Chapter 122: Fire Sale II
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“Peanut, did you get those rare minerals we looked at?”

“Yes, Marcus. Here’s the promissory note. You’ll have to do the exchange at the storage location again.”

“When is that taking place?”

“In twenty minutes.”

“Hrmm,” Walker said, tapping his chin, “That’s a little close to when I’m meeting up with the Herbal Faction. I may need you to sit on them for a minute so they don’t see each other.”

“Wise,” A bored Virgil said in the booth across from him. Since they’d first arrived in the Cafe, cutely named Adele’s Pour it and Store it, Walker had sent Rimi out a dozen times. Virgil wouldn’t allow him to do the transactions himself, too concerned with either Walker being recognized as Dante, or the merchants figuring out just how much currency they were throwing around.

Walker had a unique idea to ensure their work wasn't recognized. Each time Rimi went out, Walker would enter the system and change his appearance, picking a random form. Right now, he looked like a large aluminum can with the word "Juicy" splashed across the front. It wasn’t his standard cute form, mega-squirrel or not, but he was very popular with the locals.

Walker had already met with multiple merchant agents at the storage location, conducting trades with each and gaining two more stars for his VIP card. So far, they’d met with Tanners, Papermakers, a very ornery Bookseller, and a collection of oddball vendors selling small trinkets infinitely useful to Symphony. He’d gained his stars from the Alchemists alone, a huge cost associated with what they called, the deal of a lifetime.

It reached a point where their rented plot had so many items and resources stored that it had to pay for an upgrade. The shop’s solution was beautiful in its simplicity: drop a few walls, and suddenly, you have more space.

Walker could appreciate that.

Virgil sent him several more messages about likely supplies they may want to purchase, but like the storage business, his plan was simple with its own kind of beauty. He wasn’t purchasing a huge amount of bulky items. No. No eight thousand ingots of purified Faer metal or a dozen bouquets of an expensive flower known for its ability to adrenalize those who inhale its fragrance.

Just one. One of…everything. Because when you build a system that can copy just about everything under the multiversal sun, one is never one. One is infinity. He laughed when he thought about the note Hiram had left him when dropping off the goods.


Dear Marcus:

I’ve left you five storage units per Magic Chamber and another five for the Concept Chamber. These are necessary for creating and storing newly produced magical and conceptual elements. When you run out, please feel free to contact me about purchasing further supplies. I’m sure our relationship will be long and quite fruitful for us both.

Thank you for purchasing from Hiram’s Magical Emporium.

In a smaller hand near the bottom of the note, the strange scientist couldn’t help leaving off one last word.


I also have a subscription service, although sadly, the cost is quite high.

Think about it!


But luckily, Walker didn’t have to think about it. The moment they got back, he’d be downloading everything into the isolated Item system. From what he understood, that should allow the materials to naturally grow and become a part of Symphony. For the low-low price of a few thousand Temporal resources, Symphony would have most of the materials available across the Multiverse.

But first, he needed two more stars on his VIP card.

He wanted…no, needed to go to that Auction. With his obscene wealth, who knew what would show up and how much he could grab? It was all his for the taking.

Further thoughts were put on hold as Walker entered the Assistant menu and changed Rimi’s appearance. Now representing one of Walker’s favorite sewer-dwelling crimefighters, he left on a mission to find a legitimate source of luxury items…Coffee to be specific. Whether it was out there or not was in the wind, but it was something Walker was desperately interested in.

Looking over at Virgil, sitting with his eyes closed, he sent a message.


Marcus: You know, this is essentially a big floating spaceport.

Sophie: Yes, and?

Marcus: Shouldn’t we be able to buy some spaceships or something? I feel like that would make some of the final battles a little easier.

Sophie: The Evolvers closely regulate vehicles capable of interstellar flight through the rigors of space. Your odds of purchasing one, even in the black market, are extremely slim. I am certain there are locations where you can do so; however, they were not entered into the Assistant database from my final download.

Marcus: That’s some do-do.


What served for a waitress came around again. She’d been checking on them every so often, but there was truly something strange about the way that she spoke.

“What canz I getchu guys?”

“Water would be fine,” Walker replied, having already eaten something spongey earlier. It looked like bread and tasted like bread, that was enough for him. Plus, Virgil had said it was fine.

