Chapter 32
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“Don't get so excited, I'm going to let you see the letter, but first, what do we need to do?”

The way and tone Kila used to ask me was the kind that adults use to talk to young children. While it still felt strange to be treated that way, there was nothing I could do because I WAS a three-year-old girl.

Did I ever mention I'm 3 years old? Hehehe!

Anyway, I had no choice but to play along. Besides, I needed to keep up my act, for some reason, Kila sometimes looked at me with suspicion when I didn't act as expected of a girl my age.

“Finish the lesson.” I finally replied.

“Hmm, good girl. So.” After leaving the letter there, Kila returned to the desk, picked up a stack of papers, and returned to her original position. “Let's go over the months.”

The months in this world were named after several of the Pillars, separated into groups according to the length of each season, 2 for spring, 4 for summer, 2 for autumn, and 4 for winter. It should be noted that, in this world, the year begins in spring and ends in winter.

Kila brought up the first image, one that represented spring in its full splendor, along with several rays of light descending from a cloudless sky illuminating the entire landscape.

“Alirys, Pillar Alika” I stated confidently. The first month represented Alika, the Pillar of life and light, very much in keeping with spring.

“Very good Nita. Now the next one.” Kila left the first image on the desk and showed me the second one. In this one, there was a new field, with crops this time, some animals walking around the place with their young, and fruit trees full of colorful flowers. Likewise, easy, so I answered immediately.

“Manarys, Pillar Mara.” Mara, the Pillar of agriculture and fertility. I remembered once seeing an artistic representation of this goddess and, to some extent, she reminded me a bit of Demeter, the Greek goddess who shared the same domains as Mara.

The resemblance was so great that Mara was also depicted wearing a white dress, very similar to a Greek chiton, and holding something very similar to wheat or barley. The big difference is that Mara had a lot of dirt on her hands, clothes, and face, and she also usually carried a hoe on her shoulder to work the land.

“Excellent. Now we'll go faster.” Kila pulled up the next image. This time it was a portrayal of a lush forest, with luscious greenery, trees full of beautiful leaves, and some small animals scampering about. A person, off to the side with a bow and arrow ready to hunt down one of the unwary animals.

“Hals... Hell... Halras! Pillar, Halari” I said, trying very hard to remember its pronunciation. That first part of the name can sometimes be pronounced as “Hell” or even “Hill” but that's because of certain dialects. Kila had taught me, I guess to keep it in mind, but that very fact ended up confusing me when it came to remembering it. Back to Halari, she is the Pillar of Beasts and Hunting, and it is this month that summer starts.

“Next.” So said Kila, as we quickly went through each of the months and their representations.

Fourth month, Riora, for Riodr, Pillar of the sea, rivers and lakes. Fifth month, Ashnir, for Ashana, Pillar of protection, justice, and courage. The sixth month, Eldaris, for Eldelgard, Pillar of Fire and War, and the month in which summer ends.

The seventh month marks the beginning of autumn with Galntar, for Galana, the Pillar of nature and earth, and the eighth month, Numäran for Numa, the Pillar of motherhood and sexuality.

For some reason I don't understand, they had no problem telling me about that domain, but they seemed to have problems talking about sexuality itself... sometimes I don't understand them. They are open about some subjects that in my old world were taboo, but for others, they are not...

Finally, winter begins in the ninth month with an old acquaintance. Obaniel for Obana, the Pillar of the seasons and origin of the winds, also known as the White Lady. She is who is said to be the one who brings the white mantle of the first snowfalls of the season.

Tenth month, Kzafor for Kzafaro, the Pillar king of elemental spirits and magical beings. Kzafaro seems to be the only one among all the Pillars who decided to remain on the mortal plane. Some claim to have encountered him and say that Kzafaro is an incredibly friendly being. Someone who likes to talk a lot and listen to the stories of those travelers who manage to meet him. It is also said that he has even taken some mortals as wives/husbands, but no one has been able to verify these stories.

For the eleventh month, we have Vhalit, for Vhala, the Pillar of the stars and divination. One of the most mysterious Pillars as you don't hear much about her and when she appears before her oracles, she always brings both good and bad news. Never one without the other.

Finally in the twelfth and last month, Nyntras for Nyntir, the Pillar of death, darkness, and the underworld. Very appropriate to represent the end of the year, and for the next to begin with its counterpart, light and life. Although both Alika and Nyntir are said to get along incredibly well. Something that, from my point of view, makes philosophical sense. Nothing could get along better with life than death itself.

