Chapter 39
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The sound of footsteps and the curtains rustling as my bedroom window opened made me slowly wake up. I realized that I had returned to my body after...

That happened... right?

It had been three years since I first met her and she gave me this opportunity, and I must say it was quite an experience. The smile and warmth she offered me felt strange, in a good way. Especially the fact that I was pampered and treated like... well, like I was her daughter. I didn't know how to feel about it.

I also couldn't help thinking that, although the problems regarding the current situation might have increased slightly, somehow, I was incapable of thinking we couldn't get out of this. I felt much calmer than I had expected. Of course, it was troubling and frightening to know that an incomprehensible being was setting its sights on this universe that the goddess and I were trying to save at all costs. But all that was overshadowed when I learned that Nadia had accomplished so much since I left. That detail made me completely ignore any bad news I received before.

I think I always regret that I haven't been able to see my sister build her life and achieve her dreams. Or, in a little more selfish way, not being the one to help her achieve them. But now? Now I could finally erase that from my head, and just like her, get over it and get on with my life.

I couldn't believe that she had accomplished so much on her own. I was so happy and relieved that I couldn't help the smile on my face. I even hugged Lan tightly, feeling a bubbling excitement welling up in my chest, something that I couldn't simply contain inside me, and that made me roll over and over in bed with my bunny.

I opened my eyes after hearing footsteps approaching my bed and immediately met a curious and somewhat amused look from my maid. Normally, Ameli had to make a slight effort to wake me up, as I'm usually somewhat...difficult in the mornings, but thanks to my divine out-of-body experience (?) I was able to wake up on my own, feeling fully rested.

“Good morning, young lady I see you are awake already and quite cheerful, did you have a good sleep?”

I took a moment to think about my answer. I couldn't just tell her that I had been in the domain of a goddess and being pampered by her. She would treat me like a madwoman...or a heretic. Or maybe she would believe me and treat me as some sort of “chosen one”, I didn't know, but either way, it would be problematic for me... and exhausting. So, I just nodded and decided to reciprocate her greeting.

“Good morning, Ali.” I smiled back. I sat down while she helped me undress to prepare for the day.”

“Would you like to wash your face first before taking your morning walk?”

“Un.” I nodded, setting Lan on the pillow and lifting both arms so Ameli could carry me out of bed. She took me over to a basin full of water and carefully helped me wash my face with a soft cloth and, after a quick change of clothes, we went straight out into the garden, where I could begin my daily routine.

We walked around the place while I pondered about what Sathalia had told me.

This being, Yhavorgoth, fortunately, was not an enemy I had to face directly, at least for now, and I was hoping never. But that didn't mean I should rest on my laurels and ignore everything that might happen in the future.

Besides, there were still those 5 souls that Sathalia warned me about. What were they? If I went by my knowledge, I could only imagine that they were human souls, dragged into this world from somewhere. So, would they be hostile or completely unaware of their situation? If hostile, what could I do if they decided to confront me or my family?

And if they are not enemies, what should I do then? Helping them is not something I would want to do, after all, I wouldn't be able to trust them.


But... what if they are just victims of the circumstances? Sathalia mentioned that that thing somehow got hold of them, so did it kidnap them? From where?

This was too confusing and difficult for me to try to figure out on my own. And anyway, I couldn't think of anything I could do.

Well, no, there was something, two options actually.

Reveal who I was and thus my mission to my family. If I told them, how would they react? I couldn't simply blame them if they came to think that I stole their daughter/sister's body. However, I wouldn't be able to bear it if they suddenly turned their backs on me or went against me because of it.

I shook my head at the thought. I tend to overthink similar situations, and now I don't want to go down that road.

That leaves me with the second option, the most cliché but also the most obvious option. Train and get stronger. Although, this option has a catch. My priority should be in academics. Since I'm still learning to read and write, I won't be able to do much at the moment, but once I've improved to an acceptable point I should try to read as many books as I can and learn as much as I'm able.

Improve your mind first and then your body.

I know, how original isn't it?

But come on, it's the most obvious choice. When Sathalia showed me the places where the souls “fell”, I realized that I didn't know anything about this world. The only reason I know this world is called Silia is because Sathalia mentioned it last night. How clueless do I have to be to have never wondered something like that?

That's why my priority should not be to train physically, or even learn magic, but to train my mind.

Sathalia already told me that I couldn't do anything for now, but I felt that simply standing still and waiting wasn't what I should be doing, especially when I felt so ignorant of everything around me.

