Chapter 1: A maiden’s first love.
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After a while, it was still black, but I could start to hear things.

"Push darling, you can do it!" said a deep male voice.

I heard a female screaming; she tried her best to push something out. That something was me. I listened to her voice and realised it was pleasant sounding to me. I'm not a psychopath that enjoyed to hear a woman scream, but there was something very calming sounding to her voice. After that, she pushed as hard as she could and started to scream again. This event went going on for about five few hours, but then it happened, I was born!

"It's a girl! A beautiful baby girl," said the man when he pulled me out.

Tears of joy were pouring out of his eyes. I tried looking him right in the eyes, but it hurt to open them for too long. From what I could see was that my father had a beard, and he looked very handsome. His eyes were crystal blue, and he had blond hair. He smiled at me and then carefully cut the string that connected me to my new mother. He then put me in my mother's arms. My mother was also crying from happiness, gosh wasn't this a little too much? At least my father tried to hold back, but this woman went all out and looked like an emotional wreck. Were births this hard, or was she just weak? I hope this father was my birth father, who knows if my mother was faithful? But anyway, I took a glance at her and saw a remarkably stunning woman with long white hair. She appeared to be in her twenties, and the first thing to notice about her was her eyes. She had big, purple coloured eyes. Her nose was small, and she had thin, cherry-coloured lips.

"Does my baby girl think I'm pretty?" she asked with a smile.

Damn was I staring that long? I felt quite embarrassed about this, but I'm her daughter, so it's no big deal. After that, she held me against her chest, they felt nice and soft, and they were huge! Would I also get such big boobs? I thought. I hope not so, because that would be very troublesome. I heard big-breasted girls often had back problems. My opinion was that their complaints were overly dramatic and I'd hope not to find out if I was wrong.

The years went by really fast, and I was five now. I lived in a rural area called 'Sheffield', and it had around 70 citizens. This village was quite poor, but I didn't suffer too much of it. All the buildings were made of wood, but the village chief's house was built out of stone. I would guess that this world was still in the pre victorian era, maybe even the middle ages. My parents and I lived in a small house, and I had only one friend named 'Rylan'. One friend may not sound like a lot, but I was very happy with it. At first, I was a loner and didn't have any friends at all.

The boys would usually tease me, and the girls hated me because I was so pretty. The village girls were quite jealous of my looks and the attention I would get from all the boys. I didn't like all the attention, so I ignored them. One guy even asked if I wanted to become his wife when we were older. I flat out rejected him and ran away as quickly as possible. This didn't leave a good impression on him.

I told my parents what happened and they laughed about it. They told me he was the son of the village Chief. No wonder that he was acting all mighty and stuff I thought. The next day when I saw him again, something terrible happened. They walked over to me, and he told his two friends to hold my arms. He was very pissed that I embarrassed him, so he wanted revenge. They grabbed me before I could run away.

"Please stop it..." I said while crying.

"Shut up! Let's see if you also have a wee-wee between your legs."

I tried kicking him, but he dodged it. Damn it! If I was a guy, I could've beaten him without any effort, but this weak and fragile body only gave me trouble! And the fact that this guy was ten years old also didn't help. I knew I couldn't do anything at this point, so I closed my eyes and hoped it would be over soon.

But then I suddenly heard the oldest kid scream! A rock hit his hand, and it was bleeding. The two other kids let go of my arms and tried to help their friend.

"Let go of her, you idiots," said the boy who threw the rock.

He said it very calm and confident. I blushed when I saw him. So cool! and he's quite handsome, I thought. I cringed when I realised what I was thinking. I'm a guy on the inside! Why was I thinking such weird stuff? Damn female hormones are quite scary, I thought. He looked only a few years older than me, but he was acting so mature!

The oldest kid became very angry.

"Don't just stand there, beat him up!"

"Yes, sir," they replied. They ran over to the kid and tried to fight him. But it wasn't even a fight. They were dealt with really quickly and lay unconscious on the ground. The boy then looked to the oldest kid and slowly walked towards him. The oldest kid's pissed himself, and his pants became wet.

"Please don't hurt me," he said, then he started crying and ran away as fast as possible. "You'll regret doing this, my father is the village chief, and he will take revenge!" he said. After that, he was gone.

The boy who saved me didn't even bother chasing him and came to me instead.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yes, thanks for saving me," I replied. He looked at me and blushed. Don't tell me he's also in love with me, right? After that, he nodded. To prevent things from becoming awkward, I quickly asked him a question.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Rylan," he replied.

"Rylan? That such a cool name," I said, I was excited and my eyes sparkled. Now I think of it I pretty overreacted back then.

"My name's Lena," I said. Coincidence or not my new parents gave me the same name as the one in my previous life. I bet that goddess had something to do with that.

"Nice to meet you, Lena," he said calmly with a smile on his face. After that, we quickly became best friends. He made sure all the bullying stopped, and the girls didn't bother me anymore. Guys still regularly confessed their love to me, but the moment they saw Rylan they ran away. 

Fast forward a year later, Rylan and I planned on playing on the grasslands together. So I stood before his house and knocked on his door. He opened and was happy to see me. We wanted to leave, but then suddenly a man started screaming.

"We are under attack!"