Good news everyone!
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Hello everyone, FivesZeta here with news.

This is just an update on how things are going, to clarify the situation of each story, and give a little warning.

Let's start with how things are going. First, ROTDM.

The story is going well. As I have already said on other occasions the story follows the same line. Still, there are many changes in some names and situations, especially the background and certain aspects of the main characters. At the moment, I've rewritten a little less than 60% of the initial arc, so, if all goes well, I hope to be able to start uploading it this year. I have the idea of completing all of Arc 0 and Arc 1 and then posting it, that way I can take my time to move forward without feeling pressured (something I do for myself, not because I feel pressured to do so). That way I can also move forward with the other stories.

The next point is regarding the reverse isekai.

As I said in my profile, all the structure is done and I have been making summaries of the first chapters and what I want them to include to start with. So I already have an idea of how it's going. I'm hopeful that I won't go too much off the deep end with this, so it will be a story that will be straight to the point, with a clear beginning and ending and no “filler”. I expect that this story will be around 30 chapters. I don't feel it will go beyond that and I don't want to extend it unnecessarily. What I am having trouble with is the title. That of course I will do on my own, as I want something that embodies the content. Although I am open to suggestions. I'll be preparing the synopsis for these days and I'll probably place it at the end of the first chapter of LoC arc 2.

And speaking of Life of Change.

What chaos I've had with this lol. It took me many days to start writing it, mostly because I got too much into the other 2 and because I had no idea how to start. I knew with what, but not the how. Plus, this arc will be much longer as it will cover at least 4 years of Tya's life, so I have to know how to direct it well and how to work the timing. But there will be a lot of things happening, rest assured. There will be a few changes of perspective, though. I will only use them when necessary.

Now there are 2 points I want to touch on regarding this story as well. And the first one has to do with the romance.

As it is already well-tagged, this story has an early romance and a slow romance. When a reader asked me if Tya had fallen in love romantically with Yuliana, I immediately answered no, because she did not. At the time Tya did feel a very strong connection with her, but physically she could not fall in love romantically. That is why I want to say this now.

While, mentally, our MC has the mentality of an adult, her body DOES NOT RESPOND AS SUCH. So she may look with some “desire” or “appreciation” at Ameli's body when she was bathing, but she had absolutely no real reaction to that fact. Tya herself does not reflect on this because, to some extent, she has no idea about it as her mind is focused on more important things, apart from psychological aspects that I want to try to explain about her.

Now, will she fall in love with girls her age? Of course, it is possible. And that has to do with those psychological aspects that I want to touch on. Whether she ends up falling in love romantically with Yuliana or with another character, it will happen no matter what anyone tells me.

I say this because I know perfectly well that there will be someone who will call me a “ped0” for all this, which I have very little interest in that kind of opinions, but I want to make my position on this clear before they accuse me of any nonsense or say that I'm just making things up. So, if you don't want to see this kind of development, no one is forcing you to stay, you can leave. Tastes are different for everyone and, as long as no harm is done to anyone REAL, everything is, to a certain extent, allowed.

Of course, there are limits. If, for example, Tya falls in love with a commoner girl, or a girl from some random noble house, at most they will hold hands, blush, play alone, and so on. Where perhaps the strongest thing that might happen is a kiss on the cheek. Typical childish “crush” things where they are not aware of what it is to really love and confuse it with attachment or affection for someone they get along especially well with. Once they are considered adults, things change, but it will slowly escalate. Hence Slow Romance.

To end this diatribe, the last point.


Yes, I said I was going to be back in September, and I hope I'll have time to actually make it this month, but I'm not so sure. What I mean is, that while I've made progress on the first few chapters, I feel like I need a little more time. My biggest problem with the stories I write is when it's time to start. What words do I use, how can I capture this or that, what can I do to make these first words feel like a real beginning? I always ask myself those questions and end up focusing so much on it that I never get started, but once I do, everything flows smoothly. And that's just what happens. I want to keep “flowing” while I have the current momentum. That's why I plan to delay starting Arc 2 until some of that “energy” has settled, plus I want to have plenty of chapters in reserve and not make the mistake of uploading several and running out.

Believe me when I tell you that I'm trying very hard to get this new arc and my other stories exactly how I want them to be and with as few mistakes as possible.

And before I forget. I've been working on a new cover, it's pretty simple, but I think it turned out nice. I'm not good at photosop at all, but I think simple is best. I'll leave a vote at the end so you can decide which one is your favorite.


Cover 1

Cover 2


With that said, I'll end this little update here. I really hope to be back very soon and that you can see how much my girls have grown and meet my new daughter (?) Thank you all for reading, see you very soon!

Which cover do you think is better?
  • Cover 1 Votes: 43 67.2%
  • Cover 2 Votes: 21 32.8%
Total voters: 64