After killing Mike, ripping his head off with a single movement, I put his head back on and turned him a familiar.
I then edited 5 of his statuses (my limit) to 300. Attack, speed, defense, and resistance. He has no magical abilities, so it doesn't matter. He came with his swordsmanship skill.
With his status, he'll probably be able to kill many people in a town. He just needs to kill as many people as possible before the guards catch him.
I need to take him out of the labyrinth. But first.
I took one of the ordinary iron swords from next to one of the bodies and handed it to him.
'I'm going to take you outside. After you leave, try to act as normal as possible. And when you get to a town, wait for the best moment to attack.'
'When you get to a busy place, just start killing everyone. No, don't kill children or defenseless women. Just... kill the women who will try to do something against you.''
'As for the men... I don't care about them as long as they're not children. Now, let's go.'
I used my spatial magic and teleported us out of the labyrinth. After, I asked Mike to guide me to a place where there were humans he could ask for help. I want to get him there safely.
The entrance to the labyrinth was just a short distance from the forest we were in before. I hid among the trees, and Mike walked over to a group of guards.
He started talking to two guards. He was doing so well. He even looked like an average person. He was acting like a normal human.
Had my ability evolved or something?
I remember that the first humans I revived acted like zombies without consciousness. Well, that's good.
I walked away and went back into the labyrinth with my space magic. Now I just had to wait anxiously for what would happen in the next few hours... or days. I hope my edit to his status lasts until he reaches a city.
*Change of POV*
Close to the entrance of the labyrinth.
The guards were storing their things inside a carriage, preparing to leave for the nearest village.
After passing through the village, they would head straight for the town.
The night was coming, and they would leave in the morning.
A mysterious man suddenly appeared as everyone was getting ready for dinner. With a sword in his hand, the man had dirty clothes.
The man looked a little "strange".
There were eight guards, but only two were armed, as monsters might appear. The two armed guards stepped into the man's path. The man who had previously looked strange gave a big smile.
"Excuse me, can you help me? I was camping in a nearby forest, but we were attacked by monsters. Two of my companions died and the others ran away."
Mike said this with a smile that sent shivers down the men's spine. Was that something you would say with a smile?
The nearest guard used Appraisal and was surprised by what he saw. The man had high status, a status stronger than his own. Luckily for Mike, he couldn't see the "Familiar" tag next to his name.
'But that's strange. His status is high, but he only has one skill, and it's not at a very high level.' The guard thought.
He cleared his throat and asked a question. "Why did you try to go after your friends who ran away?"
"They were running away and the monsters were after them, why would I go in the same direction? They're probably dead by now." Mike said while continuing to smile.
The two guards looked at each other and sighed.
"We're getting ready to leave tomorrow morning. If you want to go with us, first give me your weapon." The guard pointed to the sword Mike was carrying. The smile on Mike's face disappeared completely, but it soon returned.
"Right, here it is. I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?" Mike handed the sword to the guard and walked past him. The two armed guards looked at him in surprise as Mike approached the other six men who were socializing around a campfire where they were preparing dinner.
To the surprise of the two guards, the men began to treat Mike like a friend, even without asking too many questions.
The two guards shrugged and thought that everything was fine. The man had no skills apart from [ Swordmanship ] and didn't have a sword with him.
Then everyone went to sleep, except those who would stand guard and Mike, who didn't need to sleep. He pretended to sleep while the men took turns to be guards until morning.
Then, the carriage began to move towards the nearest village.
All the way, Mike kept a smile on his face.
*Change of POV*
'You're finally back, what took you so long?! You said it would be quick!'
'It was quick. But seriously, it took longer than I expected, but look at this.' I removed the web, wrapping the armor and sword, and threw it on the floor. When Kumoko saw it, her eyes lit up.
'Waaa!!! What is this?! It's incredible!'
'It's the armor and sword that man was after. Their master was very fond of it, but it doesn't look like a big thing. Anyway, it must be worth a lot of money.'
'Speaking of which, where is he? Did you kill him?'
'I didn't kill him~~ I'm using him to do something fun~~'
'Urgh... You're scaring me.'
'What? I didn't do anything.'
'Your smile just now, it was scary.'
'Of course it would be, I'm a giant spider...'
'Huh... It wasn't scary just because you're a spider... You know what? Never mind.'

Thanks for the chapter author and will you put pic of humanoid when she evolved into it?
I then edited 5 of his statuses (my limit) to 300. Attack, speed, defense, and resistance.
That's only 4 statuses author.
Anyway, thx for the chapter!
Put female protagonist tag
Why? The main character is a male.