Chapter 38
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Entity of the void? Check.

Lovecraftian name? Check.


The Unfathomable Devourer. Just hearing that made me shiver uncontrollably. The rift had already terrified me enough, and now to know that there was a being beyond, in the void, that even the gods gave it a title of that level?

If it was hard enough to maintain my confidence, how the hell would I hold my own against a being that traveled across universes in the infinite void?

“I know it may sound scary. I can say that even we Superior Ones avoid talking or even thinking about such a being.” Sathalia added.

And that's supposed to make me feel better?

“Fortunately for everyone, Yhavorgot can't penetrate the fabric that covers every universe. Not without first weakening the Superior to an almost lethal level, which takes a long time.”

That at least sounded somewhat reassuring knowing that, although Sathalia was expending a great deal of energy, she had not been weakened to that extent. That meant that that... thing, it couldn't do anything to us.

That's good news, but... if that thing can't do anything to us, then why did Sathalia look guilty for telling me so far?

Our eyes met and I could see what I could describe as an apologetic look.

“...It can't get in, but it can interfere in a roundabout way. That's how it manages, in some way we don't know about, to weaken Superior. And these rifts are the perfect opportunity to accomplish that goal.” She said, in a tone that showed how frustrated she felt.

“How...?” I managed to ask without my voice cracking.

“From what little we know is that it is capable of infiltrating the minds of mortals. Especially those who have been “weakened” by particular events. The most vulnerable are those who are dissatisfied with their lives, those who have given up on their own lives, and...” Sathalia paused to give me a hesitant look, then gave a sad sigh and continued her words. “Those who have gone through traumatic events.”

I froze. I could feel a shiver run down my spine. How could I feel something like that in the goddess's territory? I'm supposed to not be able to have strong emotions here...

Despite my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel that I was in danger, in more ways than one.

“Y-you mean I...”

“We don't know how it manages to enter their minds, or how it can tempt or manipulate them. What we do know is that all those it uses, become genocidal, dictators thirsty for conquest, and very rarely monsters with power beyond the imagination of any mortal.”

Every word of her explanation degraded my state of mind more and more. If that was the kind of criteria this being was looking for, wouldn't that mean that I was among the possible vulnerable targets?

“I know what you're thinking.” She added as she gave me a reassuring smile. “Fortunately, you're under my direct protection, so it shouldn't be able to interfere with your mind.”

Her response was a huge relief. It would be too horrible if my mind was controlled by some inter-dimensional cosmic horror. However, that didn't change the fact that now a real enemy was trying to attack us, albeit indirectly.

“What should we do? If that thing tries-”

“Right now, Yhavorgoth is the least of my worries,” Sathalia replied quickly, cutting me off. Something that made me feel a bit taken aback. “What we should be worried about is... this.”

Sathalia pointed me toward the screen again, and, as I tried to figure out what she was referring to, I could see tiny balls of light of various colors traveling across the sky like shooting stars. There were five of them and they fell in different places around the world. Although I could not determine where exactly they had fallen, given my scant (nil) knowledge of the geography of this planet.

“I don't understand. Are those some kind of dangerous meteorites? Umm, are they radioactive or something?” I asked in confusion. Were these things more important than the shapeless being, the inhabitant of the formless void?

“No, they're a different kind of concern.”

“Then what are they?”



Sathalia nodded, and began to explain, “Somehow, Yhavorgoth managed to get hold of five mortal souls and made them pass through the rift, sending them to Silia.”

“You don't mean...?”

“Indeed. Yhavorgoth is not our problem for now, but those unknown souls it sent.”

That did seem much more problematic. As long as Sathalia still had her energies, Yavo... Yvro...


As long as Sathalia remains strong, that thing from beyond the void will not be able to enter. It is capable of interfering with the people of this world, but having detected it may help Sathalia to somehow counter it, at least I hope so. If she tells this to the Pillars, they will somehow be able to take care of any “Mr. Funny Mustache Guy” that wants to emerge in this world, right?