So, what can I do for now?

I stopped right in front of one of my favorite shrubs in the garden, as I thought. It was just a little taller than me, with leaves that closely resembled pine, but seemed like caterpillars, long, slender, and adorably fluffy. It had some flowers, which, surprisingly, resembled small bows. Even the central node was there, but on the sides of it, there were small holes through which insects entered and obtained nectar. Their colors varied between different shades of blue with white and violet, almost like African lilies.

For some reason, this plant always makes me feel relaxed, perhaps because its smell is similar to lavender with a slight hint of mint or because the sound of the wind through its leaves is pleasant. I don't know, but whenever I end up here, my mind feels clear. It was the place where I always ended my morning walks.

I looked up at the sky and for the umpteenth time wondered what I could do. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice when another maid approached us. I only became aware of it because Ameli yelled “What!” When I looked at her, I saw a surprised and nervous expression on her face. Her hands shook, looking like she didn't know what to do or think.


“Ah, young miss, I saw that you were distracted and I didn't want to disturb you so... uh, never mind.” She turned away from Ameli with a worried and uncomfortable look, then crouched before me as she took my hand. “Madame Fiana ordered me to come and pick you up. She said she had a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?” I asked, bowing my head.

“Yes, she said it would be something that would make you very happy.”

I frowned as I thought deeply about whatever Kila had planned. Was it something I asked for? I couldn't remember. Ignoring my confusion, Tina got up and, motioning Ameli to follow us, led me back to the mansion, straight towards Makila's office.

As I arrived, I noticed the door open and some voices coming from inside. I recognized them as Makila's and Felia's voices. They were standing next to Kila's desk, discussing something important that I couldn't catch properly since they were talking in whispers.

“Ah, they're here. Thank you, Tina. Felia, can you take Ameli with you? You know what to do.”

“Of course. Ameli, come with me.” Felia replied as she walked past me, offered me a slight bow and a small smile, and took Ameli away. The poor girl was about to question the order, but it only took one look from Makila to lower her head and leave, closing the door behind.

Tina stayed with us standing by the door. I had noticed for a while now that she was the most trusted employee of the mansion since she always seemed to be there at the most important times, even in discussions exclusive to the family.

“Come here, my little Mishka. I have a surprise for you.” Kila said picking me up and sitting on her desk chair.

It was as usual, full of documents of different types separated into large piles. Each one had texts so long and full of numbers that I felt dizzy just imagining trying to read them at a fraction of the speed at which Kila always worked. I felt a new respect for my second mother and her amazing ability to handle this work.

Right next to one of the larger stacks of documents, Kila picked up a letter that had already been opened, with its contents in plain view.

“This letter arrived a little while ago. Curious to know who it's from?” said Kila, with that tone she always uses when she wants to mess with me.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Considering how Kila has been lately, I was sure that letter had something in it that she could mess with me for quite a while, or it came from someone important to me, with which she could mess with me for quite a while. Makila had at some point become my bully.

“Yuliana,” I replied. So far, her letters had been the only reason Kila acted that way.

“No.” She denied with a foxy grin. Very fitting for her.

If it wasn't Yuliana, then it could only be Aria. I didn't think it was her, though. After all, she had only sent me a single letter since we stopped seeing each other. I had already made it a point to nag her personally when we met again.


“Neither.” Kila denied it again. This time her smile grew even bigger. I almost saw the Cheshire cat nodding behind her like a proud teacher.

Despite that, Kila refused to tell me anything, expecting me to guess for myself. But, as much as I thought and thought I couldn't come up with anything. Who, other than Yuliana and Aria would send me a letter?

Seeing how hard I was having it, Makila snorted in amusement kissing me on the forehead. It seemed my expression was enough to satiate her desire to mess with me. Immediately, and without saying anything else to me, she began to read the letter without explanation.

To the dear Baelian family,

I hope these words find you all in good health and excellent spirits. Irlana, Hal, and Fiana, I trust everything is going well for you and the household. How is my dear little brother, is he still throwing tantrums about last time? I wouldn't be at all surprised. As for Losward, is he continuing with his schemes and orthodox idealism? Although his posture and attitude may be, somewhat irritating to everyone, I still think of him as my nephew and hope he is doing well.

