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The wind was moving abnormally, yet the Elves on guard cared for me, they trusted the Chief's barrier too much, which was created over a thousand years ago.

The barrier stops anything carrying hostile mana, magic, weapons and living things.

It doesn't matter if they try to hide those emotions, the barrier will still take effect to protect the inside.

Natural disasters are a great concentration of mana, there is only one exception, a fire.

That's why Yami made gunpowder, the black ash that falls from the sky at this time.

She made it from materials from the northern volcanoes and bodies of living things, in this world the carbon in the bones is much stronger than normal.

Of course, it is impossible for a body to decompose there in just a few days, so they had the help of poison magic.

Urine and excrements are used for the same thing to create potassium nitrate and finally mix it with sulfur and carbon.

Yami had realized that firearms would be useless in this world, because of the difference in level and the existence of reinforcement magic, they would only be useful for ordinary people.

However, gunpowder would be a great aid in a surprise attack such as this, a forest, and in the darkness, no one would notice a black dust carried by the light wind in a silent manner.

On thousands of occasions the different races tried to attack this forest for its great underground resources, without success.

Yami could also use this same attack against human capital, but he dismissed it because he thought that Himari and the others would notice it immediately, but he never thought that with all the experiences in this world they forgot much of the previous one.

The knights transported the gunpowder with dimensional rings that could contain a few tons, usually they would have been used for the royal family, to flee with their wealth, but Yami gave them this spindle, if the beast king were alive he would have wallowed in rage when he found out.

Knight: "To think that we would use all the bodies that died in that battle"

Yami: "I had thought of making them food for the monsters we use as cattle, but that's what Goblins are for, those pests reproduce faster than any other living thing and mature just as fast"

With a nervous smile the gentleman answers that he is right.

Yami: "Well it starts with the fire"

The knight only nodded and created a small flame that only fit in his hand, in the distance this flame would be invisible to the naked eye, yet to Yami's eyes around the forest flames like the previous one appeared.

Mercilessly Yami gave the order and the flames without hesitation moved into the forest.

The little gunpowder that was around began to burn and following the path to the village... it exploded.

The explosion consumed the oxygen in the village leaving the Elves choking and finally succumbing to the flames, some agonizing screams that ripped the air apart clearly in the distance.

Yami was clearly enjoying the moment, when suddenly he saw only a slight flash and was thrown back, the knights were surprised by the sudden action that almost ran to Yami's aid.

Yami was calm, she had only lost the movement of her right arm, an arrow of light pierced her right arm, Yami did not bother her at all, she just looked with admiration at the Elf who managed to get the shot at such a distance of fifteen hundred meters.

She plucked the arrow and her skin began to regenerate quickly, she looked closely at the voluptuous Elf who was surrounded by a simple barrier, holding a bow of light created by magic and surrounded by different Elves, from children to old men.

After looking at her for a few seconds, Yami's expression of happiness changed in an instant to one of inexpression.

Her inexpressiveness can only be due to two emotions, disinterest or Rage, the emotion she felt now was rage, a rage so great that she was clenching her little fist so hard that you could hear her bones creaking and her jaw grinding because of the force he was exerting on her.

Yami: "She has lived for over fifteen hundred years"

Yami pronounced with a voice so cold that the two gentlemen around her froze instantly, it was true the age that this elf had lived, but that was not what caused this intense rage, was only a title of the woman:

[Dragon Slayer]

That single title made Yami's blood boil with anger and rage, crushing the arrow of light in her hand and telling the knights "I'm going to crush a cockroach" and she hurried at full speed towards the village, only to be stopped by the barrier.

Yami: (Damn!! This barrier is very strong! Wait... this barrier looks like the one in the capital, it has something familiar... Don't tell me! DON'T TELL ME!!! THESE BASTARDS ARE USING THEIR STONES TO PROTECT THEMSELVES!!!)

Realizing where these barriers came from, Yami felt like the little sense she had was gone, this lack of control was due to the dragon race, since ancient times they are known to be a proud, greedy and temperamental race, of course that was also the same with Yami. 

The scythe appeared in her hands that started to turn black, nerves and muscles, almost by instinct became the same ones used when transforming into a dragon.

Yami with her expressionless face began to mutter a simple prayer as if it were a curse.

