"Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit," Habondia chanted, her voice carrying across the frozen expanse of Lake Tuoni as she made her way cautiously from the southern shore toward the center. With each step she took, the thin layer of ice beneath her feet seemed to tremble, mirroring the nervousness that coursed through her veins.
Though Habondia possessed the rare ability to perform Thaumaturgy without the need for verbal incantations, she found solace in the ritual of chanting spells to calm her restless mind. The words flowed from her lips, a steady cadence that accompanied her journey.
As she reached the spot where Alice still floated, a sudden surge of power erupted from the depths of the lake. A colossal fortress, its imposing walls rising over a hundred feet, burst forth from the icy waters, lifting Habondia and Alice towards the sky. Atop the flat roof of the central tower, Habondia found herself joined by Joanne, Naamaah, Sadhbh, and the two Abeona's satyrs.
Peering over the edge of the roof, Habondia's gaze fell upon Völundr's lackeys below. She observed, her heart pounding, as the towering tree made its ascent, climbing up the fortress with an eerie determination.
"Imus Iter!" Habondia whispered under her breath, her voice barely audible.
One by one, Habondia's subordinates materialized behind Völundr's lackeys, each unleashing their own spells. Habondia had meticulously studied the faces and abilities of every member of Völundr's entourage, refusing to be caught off guard again. Joanne's comprehensive intelligence briefing had left no room for complacency.
Tess Balcaen and Anaïs D'Anvers cast "Spanto!" immobilizing Steve, Lowe, and Snip, freezing them in place. Gisèle Chaudron, Maaya Wozniak, and Marijke Gil unleashed the same paralyzing spells on Arashi, Naga, and Hatta from behind. The trio crumpled to the ground, their heads striking the earth with a dull thud.
Athéné De Lévis manipulated the Aether with the tip of her fingers, ensnaring Aran, Damon, and the unconscious Kath in a tangle of bindings with the Devinctum spell. They crashed to the snowy ground, their movements restricted. Heidemarie Pippin weaved the same spell, binding Kyrie and Alouqua together.
"We have bought ourselves enough time!" A clone of Joanne declared, appearing amidst Völundr's lackeys. The sound of her voice reverberated through Habondia's senses as if she stood right beside her. It became clear to Habondia that this Joanne clone was the last, explaining the haggard appearance and heavy panting in the evident fatigue in the Joanne next to her.
Habondia's attention was suddenly drawn to three figures emerging from the clearing. Annikki, Ilmarinen's maid, and Badru, Naamaah's child, stepped forward, their presence commanding attention. Behind them, Ilmarinen followed several paces behind. Annikki and the young boy carried a magnificent seven-foot-long trident, its polished metal gleaming under the moonlight, adorned with stunning sapphires.
As Ilmarinen reached the edge of the lake, he shouted, "Everything is ready!"
Naamaah cackled, her voice dripping with mockery. "I thought you had run away." Ilmarinen shook his head and hand in disapproval.
"What a pathetic group of lackeys Völundr has," the Joanne clone beside Habondia remarked, her voice filled with scorn.
Habondia turned to face her, a silent nod of agreement passing between them.