By the time this letter arrives, Sarka should already be deeply immersed in her studies at the academy. I am sure her sharp mind and perseverance will lead her to excel as always. Regarding Zenya, I wonder how much she has grown since I last saw her, has it finally happened? I'm sure the little rascal has already passed me in height. Part of me is happy about that, but I'm also a little sad that, once again, I'm shorter than my nieces.

Now, about little Orinthya. How is the little huntress doing? I wonder if she has grown as healthy and strong as I trust she will. Have any problems arisen related to her nature, or is everything progressing normally? Let me remind you of the importance of watching her diet. She will need more meat than most Asherians, and I hope you will not forget to give her rava fruit juice. It is indispensable for her proper development as a Revant. I realize I may sound a bit tedious about this, but I must take care of the next generation of my race, as it's my duty.

My journey has taken me far to the north, beyond the Coldent Marquisate, approaching the territory of the Obreund kingdom. At the moment, I am immersed in a hunting mission, tracking down some beasts that have wreaked havoc in this region. Fortunately, my team has proven as trustworthy as I had hoped, accompanying me on this latest adventure without protest. Once we conclude this assignment, we have decided that this will be our farewell, and everyone will go their own way. A couple plans to marry, while the rest want to seek permanent work in the guild or work for any nobleman with deep enough pockets. For my part, I confess that I have come to consider a change in my life.

Orinthya, with a little luck, I should be able to return in three or four years. When I return, I intend to stay in the capital for good. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to pass on to you my teachings about who we are, and all that it means to be part of this lost tribe. I can only imagine what it will be like to watch you grow, guide you in your journey, and, hopefully, share what I know about our history and legacy. I wish to share my journeys with you, hoping they will help you understand where you came from and where you are going. But most of all, I am eager to talk with you about what lies beyond the sky.

I can't wait to return soon.

With all my love and best wishes,

Anven Zora Baelian

12th of Kzafor, 49th era, 994th of Ashana's 8th victory.


Aunty Ven.

It was a letter from Aunty Ven!

Is she up north on a hunting mission? What was that supposed to mean? I couldn't tell if she was some kind of adventurer as I know them, a mercenary or some sort of hunter like those in MonHun since she's talking about hunting beasts. But that wasn't what was important, it was the fact that she would be back so soon. Three or four years... meaning she'd be back when I'd be around 7 years old.

“What do you think, Nita? Pretty soon you'll be able to see your Aunt Anven again.”

I nodded and hugged Kila excitedly. I finally had news of her, and it was great news! The fact that it happened at this time was perfect as I could tell her a bit about the current situation and she could help me think of some way to cope with whatever those souls that fell meant.

I was about to tell Kila I wanted to send a letter of reply to Aunty Ven when we heard someone knocking at the door.

Tina opened the door slightly and chatted with whoever was outside. Kila and I remained silent, waiting to see what was going on. When Tina finished, she walked straight over to Kila and whispered something in her ear. Her worried face portended one of bad news or some urgent situation.

“When did it happen?” asked Kila, rising hurriedly from her chair. Her face looked tense and a little pale affecting me as well.

“A few minutes ago, currently she's-”

"Say no more. Take Nita to breakfast," She ordered urgently. Then she addressed me in a softer voice.

“I'm sorry my little Mishka, I know you wanted us to write her a reply, but I have something urgent to do. Why don't you ask your sister to help you write a reply to your Aunty?”

I didn't quite understand what was happening, but I could understand that it was important, so I nodded obediently. However, I felt quite anxious because of how uneasy Kila looked.

She nodded with a smile, and after kissing me on the cheek we left the office and parted after closing the door. I watched as my second mother lost her composure running without a care in the world, speeding down the long hallway.

Wasting no more time, Tina took me straight to the dining room. Dad was not at the table, in fact, apart from me, only Zenya was seated. It was normal for Mom to be absent most of the time, but even Dad wasn't there. That was weird, very weird.

“Tya, good morning, how’s my cute little sister?” greeted Zenya from her chair, finishing eating a bowl of what looked like porridge. Tina sat me down next to my sister and immediately Zenya helped me eat from my bowl.

For a long time, it was just the two of us at the table together, and no one else showed up during that time. It seemed that Zenya didn't know why it was just the two of us either, or if she did, she didn't show it at any time.

When I finished eating; noticing that no one else showed up, not even Ameli, Zenya decided it was best if we just left together in the meantime. Of course, she instructed Tina to let Kila know that I would be with her. Immediately after that, we walked hand in hand into the garden to our usual place. On the way I told her about Aunty Ven's letter and, like me, she seemed excited to see her again.