After a long test; which Kila took the opportunity to extend by pulling out random representations to see how well I had learned each of the months and the Pillars that represent them, we moved on to the races. Fortunately, this part went much faster, as I only had to name each of the few that I know and that are part of our family.

Kila showed me a Lumigraphy of Dad, a Friasan, of Mom an Atenosia, she pointed to herself, a Vulpan, then to Ameli, a Valven, and curiously, instead of pointing to me as usual, she showed me the one image; in this case a painting, of a young Aunty Ven, a Revant, which, for some reason, she kept hidden on one of the shelves.

She looked very different from how I remembered her. Her red hair was loose and straight, she was wearing a rather simple blue dress, something that surprisingly matched her violet skin tone very well. She had a demure smile, and there was real joy in her eyes. She didn't seem uncomfortable in her attire, which surprised me a lot. Aunty Ven looked like that classic tomboy who would scream that she would never wear a dress because it was uncomfortable to fight in. But this painting made me realize that I was completely wrong.

“Surprising, isn't it?” commented Kila, seeing my shocked expression. “Believe it or not, Anven really enjoys wearing dresses, fixing her hair, and maintaining proper etiquette. The only reason she didn't stay as part of the social circles and the fashion world is because she enjoys her life outside more, traveling.”

I looked away from Kila, and her explanation, to see that image of Aunty Ven again.

I remembered her with some sadness, I hadn't heard from her yet and that disappointed me greatly. I was very mindful that she warned me that her return might take several years, but I wished she would at least send a letter.

Kila suddenly sighed and put away the pictures and materials we had been using, while Ameli, who had been silent for most of the lesson, came over to me, set up a small table; matching my small chair, and set down a cup of tea made from the leaves of my favorite fruit tree, along with some cookies.

“Senkyou, Ali.” I thanked her cheerfully, as she walked a few steps away with a smile on her face.

Last year they started giving me tea once every few days. This type of tea was made from the leaves of the rava tree which, unlike the fruit, was very good for health, especially for very young children, which is one of the few reasons why rava fruits were grown even though they were dangerous to most Asherians.

Once I was done with this little snack, Kila lifted me into her arms and, sitting down at her desk, placed me on her lap. She took the letter I was so eager to read, or rather be read to, and opened the envelope with quick, precise movements.

Inside, there were three sheets filled with a lot of text that I could hardly understand. I could recognize some of the written words, but since I had not been taught properly, it was still impossible for me to understand even a little of the contents.

“All right, let's see what we have here.” Kila pulled out the first sheet, preparing for an extensive reading. I never expected to receive such a lengthy letter. Makila must have thought the same thing, her eyebrows raised in amazement at the amount written on the three sheets...on both sides. “Looks like someone really wanted to talk.”

With that said, Makila began to read the letter to me.

The contents were not exactly what I expected. It looked like it was Katarina who wrote it, which makes a lot of sense, and at the same time a bit surprising when I thought about it.

She started with a formal greeting, some nice words about the current weather, her own and her family's health - and then proceeded to ask about our family, with genuine interest. She followed with the state of business, her own and ours, telling us about her plans and wishing my mothers were as good or better.

All that on the first sheet...

The second, wondering about my sisters and me, our health, academics, etc. The important detail here was that she revealed that one of her sons would be attending the same academy as my sister Sarka.

To give some context, Yuliana has 5 siblings, the oldest of them all, Maynard, is a similar age to Losward. He was followed by 2 twin sisters, Jessa and Tessa, just a couple of years younger. They were followed by the brother Katarina was talking about in the letter, Raleph about three years younger than Sarka, and the youngest about 10 years old, named Kein. He was the only one I got to know on one of my visits to the Nazzik house, and he seemed like a nice boy.

Finally, the last page was centered on Yuliana. She related about her growing up, what she's learned so far, and how well she speaks, something that made me feel like I was somehow losing against her... she also talked about Ginevere, which didn't surprise me, and she also mentioned that Aria had come to visit them a couple of days ago.

Now, that was important. I pouted in annoyance. Kila noticed my expression and started laughing. None of the three of us were supposed to see each other until we were five years old. We were told it was some sort of tradition that I honestly didn't fully understand, only that we could see each other again until then. Aria has a bit of an advantage because she just recently turned five, but that wasn't enough of an excuse for me. It was supposed to be until all three of us had done it.

“My little Mishka is mad?” Kila teased me, and I just looked away from her. It seemed unfair to me. I wanted to see my friends again too. “It's okay, Nita, it says here that it couldn't be helped. It was a political issue and they had no choice.”