She gave what he interpreted as a smile and a nod, “Ya got it, pal.”


Marcus: It’s not my imagination, right? She sounds like she’s from New York.


Virgil opened an eye, opting to speak aloud for once, “What did you expect? You went through and modified the entire Multiverse’s language structures with the Communication system. Why do you think Hiram sounded that way? The translator is not just changing the way you hear their words, but even the accents that accompany them.”

Walker looked around, making sure no one could hear them. “What are you doing? We’re supposed to be using messages only.”

Virgil shrugged, “I am less worried about the Waitress and Cook than I am about others. They seem the good sort.” He nodded at a nearby sign, proclaiming basic fare free to all. “Like I said, not every member of the Multiverse is like the Evolvers.”

They spent a few more minutes in the shop before heading over to the storage place for their trades. Rimi coordinated everything well, which should be expected of a Supreme assistant, though Walker still expressed his appreciation. But they didn’t gain any new stars. Virgil thought it had to be a lump sum payment, like it was with the Alchemists and Hiram. Meaning, they needed to spend big once or twice before seeing any results.

After thinking about it, Walker asked Virgil to take him somewhere that was pricy, but still had something useful for his burgeoning solar system. After considering it for a good amount of time changed both of their appearances again, Virgil began to lead them away to another section; Hopefully, their last of the day before the auction.

Because Walker was getting unusually tired.

The parasite wasn’t wreaking havoc on his body because he wasn’t overtaxing his soul, but the exhaustion that came with each hour of each day still racked up. Going to sleep or even taking a nap was out of the question. There wasn’t a time limit for their stay on the Grand Auction, but there was one for the third battle, and the clock in his vision mercilessly continued to tick away.

Considering that, Walker’s stride increased, a grim cast coming over his face. Virgil, sensing his Creators' need for haste, sped up accordingly, taking them directly to a public portal. After heading through and quickly exiting the central area, Walker looked at the sign declaring the area’s purpose.


Protocol district: Systems and Assistants

Greater Tier Evolver Factions Only


Marcus: Why are we here?

Sophie: Do exactly what I tell you


Virgil, having downloaded the entirety of the public Assistant Database before disconnecting from the Council’s restrictions, had an encyclopedic knowledge of every faction within the Evolvers. As such, he knew every Noble and the appearance of every Assistant within the greater factions of the Evolvers.

Stepping into a dark alley away from the main thoroughfare, Virgil had Walker change both his and Rimi’s appearances as well as all of their identities. As they exited the alley, a ten-foot bipedal gorilla stalked alongside a floating staff, Walker striding between them with a large amount of dirt now covering his face and clothes.


Jobe: This is not fun for me

X-3: Deal with it, Walker. When did you get so prissy?

Jobe: I’m not prissy. I’m just not a fan of being dirty. At least you get to float off of the ground Rimi.

X-3: It’s not as cool as it sounds, Walker.


That was a lie; it was exactly as cool as it sounded.

In his new gorilla form, Virgil led them to a large pagoda, floating several feet off the ground. To enter the area, you first had to step through a small portal, and even then, you had to pay ten Temporal resources per person for entry. As Walker paid, Virgil explained that no assistants had access to resources, so every assistant moving about the area was either attached to their noble or a peasant under the noble’s banner.

When they entered, several heads turned in their direction. Few kept their eyes on them, just another couple of assistants and a dirty underling between them, but a salesman with keen eyes quickly approached them.

He wore clinging red robes and had pointed ears, along with a thin, almost emaciated body based on how tightly the robe fit him. Gaunt cheeks shifted as a smile spread across his face, “My, my,” He said in a southern drawl, “I never thought I would see members of the Court of Magic.”

Virgil grunted, “The great Court of Magic requires new assistants,” He tapped Rimi on the shaft, “These are beginning to become burdensome compared to the new models.”

“Yes,” He sniffed, “I can see how that may be so. What is that? A late 3CB model?”

Virgil nodded.

“Well,” His face became almost predatory with its newest smile, “These newer models are absolutely fantastic. Using the newest resources discovered by the wonderful Alpha Protocol Council, we’ve devised an entirely new set of assistants. You can almost consider them as good as a sentinel.”

Snorting and keeping up his act, Virgil followed the man as they walked over to a sword and shield installed on the wall.

