Chapter 76 – A “Perfect” Rescue
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As we were coming back from a party in the Kingdom, we were attacked by a monster we had never seen before, which looked like a chimeric amalgamation of elemental golems. Tall and sturdy as a fortress, it stood in our path, ready for battle.

"Should we attack?" I wondered aloud, still approaching the situation with the same level-headed calmness I had gained a reputation for in Tibeonia. 

"It would be most wise, your grace," My adviser told me, but I could sense the venom in his words. He'd been trying to turn the other nobles against me and garner support for himself behind my back. I could find some reason to execute him anytime I want, but he still has his use, I thought to myself as I made my decision.

"We retreat!" Just as we began to turn back, it raised its fists into the air and brought them down with a fury, narrowly missing our carriage by a hair's breadth. The shockwave of the hit sent our carriage barrelling through the air, making me wonder where everything had gone wrong as one of our barrier mages set up a protective barrier. 

This is bad, I thought to myself as the situation unfolded before me. Our horses had already escaped and now, we were stranded, forced to fight against a creature we knew too little about. My guard, which was comprised of some of the most renown Champions of Tibeonia, drew their blades and axes in preparation for the battle ahead. They were the reason I could remain so calm because I knew their strength better than anybody else. However...

"I-it can't be..." To my horror, I watched as they were dismembered in seconds by the unknown monster. At that moment, I realized I was no longer the Duke of Tibeonia but just a man standing before the great equalizer. Is this really where I meet my end? I asked myself and that was when... she appeared.

"Infernal Flare." With those two words, she summoned a flame so bright and hot that it was like the night had turned to day in a split second. That same flame consumed the monster in its entirety, leaving no trace behind as it suddenly vanished as quickly as it had been summoned. It was strange. Infernal Flare was a wide range, S-tier fire spell, but she managed to concentrate it on a single target, something no mage had ever done before. 

"H-holy..." To have defeated a monster that killed my level 90 Champions so easily... she must be divine, was my conclusion as I stood there, stunned by her graceful form and immaculate beauty. She turned to look at me, and I almost lost myself. It was like she could see through me completely, even to the very depths of my soul.

I rushed out of carriage, thinking, I've been saved by a Goddess! My adviser and the servants were shocked, but between them and pleasing this Goddess, I knew what was more important. As I approached, a slight confusion crossed her features and that was when I remembered. I don't have an offering with me! How could I be so foolish?!

"M-my Goddess," I began. "Please forgive me for the insolence of coming before you without an offering! M-my name is Duke Lanmark, and I am the ruling Duke of the Grand Duchy of Tibeonia." She looked even more confused for a moment there, but quickly collected herself and smiled. Thank the heavens! I managed to please her somehow... 

"My name is Lucia, and I'm a Holy Sage, not a Goddess," She explained. Lucia. What a beautiful name. And Holy Sage... That must be how she wants to be addressed, I thought to myself as the plans began to take shape in my mind. I already have some witnesses. All I'll need is for her to come to Tibeonia.

"If it would not trouble you, most Holy Sage, would you mind coming to the Grand Duchy of Tibeonia in the near future? I want to properly thank you for saving my life." She seemed unsure for a moment before agreeing to my proposal, saying,

"I would love to!" I knew I couldn't even begin to fathom her thoughts, so I didn't try to guess at what seemed to be the source of her hesitation. I described the castle and other important locations to the best of my ability before thanking her once again. As I turned to make my leave, she said, "Wait!"


"I feel responsible for you guys losing your horses, so I'll create new ones for you," She explained as she drew an intricate formation in the air. Once it was the done, the earth began to take shape, forming horses that would never tire, ready to carry us back. Ah, my Goddess, you have made my job so much easier, I thought to myself as we began to take our leave. All I could think of on the way back was, I'll establish a new religion in your honor.