“I know, I know.” Kila stroked my head, trying to comfort me.

She immediately went on to relate the contents of the letter. Which ended up being the biggest surprise.

“Well, this is indeed unexpected,” Makila said showing me what was there.

On the back of the last sheet was a drawing. A drawing made by Yuliana. It was simple, some scribbles that I could recognize as us playing together in the garden of her house. There was Aria, with her platinum blonde hair, Yuliana with her beautiful long pink hair, and me, with my black hair. The three... the four of us; I couldn't forget that there was also Ginevere, we were holding hands with smiles on our faces. And there was something else in one of the corners. Words.

This was a drawing done by Yuliana and signed with her name and a full sentence. According to Kila, it said, “I hope I can play with you very soon, best wishes, Yuliana Nazzik.”

That little girl had learned to write.

Is that little girl a genius? I mean, I had my adult memories and mind as an advantage, and I still hadn't learned to write. I was barely able to recognize a few letters and words, but that girl could already write her name, and speak more fluently than me. At least in that, I had an excuse.

Anyway, this situation was serious, how could I let my adorable little angel get the upper hand on me? I couldn't! If I didn't try to catch up and keep up with her, how could I call myself her best friend? It was time to get serious. I can't afford to be left behind!

“Kila, Kila!” I tugged hard on Makila's clothes to get her attention. The time had come to exploit my full potential. “Kila, wanna wead an' wite!”

“Hee~, you want to learn to read and write even though you can't even speak well?” she replied in a mocking tone.

I knew she was trying to provoke me, but I wasn't going to fall for it, it was about time I started learning the things of this world properly, and this could very well be the perfect excuse.

I nodded vigorously, almost making myself slightly dizzy from the intensity. Kila stopped me as she laughed, and pinched my cheeks affectionately. She closed her eyes and put a finger to her lips, thinking deeply before giving me an answer, “Hmm, very well, let's do it like this. Why don't you go and tell Dri to teach you the basics?”

I tilted my head in confusion. I was hoping she'd decide to help me herself since, well, that was technically her duty, and from the way she's been behaving so far, one of the things she most enjoys doing with me.

My thoughts must have been written all over my face as Makila immediately replied, “As much as I would like to, I think it's better if you ask your sister to help you. You know why?”

I shook my head, was Zenya better at that than her?

“Well, your sister has been feeling lonely lately, and I think having her dear little sister might cheer her up. What do you think?”

Zenya was feeling lonely? It was a little hard to believe, although it made a certain amount of sense. Even though she spends a lot of time with Dad and usually comes with me from time to time, the time we spend together is relatively sparse. Even when she's with Dad it's only a couple of hours, the rest of the time she spends alone in the library, or her room.

I thought about it for a second. It might be a good opportunity to spend time with her, and I know Kila has work to do, so pulling me aside might be good for her as well.

I ended up nodding in agreement. Makila smiled at me and, lowering me to the floor, pulled out some sheets of paper from her desk and handed them to me along with, surprisingly, some crayons. Some fucking crayons.

My eyes sparkled as I realized what Kila was telling me with that. If Yuliana sent me a drawing she made, why couldn't I do the same, I could even send one to Aria too!

I was so happy I was almost jumping for joy. Kila nodded toward Ameli as she handed her the letter and motioned for her to lead the way, and before long we were moving through the halls in search of my sister.



­­After a long time, we were finally told that Zenya was in the garden. More specifically, in the annex of the garden where we three sisters always met.

We quickly headed there, with me leading the way. Ameli was carrying the letter, all the materials to write the reply, and the crayons for my drawing. I was already thinking of many different things to do when we arrived at the door of the small annex. Just as Ameli was about to knock announcing our arrival, I heard Zenya's voice.

"I told you I'm fine!" my sister shouted upset, causing both Ameli and I to freeze in surprise. I've never heard her raise her voice before, let alone like that. My maid and I looked at each other for a second unable to know what we should do.

"My lady, I know perfectly well how much effort you are putting into this. Please never doubt that I will always be by your side no matter what you do."


"However, young lady, while I agree to follow your orders and support you, I do not agree that you are giving up your health for it." Kolda's voice sounded concerned and firmer than I had ever heard it.

Something happened to my sister?!

“You're exaggerating. Nothing's going to happen to me just because I stop sleeping a little.”

“A little? Lady, you've been sleeping just a couple of hours for over a week. It's dangerous for you to do that. I beg you, please take a break.”

“‘And I'm telling you that you're overthinking, Kolda.”


