Guys, I'm having some trouble with the next chapters. More than anything a small problem with how I want to do the current plot that I'm writing. I've been writing and deleting constantly and it's been difficult for me to express what I want to do, although I've been achieving it very slowly, so I'm going to take my time writing it and get it right so I don't have to upload what in my country we call an "arroz con mango" (rice with mango), basically something very ugly and poorly done. So, I don't think I'll be able to upload a chapter for tomorrow, but I hope that when I've done it, I'll probably do a double chapter. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you forgive this poor ojisan who has only known how to delay chapters constantly.
Take your time! We love your work and are definitely wanting you to write what you want to write. So please don't rush and just submit it when you feel it's to your standards.
most importantly enjoy your work
Vai com calma amigo
Handle yourself how you need to. People enjoy your work and will wait for the chapters as they come. Your life is highly needed to keep the story going , so take the time that is needed.
No prob! Remember to rest as well. Your health is more important than the story.
it is very common to write a first draft that just gets the ideas on paper/word processor. This never has to be published. From there you can use that with your editing team, if you have one, to revise and rewrite sections of it to improve as a second, third, or later draft till it fits your actual vision of what the chapter may be. Please dont be afraid to keep the "arroz con mango" as a starting block. Every chapter has to start somewhere, and very ugly and poorly done is better than not done at all, even and especially if you never publish it that way. My English Professors in University always said poorly done is better than not done. My History Professors said that too.
Trust the process.
like the rest of the comments say, it's better to take some time and get it right than to rush it and do something you're going to regret for the rest of the story!
No hay problema, es mejor tener algo bien echo, por cierto de que país eres?
Es una expresión cubana, pues tal vez él o ella sea de Cuba.
@anonjohn20 No solo de Cuba. La he escuchado tanto de cubanos como algunos puertorriqueños y de bastantes países de Centroamérica. Costa Rica, por cierto.
@FivesZeta costa rica eh?..... no sea necio mae!
It's fine. It's almost always better to take your time when crafting anything (Very few exceptions).