gold band encrusted with gems. The long sleeves were of fine lace, delicately revealing the skin beneath them, while the skirt flared out in a wide flounce, revealing silver embroidery along the hem.
Her shiny silver hair, falling in soft waves down her shoulders, complemented her dress perfectly, further highlighting the gold and silver details. Her sapphire blue eyes, deep and bright, resembled polished jewels, attracting attention and matching her similarly colored horns, almost as if they were made of the same type of gem. She seemed to be of a race whose horns were actually made of precious gems, for in her greeting she highlighted that fact. Makila seemed impressed by such information, and they agreed to talk about it later. The female also introduced herself as a Countess, by the name of Elara Silbrook.
To her right, the next to introduce herself was a female of short stature and more robust features. She barely reached Makila's waist, but conveyed a presence that was unmistakably that of an adult.
She wore a royal purple brocade gown, with a square neckline and short puffed sleeves. The skirt fell in delicately flowing pleats to her ankle, adorned with gold details highlighting the floral design of the fabric, complemented by a gemstone belt that sparkled with every movement as she stepped forward.
Her coppery red hair, pulled back in an elegant low bun, with several locks on the sides of her head, bounced merrily as she gave a slightly more pronounced bow than the previous nobles. Her dark emerald green eyes, gazed at Makila with enormous respect and fascination, as she introduced herself as Viscountess Seraphina Derkoon.
Finally, the last of them stepped forward, revealing her ivory satin dress that wrapped her tall body elegantly. She was about 2 heads taller than Makila and her dress was decorated with silver lace and crystal beads creating a floral pattern all over the dress. The long, tight sleeves ended in embroidered cuffs, while the skirt extended in a soft swirl, showing subtle pearl embroidery at the bottom, almost reminiscent of seashells, supported by the number of pearls and crystal beads it was adorned with.
Her dark green hair, reminiscent of seaweed gently swaying with the currents, and further enhancing that oceanic image she gave me. Her eyes were the most striking thing. A steel gray color that almost reminded me of my own gray eyes. Her face, free of imperfections, highlighted the most striking and bright colors of her hair and slightly purple skin.
She introduced herself as Baroness Linnea Ormrsong, and, as with Countess Silbrook, they promised to discuss her race later, which seemed to hail from the south coast.
With introductions made, the women seemed to want to start a more pleasant conversation but were interrupted by a small boy who approached Seraphina, clinging to her dress, tugging at it with his little hand.
"Mommy." Said the little guy. "Hungry."
"Oww, do you want some sweets, Telan?" asked the little mother, as she lifted the equally small child into her arms.
The situation made Makila remember that I was still in her arms. As Viscountess Derkoon excused herself to give some snacks to her son, Makila excused herself from the group as well, leading me to an area where the rest of the invited children were. There were 6 children there; none looked older than 2 years old, divided into 2 groups plus a lone one. The group on the right consisted of 3 children, 2 males and a female, reminiscent of the 3 females who greeted us earlier. The other group was a boy and a girl, possibly the children of the 2 women who were in the background and seemed to still be whispering to each other. And finally, the lone girl.
Makila lowered me to the ground where I stood not knowing what to do other than look at her a little nervously.
"Nita," she called in a motherly tone as she stroked my hair. "Why don't you go and play with the other children? They look cute and friendly, maybe they can be your friends." She said with a reassuring smile. It wasn't exactly the best way to push a baby to interact with other children her age but to be honest, it didn't seem like such a bad idea to try to play with the other kids. It still made me feel a little worried, though, given my adult mentality.
I averted my gaze to the other children, clearly noticing that they were avoiding the lone one, who was on her back and leaning towards the ground as if she was very focused on whatever was there. I returned my gaze to Makila, but she had already returned to the other women.
Treason... TREASON I SAY.
I sighed in defeat. At this point, I had no choice but to interact with the other children.
I looked towards both groups, but they seemed strangely reluctant for me to approach them. I wasn't going to do it if they saw me that way, so I decided to go for what seemed to be the only and, perhaps, best option.
I was a big girl now, so I could walk, albeit slowly and somewhat awkwardly, but well enough to reach the girl.
She was wearing a light blue, sleeveless, strapless dress that revealed her plump, soft arms. Her long pink hair fell down her back in a cascade, covering most of it and hiding any detail that the back of her clothes might have had. Her dress seemed to reach her knees and had white lace embroidery around the edge of the dress. The girl wore no shoes, as I could see her sitting with her little bare feet. There was something else there. An elongated, fluffy thing of pink fur just like her hair. It moved gently from side to side, flowing freely. A tail.
