Interlude – A Happy Family Dinner
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After the war, I returned to my family as an awarded member of the heroes of Camelia. My pregnant wife and young daughter were happy to have me back, and I felt I could finally leave the life of fighting behind. 

"Once again, thank you so much for taking care of her, Sylvia," I expressed my gratitude to my wife's sister, who had been looking after her all this while. As she took her leave, my daughter suddenly burst into tears, and my wife gave her a mighty hug and some food on her way back. Since then, we've been living together peacefully, as I had always dreamed.

On that particular evening, we were sitting together at the dining table, enjoying the food that my wife prepared for us when my daughter called out to me,

"Dad, it's been on my mind for a while, but all the exploits we've been hearing about. Did they really happen?" She asked with sparkling eyes. I knew that great parents were the boast of their children, so I was tempted to embellish the truth about my contribution but ultimately decided against that.

"Admittedly, I didn't do all that much. I fought in some battles against Imperial battalions and monsters, but the real star of show, the person that made all those exploits possible, was our Commander: General Kevin."

"What was he like?" Was her next question, and I wasted no time in answering that,

"Our commander was... I actually can't remember all that much about him," I spoke to them sincerely but suddenly began to feel like I was lying. I could feel that something was wrong somewhere, but just as I began to suspect, the memories came back to me. "Oh, I remember now!" I continued, "He was a firm yet kind man, who saw opportunities where others saw problems and thought in such a strange, bold way. He was someone who could look at a Company and think that we could take on the Empire by ourselves. We all... admired him." There it is again, I thought to myself as I stood up from my seat. I feel like I'm forgetting something very important, but what could it be?

"Please tell us more about him!" My daughter exclaimed as I left to wash my plate in the kitchen.

"No problem!" I shouted back, but as I finished washing my plate and retired to sleep for the day, I couldn't help but wonder, What am I forgetting?