Perhaps, seeing that I couldn't keep my composure and that I was shaking profusely, Sathalia grabbed my face, forcing me to look her straight in the eyes.

“Don't worry. Right now, you can't do anything, and nothing will happen either. Those souls entered newborn bodies, so they are incapable of doing anything currently. I already took care to tell my sons to send their followers to find and watch over those souls.”


“Calm down, little one. Once you've grown up, and contacted an oracle, then you'll be able to do something. For now, I think it's best if we drop the whole heavy subject.” Sathalia waved her hand, vanishing the off-planet image in an instant, and drew my attention back to the table.

Before I knew it, all the sweets and appetizers had been changed to much more appetizing and eye-catching ones, the tea also changed to, by the smell of it, hot chocolate, and the rest of the atmosphere even felt completely different. I could swear that even the light was much dimmer as if to create a more relaxed atmosphere, something I was grateful for after having to hear that a being from the void was literally attacking our universe.

Yes, anything was better than that.

While still on Sathalia's lap, I picked up the nearest mug and took a sip of its contents.

Delicious, delicious hot chocolate. Nothing was better for improving a child's mood than a cup of hot chocolate.

As I enjoyed my drink, I felt Sathalia's hand gently stroking my hair, even carefully untangling unruly locks. Somehow, it felt like she was used to that action, given how good she was at keeping her hand from interrupting my movements as she ran through my hair.

After a long moment in silence, which I took advantage of to completely clear my mind, the goddess caught my attention by gently touching my shoulder. I looked up at her immediately and a soft smile tugged at her lips. Curiously, I could recognize her expression as the same one my sister made every time she had some kind of surprise for me. I tilted my head without responding to her, though the act itself seemed to be enough affirmation for Sathalia to begin speaking.

“I had told you before that my intention in bringing you to my domain was so that you could relax and free yourself from all that weight you have been carrying.” She said, in a melodious tone, as if her words sought to amuse me while raising my curiosity even more. “So, I have very good news for you.”

“Good news?” I tilted my head even more confused, though also very curious. After everything that had happened today, something like that would be welcome.

Sathalia nodded, and, waving her hand again, in the same way as when she showed me the rift, another holographic/magical screen opened up. This time, what was projected, made me let go of the cup I still held in my hands.

Of course, doing it anywhere else would have caused the hot liquid to fall on me and burn me, but in that place, as soon as I let go of the cup, it immediately appeared on the table. Of course, that magical action didn't register in my mind, since all my concentration was on the person I saw in the image in front of me.

“Nadia?” I whispered in disbelief.

Nadia, my former sister, looked much older, some wrinkles began to appear at the corners of her eyes, some white hair had begun to appear on her head, and her face, as a whole, showed a much more mature and peaceful expression. Satisfied, even. She was wearing a type of clothing that I instantly recognized as her Sunday clothes that she used to wear to church.

“It took her a few years, but she was finally able to get over it,” Sathalia said in a slightly cheerful, even proud tone.

I looked away for a moment from the image of my aging sister to ask what was going on, but I wasn't able to articulate a word. I could only open and close my mouth without producing more than a few incoherent noises.

Sathalia let out her beautiful laugh, as she watched me with that motherly, and almost mocking gaze, as if her prank had succeeded.

“She's grown up, little one. The time difference between the two universes is somewhat... wide, but it's been 36 years since the day you left her side.”

“36... 36 years?” I repeated even more surprised. Had it been that long already? That meant that every year here was 6 years there?

I had to hold my head and close my eyes for a moment in order to take in the new information. But I had a sudden thought that made me open them immediately.

What happened to her?

“Sathalia!” I cried out a little desperately, clinging to the goddess' arm. I was about to ask her more about my sister, but she put a finger to my lips and with that gesture shushed me, then smiled at me.

“It took her a long time, but she finally came to accept your death. She suffered and lived through a lot throughout all these years, but, thanks to the help of her new family, she made it through.”

“Her new family?”

