Chapter 72 – Reclassing
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Shortly after receiving his blessing, I wandered off to a secluded passageway in the labyrinth to understand my new ability. We hadn't been allowed out of the castle for a while now, so I'd started familiarizing myself with the place and committing locations to memory. This should do it, I thought to myself as I stopped before a cobblestone wall.

Sitting down cross-legged, I closed my eyes and searched within like a monk in deep meditation. I'd never inquired of any other skill with the same level of intensity. I simply didn't feel the need to, but now, things were different. [Reclassing], I thought to myself with a burning curiosity.

Could it have been an unconscious desire of mine? I wondered. Did I really want to change classes that badly? Was the question that followed, but questions like these would only waste my time, so I sharpened my focus, concentrating all my mental resources on the inquiry at hand. I sat... and sat... and sat... until I got a response.

Current Class: <Ranger>

A new panel appeared before me, and that was the first thing I saw. Right below that was a list showing all the available classes I could change to with their respective stats and skills on full display. It was a torrent of information unlike anything I'd ever experienced before that assaulted my mind all at once and was overwhelming in the truest sense of the word. As a result, I disengaged from the inquiry, and the panel disappeared before I could even process what was happening.

"No!" I screamed in frustration. I couldn't keep track of the time, so I didn't know exactly how long it took me, but I knew re-engaging in the skill inquiry was not going to be easy. At least, that's what I thought until the panel reappeared moments after starting.

Current Class: <Ranger>

I quickly skimmed through the long list of classes and their respective skills and stats, bearing the migraines until I arrived at:

Change Class? <Yes> <No>

Yes! I answered with a clear image of the class I wanted in mind. Hopefully, I won't have to look through that list again with this, I thought to myself, but things could never be that easy. My focus was redirected to the class list, and I intuitively knew what I was supposed to do. How will I be able to choose a class, let alone use this skill in battle with this head-splitting pain? I wondered as I hurriedly selected a class from the list. From there, the panel I was used to appeared before me, showing a different set of stats and skills:

Daphne LV 100
HP 984 + 40%
Str 596 + 40%
Dex 750 + 40%
Spd 750 + 40%
Luck  639 + 40% 
P-DEF 425 + 40%
M-DEF 321 + 40%
Status -----
Compatibility Lucia


Skills: Killing Intuition, Nature's Bounty, Reclassing

My stats were skewed towards dexterity and speed, and my archer specific skills had vanished completely, leaving behind [Nature's Bounty] and [Reclassing]. I already had a good idea of what class I was, but I still inquired of the skill.

Current Class: <Swordmaster>

Interesting, I thought to myself with a devious grin on my face. Of course, I'd need to work on the migraines I felt whenever I looked through the class list, but asides from that, it was an incredibly versatile skill that could see me through all manner of situations and circumstances. I won't put it to waste! I resolved on that day as I began to discover the ins and outs of it. 

As requested, I have included all the character illustrations so far in the Glossary with some never-before-seen ones added as a treat! All future illustrations shown in chapters will also be added there, so feel free to check it out whenever you'd like.