“It's funny that Aunty Ven thinks I'm taller than her already. I don't think it will happen for another couple of years.”

“Nini will get taller?” I asked curiously. Zenya would grow much taller. Only I would be short in stature, and considering what Losward and Sarka were like, I was pretty sure Zenya would be quite tall.

“Hehe! You want to know?” she asked with pride in her voice. She looked like she wanted to show off, and who was I to stop her?


“Well get this, Tya. Mother says that, with luck, I'll be almost as tall as Father!”

Zenya puffed out her chest with pride, looking incredibly happy at her statement. She seemed quite convinced that what Mom said would be her future reality.

“...” I could only remain silent. The answer left me in shock and I immediately tried to imagine my sister that way. But all I could see was a weird image of her with a physique similar to Dad's, wearing one of the dresses she loved so much... it was... uh, I didn't know how to begin to describe something like that.

“What are you imagining?” my sister said, lightly pinching my cheek as she looked annoyed. “I said I would be almost as tall, not that I would be the same.”

I rubbed my cheek as I tried to figure out how she had realized what I was thinking. But, just like before, with an ability that seemed to read my mind, she answered me as she laughed.

“Your face says it all Tya. Be thankful I'm letting you off with just that. Hmph.”

We both laughed a little as we continued on our way to the garden. When we got there, Kolda was already there waiting for us. She even prepared some of the stuff we usually use in my writing lessons. It was a bit suspicious, but I decided not to make a big deal about it. Kila might have ordered her to do this because she must have been so busy with that urgent matter.

We walked in and as I was about to sit in my usual spot, Zenya stopped me.

“Tya, we're going to do something different today.”

I tilted my head and kept silent, waiting for her to continue.

Zenya nodded in satisfaction and then picked up an envelope, two blank sheets of paper, and a quill with her inkwell. She approached me, who was unsure of what she wanted to do, and, smiling revealed her plan.

“I'll take care of giving her a more appropriate reply, but, since you also want to give Aunty Ven a letter, why don't you write her something yourself?”

I think the question marks were very obvious over my head because Zenya couldn't help but laugh at my confusion.


“Yes. You've made a lot of improvement so quickly, and I'm sure Aunty Ven will be thrilled if you write her something yourself.”

I had to think about it for a moment. I wasn't confident it would go very well, but, my sister had a point. I was sure Aunty Ven would be happy if I wrote her something, especially if I replied to that hidden message she left me.

I was a little hesitant, but I figured it couldn't go that bad, after all, even though Aunty Ven knew a little about my situation, we were still family. Besides, I would add something else.

“Can I draw her a drawing?” I asked. I didn't know if she would like that, but that seemed like a good idea.

“Of course, I'm sure she'll love that.”

I smiled immediately, and before I could ask her for my things Kolda showed up with everything I needed. I thanked the gentle giant of a maid, and immediately got to work.

The drawing would be simple, and maybe I could use it to explain to her without words that I understood her and I was eager to talk to her. I made a little imitation of what happened when I told her everything for the first time, only I was older. I alluded to what lay beyond the sky, the anchors I was to set, and, as a form of hint of what I wanted Aunty Ven to do for me, I put a wooden sword in my hands, matching the sword I remembered her having. I hoped it was easy enough to understand.

And by the time I finished the drawing, I had a faint idea of what I wanted to write to her. I decided to tell her about my daily experiences, how much I miss Sarka since she returned to the academy, and how much I want to see her again. Before lunch, everything was finished. My handwriting was a mess, but a legible mess. Or at least that's what Zenya said since she could read everything, I managed to write without too much trouble.

I must say it was difficult enough. Since I was writing with a quill and ink, there was no way to correct my mistakes without creating an ugly smudge on the paper, so when I didn't remember a word or wasn't sure if I was correct, I would ask my sister and she would help me.

When everything was finished, Zenya gave everything a final check and placed it in the envelope, sealing it with the family seal.

“Nini, how do you know where to send the letter? Isn't Aunty Ven always traveling?” I asked curious. Something I'd been wondering about since Kila told me I could answer it.

“Oh, that's a good question, Tya. What a smart girl.” Zenya patted my head smiling happily. Although it was a little embarrassing, I couldn't help but feel a little proud of the compliment.

My sister handed the letter to Kolda, who immediately went to deliver it to whoever was sending it to the destination, then picked me up in her arms and started walking out of the annex towards the garden as she began to explain.