“Disconnect.” The man said in his most grandiose voice.

“Disconnecting.” The Sword and Shield said simultaneously. They both removed themselves from the wall and floated directly in front of the trio.

“Example series twenty,” The salesman said, taking two steps back.”

“Beginning example series twenty.”

The sword clanged itself against the shield, both taking on a blue glow. They then spun and rotated through a series of aggressive moves, slashing and readjusting together with perfect coordination as if battling a dozen people.

“Just like A.I., they never grow tired and are programmed with just about every model of fighting discovered in the Multiverse. Do you see that slight silver glow near the tip of the sword?”

Virgil grunted in the affirmative.

“I thought you might—nullification tip. The resources have to be replenished every so often, which is costly, I must admit. But when it strikes an unaware fighter-” He shivered, his robes showing all kinds of uncomfortable objects to Walker’s eyes, “glorious.”

“The shield,” Virgil said in his deep voice.

“No resources there, I’m afraid. However, it is made of a new amalgamation of metals discovered by our people. A blend of Vitalum and Faer.” He looked over at Walker, “Any harm in your peasant touching the items?”

“He will not steal them, if that is what you mean.”

“Excellent. Shield, attend.” The sword shifted, now fighting alone as the shield floated over to the salesman. He pointed at Finger at Walker, “Attach.”


Having an idea of what it wanted to do, Walker held up his non-dominant hand. The shield flew at it, slowing only momentarily before he felt his hand suction-pulled to it. As soon as the metal touched his skin, it covered his arm, reaching all the way back to his shoulder as the salesman spoke in the background.

“Vitalum is a unique resource discovered by the Omega Protocol upon destroying an anomalous planet core. Reproduction of the material is difficult, but we’ve found it has many unique factors regarding the more…fleshy entities across the multiverse. It bonds with the subject's skin while attached, shifting the Faer metal to the perimeter for protection. Observe.”

“Sword,” The sword stopped moving, floating placidly in place, “attack the entity in front of me, pattern seven.”

“Attacking,” It said out loud before spearing towards Walker, who couldn’t help but yelp. The silvery glow on the tip of the weapon scared the living hell out of him.

Before he could start to shift his body as the long, sharp dart flew at his face, his arm moved of its own accord, a deep thud echo’ing out.

“Mixing the density of Faer metal with Vitalum, then applying both to an Assistant matrix, creates a perfect shield.” The sword attempted to attack Walker with great sweeping strikes, but with each attack, the shield attached to his arm lifted him off the ground before he could be struck, “As you can see, each will adapt to any circumstance necessary. After purchase and eventual perma-bonding, you will be able to command their movements and strategies directly through your overlay. This, of course, comes with the newly updated Cadre system for advanced tactics. All packaged together into one price.”

“And that price is?” Virgil asked, his voice not strained in the least as another dull thud echo’d out.

“Stop attacking my groin!”

“Command not recognized.”

The salesman smiled at the curious gorilla, “Which are you interested in purchasing?”

“Let us say I am interested in the full package.”

“As each assistant currently goes for 2.5 thousand resources, and the system is a thousand resources on its own, why don’t we settle on five even?”


Rotam: Walker?

Jobe: Fucking do it!


“Then we have an agreement.”

“Excellent,” The salesman said with a satisfied smile, “Sword, cease all activity.”

“Ceasing activity.”

Virgil read and re-read the message Walker just sent, the poor man on his knees as he caught his breath. Looking back at the salesman, he asked a very important question, “How many other types of weapons do you have?”

The salesman gave another large smile.



As they exited the portal again, Walker’s purse decidedly lighter, a series of weapons followed behind them, floating placidly as they waited for a command.

“You didn’t have to take so gods damned long to agree to the sale. We only have a little bit of time left for the auction.”

“I wanted the best deal possible, Walker.”

Walker sighed, “I know, I know.”

“So, did you get the last two stars?” Rimi asked, floating alongside the other weapons.

Walker clicked the notification in his overlay.


Auction System VIP Update!


Congratulations Jobe!

You’ve received five stars on your VIP card!

The Central Auction begins in fifteen minutes.

Would you like to teleport now?



“Yep, we’re good to go.”

Bunching everyone and everything together, he accepted the prompt.