Suddenly I felt a throbbing in my chest. I felt something from that little girl. I gulped as I walked around her so I could see her from the front. As I moved forward, I noticed something above her head, a pair of small pink ears that moved in my direction as they picked up the sound of my footsteps. The girl did not turn towards me, but it was obvious that she was aware of my presence.
I took a couple more steps and stopped when I was right in front of her. The girl didn't pay attention to me for a long time, completely focused on whatever was on the floor.
Curious, and due to the nerves, that had suddenly attacked me, I decided to see what it was that had captured all her attention.
I immediately opened my eyes in surprise. It was a ladybug. A very, very small one. Its shell was an incredibly wonderful, shiny metallic violet. The little insect was walking slowly across the wooden floor, wandering around looking for some high place to take off from.
I completely forgot about everything else and crouched down in the same manner as the girl in front of me. Admiring the incredible beauty of the ladybug.
An insect from my world was also here, causing me to feel nostalgic, and also very happy. I brought one of my fingers close to the little insect, leaving it close so it could climb up and walk towards it on its own. The ladybug didn't hesitate for a second and climbed up happily. It walked on my hand for a while as it explored the new unfamiliar place it was in.
Suddenly, the girl's face came closer and she looked with very bright eyes at the little insect walking on my hand. She tried to bring hers closer but seemed to hesitate for some reason.
Suddenly I had an idea, and when she tried to bring her little hand close again, I did the same, and brought them together, causing the ladybug to change places and walk along the other girl's hand. She, of course, smiled the most incredible smile I had ever seen in my life, on both of them. She was so absolutely happy and pleased that she let out loud the most unbelievably adorable laugh I had ever heard in my life. ON BOTH OF THEM. This got the attention of everyone in the place, who turned their full attention to what we were doing.
Did I care? Not in the slightest. All my attention was on that little girl's joy.
The ladybug finally reached the top of her hand, opened her shell, prepared her wings, and launched itself into the air, flying away from the girl's hand.
Surprisingly, she did not cry or get angry but followed the little insect's flight with a gawking expression.
When she finally lost sight of it, she looked down at me. We both watched each other in silence, without moving or even blinking.
(I didn't put her in spoiler because I wanted you to always be able to see how incredibly adorable she is! No, I'm not being biased, it's simply a fact that everyone must accept. Oh, and you still haven't seen little Tya!)
It was at that instant that I noticed her beautiful yellow eyes like garnets. Her round face with soft adorable chubby cheeks, her pink hair and small feline ears, with cute white fluff sticking out of them, her half-open mouth. That expression that seemed to be wondering who I was, but which, fortunately, didn't seem to pull herself away or me away.
I felt my heart beating again. And I recognized that feeling right away. It was the same feeling I had when I first saw my little sister, Nadia. The feeling of knowing with complete certainty that I would be and live for this person.
I knew at that moment that this little girl would be my whole world.
Could you put more stuff on the glossary please? It’s gonna get harder to keep up with so many characters, names, houses, and races.
Yes, I actually have to do all of that once I finish this first arc. I'm going to make character sheets and group most of the information I've given and put it in the glossary.
please tell me the mc did not fall in love with a child I get she is cute but the descriptions of that child got me a bit worried frfr
Oh it's love, it definitely was. But not romantic love. That's why I was very clear when comparing the feeling to when Mc saw his little sister for the first time. It's that same feeling when a parent sees their child for the first time.
May that love change in the future for something romantic? It's quite possible, but it's not something we'll see right now. For now the only thing you need to know is that Tya has decided to live for that girl, no matter what happens.
@FivesZeta She decided to dedicate her life for a baby she just met? That seems very whimsical and sudden to me.
Edit: I get that she might see her as a new little sister but still…
@Roncy4 Like I said, it was love at first sight. Maybe not romantic for now, but strong enough for her to make that decision. It is not the first time that something like this happens to a character in a story, although it may be the first time to a baby. Although we must not forget that her mind is that of an adult. It may be that she reminded her of Nadia, her former sister, or it may be that upon seeing such an adorable little girl, she felt that she should protect her. It may be a whimsical decision as you said, but who hasn't made those types of decisions in their life? Maybe not to that extreme, but it is something that I consider normal.
@Roncy4 Oh and just to be clear, it would actually be the other way around. Tya is the youngest between the two. Tya was born about a month after our adorable kitten. So here Tya would be the "little sister"
@Roncy4 Well if you went to an isekai and saw a cute cat girl you would definitely want to protect her with everything you have, at least I'm sure I would have the same reaction
@yocka Indeed. I'll definitely do the same