Two months went by in a flash and through it all, I somehow managed to keep myself under control. Whether in a sparring match or a conversation, I nearly lost myself more times than I could count, and as troublesome as it was, I couldn't be happier with the outcome:
Daphne | LV 100 |
HP | 1290 |
Str | 682 |
Dex | 750 |
Spd | 604 |
Luck | 545 |
P-DEF | 537 |
M-DEF | 666 |
Status | ----- |
Compatibility | Lucia |
Maxed out! I remembered that panel down to the last detail. It filled me with a sense of pride that couldn't be described in words. I was happy with how my stats turned out, but I knew it didn't tell the full story. My Willpower must have grown by leaps and bounds, I thought to myself as I waited for Lucia to arrive.
Scanning my dimly lit surroundings, I took everything in with a looming sense of dread. My eyes had already adjusted to the darkness, so I had a much easier time making things out in the throne room. The eleven thrones were exquisitely decorated with fine gold and rare jewels of all kinds. It filled me with a sense of reverence and awe in their presence, but that was only the beginning. From the spotless marble floor to the massive chandelier that hung from the ceiling, everything was elegant.
Looking up, I could barely make out the flags that gave this room its special significance. The Behemoth... I thought to myself as I remembered the symbol of the beast. Come to think of it... The throne at the center stood out in a way that difficult to miss. It was elevated above the others and subtly gave off a more grandiose feel, even with the same level of decoration. That must be where he sits, I concluded as I went over what I'd been told.
"Lord Behemoth wants to meet with you two," Isis delivered the news with an unreadable look on her face. I couldn't guess the heads or tails of it. Why now? I wondered as I tapped my feet impatiently. He must've known about me for a long time, I surmised, but that wasn't the most concerning part about it. If he had been monitoring me from the beginning, is he somehow connected to my transportation here? I'd never know until I asked, and I had no way of knowing if he'd give me an honest response or even answer my question at all.
"Daphne! There you are!" Lucia exclaimed with a lively bounce in her step as she entered the room. We hadn't seen each other for months now, so we ran into each other's arms, almost weeping for joy.
"You must have gone through a lot," I said as I caressed her hair lovingly.
"I missed you so, so much!" She said, burying her face into my chest and tightening her arms around me. I was happy to hear that and even considered telling her about my trials but suddenly when the atmosphere in the room took a sudden shift, and we were overwhelmed by a familiar aura. He's here! I thought to myself as I dropped to my knees with a feeling of terror hanging over me.
Lucia looked like she was about to faint, so I held her hand and reassured her with a nod. However this turns out, I'll ensure that we both walk out of here alive. She seemed to understand my intent and slowly but steadily calmed her breathing as she turned to face him.
"You have grown spectacularly," He began with an unreadable look in his heterochromatic eyes. "It was always in my plan to impart more blessings upon you, but it would've been a waste if you couldn't handle them." So that's what this training was all about, I thought to myself as he continued, "With these blessings, you'll become True Apostles, equals to 3rd tier classes." He stopped dead in his tracks and stared straight into my eyes as he said, "I'll be expecting a lot more from you."
Just then, we were swallowed up by a divine light that greatly illuminated our surroundings. The feeling of it was difficult to describe in words, but it was as if we were burning up from within while being conscious— no, hyper-conscious of every moment. I felt euphoria, anger, sadness, and tranquillity all at once as the panel appeared before me.
Daphne | LV 100 |
HP | 1290 |
Str | 682 |
Dex | 750 |
Spd | 604 |
Luck | 545 |
P-DEF | 537 |
M-DEF | 666 |
Status | ----- |
Compatibility | Lucia |
Skills: | Accuracy+, Precision Strike, Nature's Bounty, Reclassing |
My stats remained the same, but something was different, a new skill appeared before me. Reclassing? Upon further inquiry, I was floored by what I found out. I-it allows for the changing of classes at will! But that wasn't the end of the surprises.
"C-c-c-c-create magic?!!" Lucia exclaimed in a voice that was in between a shriek and a scream.
"W-what's wrong?" I asked and immediately regretted it because of what she told me.
Lucia | LV 101 |
HP | 1167 |
Mag | 1500 |
Dex | 1089 |
Spd | 1224 |
Luck | 903 |
P-DEF | 836 |
M-DEF | 1500 |
Status | ----- |
Compatibility | Daphne |
Skills: | Mana Overcharge, Create Magic |
Level 101?! And her stats are absolutely insane! Is this what a third-tier class's stats look like? I felt a little bit envious. Even after the light of the blessing had faded, her body was still flashing with an incredible radiance, as if she had become a living star. Our collective panic at this was all too understandable, but the Lord of the Land stepped in to diffuse the situation.
"[Create Magic] is a skill that can only be used once. Anymore than that, and your body would be destroyed," He explained quite succinctly.
"So, I'll have to use it wisely," She mumbled, and Lord Behemoth nodded at her statement. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and within moments, the radiance that enveloped her vanished, leaving behind a darkness seemingly more pronounced than before. I didn't know what magic she had created and didn't want to ask her, as I felt she'd tell me in her own time, but it did make my [Reclassing] feel minor in comparison. Ah, Lucia, your potential scares even me sometimes, I thought to myself as stood there, reflecting on the events of the day.
Yuri time?
Ehm, when did Behemoth blessed Lucia before? Mana oveerharge was sage skill. Her stats are crazy, she beat Daphne even at Daphne's "main" stats. Also remind me please, when did Lucia got 3rd tier class? What caused it? Reaching lvl 101?
Also Daphne underestimates reclassing. Switching between ranger and sniper should be strong already, then she could go warrior, mage or priest, should situation require. Although looking on stats of Lucia, I'm not sure, how she could stay equal ground with t3.
Thanks for the chapter.
Ehm, when did Behemoth blessed Lucia before? Mana oveerharge was sage skill. Her stats are crazy, she beat Daphne even at Daphne's "main" stats. Also remind me please, when did Lucia got 3rd tier class? What caused it? Reaching lvl 101?
Should've been a bit more clear, but when he said it was "always in his plan to impart more blessings," he was mainly talking to Daphne, who had received [Nature's Bounty] before, and the blessing for Lucia not only gave her 3rd tier class stats but also the [Create Magic] skill as a nice package.
(Btw, 101 automatically means 3rd tier, since 100 is the level cap normally)
@Kureous so... Whatis her class now? Archsage?
Poor Daphne stuck with t2 (
Whatis her class now? Archsage?
No. It's a... rather unique evolution of the Sage class tho
I was happy with how my stats turned out, but I knew it didn't tell the full story. My Willpower must have grown by leaps and bounds, I thought to myself as I waited for Lucia to arrive.
That sounds interesting
"Daphne! There you are!" Lucia exclaimed with a lively bounce in her step as she entered the room. We hadn't seen each other for months now, so we ran into each other's arms, almost weeping for joy.
"You must have gone through a lot," I said as I caressed her hair lovingly.
"I missed you so, so much!" She said, burying her face into my chest and tightening her arms around me.
Reclassing? Upon further inquiry, I was floored by what I found out. I-it allows for the changing of classes at will! But that wasn't the end of the surprises.
Level 101?! And her stats are absolutely insane! Is this what a third-tier class's stats look like? I felt a little bit envious. Even after the light of the blessing had faded, her body was still flashing with an incredible radiance, as if she had become a living star. Our collective panic at this was all too understandable, but the Lord of the Land stepped in to diffuse the situation.
"[Create Magic] is a skill that can only be used once. Anymore than that, and your body would be destroyed," He explained quite succinctly.
"So, I'll have to use it wisely," She mumbled
That sounds interesting