There was a long silence in which we held our breath waiting for them to say something else. I clung to my maid's skirt nervously. I was worried about Zenya and didn't know what to do at the moment. Ameli seemed equally worried, though more about me than whatever was going on behind that door.

“Fine, I get it. Stop making that face.” My sister finally replied, letting out a long sigh, something Ameli and I shared. The tension in the air dissipated with those words, allowing our bodies to relax again. “But, just for a couple of days. I'm not making any progress anyway, and a change of scenery would be better.”

“Thank you, young lady.”

“So... What do you suggest I-“

Ameli knocked on the door at that instant, announcing our arrival. Soon after, my sister's slightly surprised voice was heard, allowing our entrance.

As soon as the door opened, I rushed out to meet her. I don't know what happened or what Zenya has been trying so hard to do, but if she's been depriving herself of a proper rest, what better time than now to give her one?

“Shivit!” 1big sister I shouted, throwing myself into her arms.

“Tya! Shouldn't you be with Makila?”

Zenya caught me in her arms with a smile. I clung to her like a koala.

“Shivit, shivit, teach wite, teach wite! wanna leta Yuli.”

“Calm down, calm down. I don't understand you, Tya.”

Ameli's amused laughter drew my sister's attention to her. She immediately proceeded to do her duty and explained to Zenya what I wanted.

“So, Makila sent her to me so I could teach her to write?”

I nodded excitedly.


My sister went into silent reflection. For a second, I thought she would refuse. I looked worriedly towards Kolda, but she just smiled at me as she always did.

"I guess it might help me relax my mind a bit." She murmured as she carried me over to the tea table and sat me down in my chair.

It may not look like it, but Zenya has grown a lot and has become quite strong. I'd say she's about 130 cm tall, and even with that, she's able to carry me in her arms for a long time. I guess it's related to her being a part Friasan.

I forgot to mention it, but there are some vestigial horns on the side of her head. They started growing shortly after her fifth birthday. Kila said she might be one of the few perfect hybrids among the Asherians2Perfect hybrids are those children who possess the main characteristics of both parents' breeds. In Zenya's case, she has the horns and physical strength of a Friasan, and the valah and body of an Atenosia..

I, for my part, had grown up just as fast. However, not as much though. I was very close to 100 cm, but I didn't expect to be over that height any time soon. If Aunty Ven was the standard for how tall I would be as an adult Revant, then I would surely be a short girl all my life. It didn't bother me, but it was kind of funny to have lived a lifetime as a guy over 180cm, and now be a very short girl. It was funny to go from one end of the spectrum to the other.


My sister pulled her chair closer to me and, with Ameli placing all the materials on the table, began to slowly teach me the written language.

I won't go too deeply into it, as it would be long and boring to explain, but the writing system was easy to understand but difficult to do. I don’t really know how to explain it. Some things could remind you of the Kanji language, being ‘words’ with a single intricate symbol, and others that were similar to written Latin, something more familiar. I could only say that it was a very tidy mess. It doesn't make sense, I know, but it's the best I can offer.

We went for a few hours until I couldn't take it anymore. As much as I was excited to learn it, there was a limit to my endurance.

When my sister noticed this, she asked me what I wanted to include in the letter, which left me thinking for a while, until I decided to do something similar to Katarina, though less extensive. Something along the lines of a report on the current state of the family and my progress so far. Zenya seemed to understand what I wanted so she got on with it, occasionally asking me questions about things I wanted to include.

While she was doing that, I was struggling to capture the image I had in my head in the drawing for my little angel.

My first idea was to try to do something similar, with the three of us... or rather four of us; I couldn't forget Ginevere, playing together, only this time it would be in the garden of my home, but I quickly discarded that idea. I wanted to do something that would impress her.

It took me a long time, but I decided to draw a picture of our future meeting.

I started by drawing the setting. It was a large room with a long table full of snacks, sweets, and drinks, with various decorations and some flower arrangements. From the ceiling hung candelabras with that magic stone they use instead of candles, but these would be of different colors. Elsewhere a group of musicians were playing a soft melody while several people were dancing happily. Of course, Zenya was there playing her violin, just as she did on my first birthday.

Sarka would also be together with her girlfriend, dancing together on the side, alongside my parents in a dancing trio which, when I drew it, I thought was very funny. Katarina and Isolde would be on the side talking. I didn't know what to do with them, but I wanted to include them. Drawing Kila was difficult as well as Katarina, because of her ears and tail, but I was proud of how they turned out.