“Yes, little one. She had a new family.” Sathalia said as she pointed to the screen once again. There, I could see a man, barely shorter in stature than my sister. He wasn't ugly, but I wouldn't call him attractive either. But the look he was giving my sister was, to my great relief, one of genuine love. At least what I could interpret as such. Several scenes from their lives flashed before my eyes, and with each one, more and more convinced me that he was the perfect match for Nadia.

He was there in her darkest moments, supported her, and helped her get back on her feet. They both gave each other a great deal of support. I saw their first and only child, whom they named Alex. They visited my grave every so often, and... lived a happy and peaceful life. I... got to see my sister be happy. I got to see my sister live the life we didn't have, with a loving family full of smiles. I could see her cry with happiness.


I couldn't help but shed tears at the great relief I felt to see her have the life I always wanted her to have. She could finally be happy.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,” I repeated over and over between sobs, both out of relief at finally seeing what I so desperately wanted to see and to thank the goddess for allowing me to be able to see it.

I felt Sathalia's arms wrap around me in a warm embrace, humming softly in my ear, in an act of comfort that brought peace to my heart. I felt a huge burden disappear from my shoulders, making my body relax, leaving me completely at the mercy of the goddess who at no time let go of me, but rather, hugged me more tightly.



It was a long time before I finally calmed down. But now I was smiling from the depths of my heart. I felt so free, so joyful, so ecstatic that I was unable to describe it in words.

My biggest worry and regret were finally gone. I could allow myself to relax completely.

Perhaps... a little too much.

I was still in Sathalia's lap, only now I was being... fed by her.

Umm... yeah, it was... well... strange, in a way, weird. And worst of all, I felt neither guilty nor did I feel like I was doing anything inappropriate. I felt like I was simply being spoiled by my mother. And that felt... good. Wonderfully good.

On the other side, and equally without any negative feelings on her face, was Sathalia, with a motherly smile, enjoying... whatever you could call what we were doing.

So, we spent the rest of our time there, in peace, talking. Although it might as well have been me telling her how my life had been so far, what I had done, and things I wanted to do in the future. Doing that helped me think about what I wanted to do. However, I wasn't able to think of anything and Sathalia just told me what a mother would say. “You have plenty of time, you are barely a child, concentrate on growing up and when you are older, then you can worry about all those things.”

Words I remembered saying to my sister when she first started worrying about what career to choose...when she finished elementary school. Too young for that.

The point is, my stay at Sathalia's domain felt like getting therapy. She didn't have to say much, just listening to me was enough. Although, of course, she was able to give me a lot of advice. Some of it was better to listen to than others...

I think I shouldn't have told her about my... recent escapades.


She told me that I deserved the punishment they meted out to me and that they had been quite soft on me. Apparently, Sarka had done something “similar” and received a rather worse punishment. Sathalia believes that the reason they were less strict with me was because Sir Erlathan intervened at the right time and because Mother saw that, in a way, forbidding me to visit the ekus was a mistake.

The point is, because of this unexpected reunion with the goddess, many of my worries had disappeared, as had some doubts.

Sure, now we have a relatively bigger concern on our hands, but that's something we can't do anything about for now, so, thinking about it is pointless.

With all that, the night was over. Sathalia told me that I could stay longer, since technically in her domain there was no concept of time, but it was best to conclude for now. At least she promised me that next time we could continue a little longer.

“Before we finish, there are a few things I want to tell you, little one.”

I had just left her lap, as the table and chairs disappeared like dust blown away by the wind when the goddess suddenly called out to me. I gave her my full attention since, from the tone, it sounded like something important. I nodded, giving her my full attention.

“I advise you to observe your mother very well.”

“Observe her?”

“Yes. There are many things you can learn from her that will be useful to you in the future. I can assure you of that.” She stated with a serious face. Something she hadn't done so far, being mostly a goddess full of nothing but smiles.


“Also... Orinthya.” The sudden utterance of my current name for some reason paralyzed me. It felt almost like the moment Kila did as well. Though this one was especially important, since, until now, Sathalia had referred to me only as “mortal” and “little one”. “During your life, there will be difficult situations, that you will feel are painful, unfair, or that you feel you cannot endure.” Sathalia left those words for me to take in as she looked at me very seriously, but also with a slight hint of concern. I felt, for an instant that, whatever the reason she was giving me this advice, it was because something was going to happen.