“Aunty Ven is... how should I put it so you understand?” Zenya put on a thoughtful expression, similar to what Mom always does, even placing a hand on her cheek. Certainly, mother and daughter. “You could say that her job is to hunt bad beasts and monsters that cause trouble for people.”

“Hunting monsters?” That sounded a lot like a hunter or mercenary. Also like a classic adventurer, they took other types of missions, not just hunting, but it wasn’t the same.

“Yes. You may not believe it, but Aunty Ven is super strong. Father once told me she single-handedly hunted an Afenth.”

I frowned when I heard that name. From the way she said it was surely something impressive, but... “Nini, what's an Afan?”

“Hehe, an Afenth, Tya. Hmm, it's a very very fast and hard-to-catch monster. It's as tall as an Eku and has large claws on its front paws. Its hide is thick and tough like a Bortan's. Ah, remember the meat we ate on your birthday?”

I nodded. It was quite delicious meat. It was like a well-cooked pork; the best part was that it had almost no fat. You could chew it and it would melt in your mouth easily. It was one of the best meats I had tasted since I was allowed to eat meat.

“That was Afenth's meat. They're very hard to hunt, so it's usually eaten only at special times.”

“Ohh!” I exclaimed surprised, as well as happy.

I was about to ask something else when we passed two maids who seemed to have just finished washing clothes. They were passing through one of the outer corridors that led directly into the flower garden from which we had come. They hadn't noticed us yet, so we stopped. Zenya seemed to want to listen to their conversation.

“I'm telling you,” Said one of the women, sounding a bit annoyed. “The lady has been taking her medication, I'm sure she has!”

“But if she has been taking her medications then why did she collapse this morning?”

Wait, collapse? Who?

“Well, there's a rumor.” She said, lowering her voice slightly as she stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked to various sides, making sure no one was listening to her. “This is something I heard from Kemasa but, some employees are saying that her grace, the Duchess might only have a couple more years to live.”


The maid accompanying her covered her mouth in horrible surprise. I began to tremble, terrified at the statement this maid had made. And I was not the only one. I could feel Zenya clinging to me tighter. When I looked at her face, she was pale, her expression filled with anger and distress. Remembering I was in her arms and heard everything those maids said, Zenya came out of our “hiding place” and confronted them head-on.

“You two! What do you think you're doing spreading those kinds of rumors?” she reprimanded them, glaring in defiance. The two maidservants froze in place and immediately bowed hurriedly.

“W-we're so sorry, Lady Zenya! W-we were just-”

“I don't care what you were doing. Spreading those kinds of rumors, even worse from the master of this house, the Duchess herself! Do you know I could throw you out of this house over that alone?”

Both of them paled at Zenya's words, and stammered as they searched for the words to save their jobs, but, before anything else could happen, Zenya spoke again.

“You should be thankful that I was the one who found you and not Makila, or you would already be thrown out on the street. Now, get out of my sight and never speak of foolish rumors in this house again. Do you understand?”

The two maids nodded quickly, bowing to us in apology and thanking Zenya for her mercy, then rushed away.

Zenya snorted furiously as she watched them go, but I... I clung to her, with a pleading expression, about to ask her if what those maids had said was true. My sister noticed my actions and, hugging me very tightly, whispered in my ear.

“Don't worry, Tya. Mother is fine, she's not going to leave us.”

“R-really, shivit? You're not-”

“Shh, easy little sis, I'm not lying to you.”

I managed to calm down a bit, but despite that, I felt anxious. More so because I now understood the urgent situation Makila had to attend to in the morning.

“Nini, mami...”

“*sigh* I know, I want to know what happened too.” Zenya sighed and started walking towards the mansion door. “Come on, let's go find Makila or Father.”

Then we walked, searching for someone who could clarify all of this. My heart was pounding hard against my chest. I hoped that what those maids said was just an unfounded rumor.



Finally, the last chapter of 2024. Sorry for disappearing for these two weeks. I was sick from the first week, and then I had to do a bunch of things regarding tax payments in the second week, which I was overdue apparently.

And finally, to add to that, my dog got sick and I had to run around with trips to the vet. The things that can happen in just two weeks...

The good news is that, hopefully, by January I will change my pc for a better one, and I will no longer have to suffer with the one I currently have, a pc that is already more than 10 years old.

Anyway, I'm not going to comment much about the chapter because I want you to assimilate what happened and wait patiently for next year when the next one comes out.

Let's leave it here this time. Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope you have a wonderful new year!