Finally, Yuliana, Aria, and I stood together holding hands in elegant dresses. Yuliana wore colorful bows in her hair and on her tail, and Aria wore a suit with trousers that, to be honest, would look amazing on her and make her look really cool. She gave off a certain tomboyish vibe that made me think she would look amazing in any kind of more masculine clothing. And finally, I was in the middle of them both in a red princess-style dress with a big bow on one side.

I looked at my finished work.

I'll be honest, I'm not very good at drawing. My skill wasn't the best, although I wasn't at the level of not knowing anything either. Part of the things I learned to do in one of my many jobs was to draw at a somewhat decent level. I would say I was pretty below average, but what I did was easily recognizable.

And yet I was proud of what I'd created.

"Did you finish, Tya?" asked Zenya from the side. She had finished the letter quite a while ago and was now enjoying some tea.

I nodded proudly. I got down from the chair picked up my magnum opus and showed it to her happily. "Shivit, you like?"

Zenya smiled as she took the drawing from my hands and admired it with some surprise in her expression.

"Wow, you draw very well Tya. Everything is so pretty, is this a party? Oh, there's even me."

"Umm! Fithday pawty."

"Eh~ do you want me to play at your fifth-year party?"

My eyes lit up at her offer. "C-can you Shivit?"

“Hm~ Should I?” my sister replied, playing hard. She doesn't usually behave like this, but I think she does it to imitate Sarka. Adorable, and more so knowing that our older sister loved to mess with her like this all the time. But...

"Shivit... pwease?" I pleaded with my most adorable, pitiful look. Zenya may think she can tease me, but I know she is especially weak to my expressions.

"I-I guess it's no use. I'll have to prepare a presentation worthy of my little sister." She conceded as she averted her gaze to hide the slight blush on her cheeks. My sister was easy to manipulate... perhaps too easily. Fortunately, only with me... I hope.

I jumped happily towards her, hugging and thanking her for it. Now I had a part of that drawing that would come true. Maybe I could make other things I included come true too?

I turned my gaze to Kolda who was startled, as if she knew I was about to ask her to bring me down a star as a gift.

"Kolda, sing?"

"E-excuse me!? Y-you want me to sing?"

I nodded firmly. Kolda has a very beautiful voice, although I knew she was a bit shy. But, remembering her performance on my first birthday, it would be a waste not to hear her on this one too.

The tall maid suddenly seemed very small as her brain seemed to overheat, thinking about what to say back to me. Zenya made another attack.

"Kolda, don't worry so much, wouldn't it be great to see Tya's smile enjoying your voice? It would be a priceless gift for her, wouldn't it?"

"Umm!" I replied agreeing wholeheartedly. I would feel very excited knowing that both of them would be offering me such a wonderful gift for that day. I could also brag to Yuliana and Aria about how talented the two of them are.

Having been ‘attacked’ from both sides, Kolda sought help from Ameli who had been silent all this time. But it was in vain.

"Face it, Kolda, there is no way to deny the ladies anything, least of all when they are so eager to enjoy your talent."

Having been outnumbered, the tall maid had no choice but to surrender and accept my innocent request. I rejoiced, throwing my arms up in the air, knowing that this day could become simply unforgettable.

Zenya had to console her poor maid a little, but she soon returned to her normal state.

My sister, after reading me the finished letter, making sure it was what I wanted to convey, folded it together with my drawing and put it in an envelope, put the family crest on it; and put some powder that gave it a sweet floral scent, handed it to Ameli, who happily ran to hand it over to the courier to be sent the next day.

Now that that was finished, Zenya carried me out of the annex. We admired together the beautiful flowers that were already opening to fill our garden with bright colors, while she told me how her day had been, as I told her everything I had been learning lately.

With that we ended the day, spending time together like we hadn't done in a long time.


Is the second chapter and we got some more world-building, although in a way it was of relatively little importance. The days of the week and the months themselves will not be so important, since people usually name them as first month, second month, third month, and so on. The names are more used in written form in documents or official and/or religious situations.

Now, one detail I always wanted to show you was about Anven. Who would have expected her to have that kind of taste? A good gap moe, and that it can become something important in the future? I'm still considering it, so don't pay too much attention to me for now.

Finally, Tya is a bit behind other kids her age when it comes to speaking, reading, and writing, but this situation may give her the motivation she needs to take it seriously.

How do you like it so far? I know it might be a bit boring or not show too many interesting things, but I like to take things slowly, especially now that she's young and there doesn't seem to be anything too important that can happen at the moment, right?



Anyway, the next chapter may not start very well for Tya... I'll leave you with that doubt. See you next week!