I clasped my hands together and nodded, affirming to her that I was ready for what she was going to tell me. She smiled back and continued her words. “Remember that your family will always be there for you. Don't be afraid to speak up, even when it seems like you shouldn't, or you feel it wouldn't be appropriate. Sometimes it's more painful to be silent.”

I tilted my head, somewhat confused by her words. “I...”

“Don't worry, my little one. You'll understand in due time.”

Still confused, but knowing she was honestly trying to advise me, I nodded hesitantly. After that the place gradually faded from my vision, leaving Sathalia as the only thing I could see clearly.

“Little one, although our reunion has been short, I had a wonderful time. I'm glad I was able to see you once again. I hope the next time we do it will be at a much happier time.”

“Yes! I hope so too, my goddess. See you!” I said joyfully, as I slowly felt my consciousness returning to my body, finally waking up.



Sathalia, once again, saw how that mortal was leaving her domain. She sighed with some satisfaction as she saw how that soul, wounded and full of darkness, had begun to heal and cast away all that tried to plunge her into the abyss of pain and sorrow.

That mortal who had once entered her domain, as nothing more than a formless soul, had returned as an amalgam of the two people she was and is.

Seeing her again, in what seemed to Orinthya like 3 years, Sathalia noticed that there was a very important change in her. Her previous form, Allan, was constantly overlapping with her current form, Orinthya. Sathalia could see that the little girl was gradually accepting her new existence, but she was still tied to her past. But the more time she spent in her domain, the more her new appearance prevailed, and the better defined she became. Of course, it wasn't something that would simply happen overnight. It only meant that slowly, but surely, that little soul would fully embrace her new life, and would be more than capable of achieving what she had set out to do.

Sathalia kept a silent gaze on the place where “her little girl” disappeared to return to her own body. She was worried about the mission she had set for her. Not because she thought she wouldn't be capable, but because she saw in her the doubt in whether she was the one. Sathalia was saddened by that fact. As she explained to her, her main motivation for choosing her had been the simple fact that she had listened to her, she did not need anything else. But she could understand why that little girl felt insecure.

But none of that mattered. Sathalia had full confidence in that mortal and would do everything in her power so that she could accomplish the mission she had given her.

*Tap tap tap tap*

Slow footsteps echoed in the silence of her domain, as a figure emerged from the pure white surroundings as if she had been hidden in that place from the beginning, having observed the interaction between the goddess and the small mortal.

Sathalia did not look away from that spot where she bid farewell to her little one, being fully aware of the figure that hesitantly approached behind her.

“So, what do you think?” she asked the figure, without turning to look at it.

“...” the figure remained silent with nothing to answer.

“Now that you've seen her, have your doubts been resolved?” Sathalia turned slowly, facing the much smaller figure, who looked at her hesitantly. She gave a reassuring smile as she slowly approached.


“Let's talk.” The goddess offered, gently guiding the figure to walk beside her. “I will answer any questions you have. And then, you can give me an answer.”

They both slowly walked away, disappearing from the place, leaving nothing but a white, empty space.


A shorter chapter than usual, but with some details that I hope some of you will be able to understand. A mysterious figure of whom we will not know for a while who it is.

With that said, Happy Anniversary! Yesterday December 4th was one year since I started this story, and it's definitely nothing like what I had in mind xd.

In my mind (and in the idea file I have), by this point she should have reached 5 years, but you never know how things are going to progress until you start writing.

It's been a good year; I've learned a lot of things and I think I've improved in some ways. I'm very excited to continue this story for another year, or even 10 if possible hahaha.

Well, I don't want to drag this out any longer, so I'll say goodbye here. Remember that if you have any kind of doubt, you can always ask me, I'm always attentive reading your comments.

With that said, thanks for reading my story during this last year! See you next week!