Yami: "I will kill you... I will kill you... I will kill you... I will kill you all!!"

Raising her scythe in the same pose that a baseball player hit the barrier only to be rejected, Yami tried again and again, until at the tip of the blade a slight black flame formed, tiny but very powerful, the wind is weak before the fire and the elements that are not light are weak before the darkness, so the wind barrier would no longer serve a blow like that.

Yami seeing the small flame cut the palm of her hand with the edge of the scythe spilling a few drops of blood increasing the edge of it, with a blow finally opened a small gap where she could pass.

The fact that the barrier there was cut off surprised the elf and the remaining Elves their faces turned pale with fear.

Yami realized that she could not repeat the same thing once again, so she ran, ran like she had never run before, and threw a double blow with her scythe.

For the Elves it was just a black flash, but only for ordinary Elves.

One blow was to cut through the simple barrier and the second to cut through the tall elf, she just raised her bow and jumped forward.


The collision between the two raised a cloud of dust, when the cloud dispersed someone was on the ground, that someone was Yami, the Elf had used her bow to stop the scythe without touching its edge.

The elf that had pinned Yami for a moment used the close combat and threw her to the ground.

Right now the elf was looking at her with arrogance and pretense. 

Yami *Coff*

Yami blew a breath of blood, she did not understand what had happened but refused to let it end like that.

Her shadow on the ground extended suddenly like stakes without warning, yet the elf leapt backwards slightly out of the reach of the shadows.

Yami stood up and tried to cut it down again with her scythe, the elf protected herself with her bow in the same manner, yet now Yami only her weapon and turned her arm into that of a dragon launching a surprise attack.

The elf's face first changed to surprise, but quickly returned to normal, before the sharp claws impacted on her delicate body she took a step back and ducked, fully dodging the claws and with the help of her retreating foot she pushed forward and extended the palm of her hand impacting Yami's abdomen.

Yami was thrown back with an annoyed expression when suddenly she began to vomit black blood, the black blood was because Yami covered her skin with scales as well as a few muscles, but the fact that there vomiting blood she did not even know it.

Yami finally opened her mouth as she suffered from pain that she had never experienced before.

Yami: "W-why?"

The elf only looked at her for a moment to finally reply with a melodious voice that would delight anyone.

Chief: "What? Because you are losing or because I am winning, the answer is two simple things, the first one; experience, unlike you I have many years fighting in different wars and the other thing is your own arrogance as a member of the Dragon Race"

Yami: "¿?"

Chief: "Above all, you rely too much on your natural armor. It's true that my normal attacks couldn't get through those scales, but I know that with those all-seeing eyes you've already seen one of the titles I'm most proud of" 

The Chief took his bow and released a single arrow, in a single instant is divided into eight, Yami who could not respond received all the arrows with their scales only to fall on the ground spitting more blood.

Chief: "Don't you understand? Those scales are useless"

Yami: *Panting* Perforating attack, right?

As Yami gasped for breath, she quickly came to a conclusion.

Chief: "hou, so you realized, no matter, just like the previous dragon I killed you will die the same way, no matter how big and strong you get if you can't dodge my attacks, I promised a millennium ago that I would finish off all the dirty dragons that dared to go against the gods and enslave their children like cattle"

Yami stood calmly lowering her head, the elf approached calmly, held her bow and aimed at Yami's head, when Yami suddenly began to tremble, but it was not out of fear or nerves, it was because she was holding back her laughter.

The elf instantly recoiled from the realization of this fact, when finally the laughter escaped.


The vicious screams that accompanied them made the Elves tremble, even their leader was on high alert with the words 'More than one life'. Yami stood up with her head still down and said in a low voice, which clearly reached the long ears of the Elves.

Yami: "I see, if my great strength and size are unnecessary let's try something else"

The ominous black manna began to surround Yami in a very different manner than he is generally accustomed to, as if he were a cocoon, and after a few moments the cocoon finally erupted with a small figure inside with light wings and a thin tail.

It was Yami in much the same shape as she was born, holding two ominous looking daggers in a dress that was already too large.

Yami: "Then sacrifice my strength and size for speed!!! hahaha"

Taking off her dress, leaving the camisole she wore as if it were a dress, she raised the daggers smiling with her blood-red eyes shining terribly.

Yami: "We begin the final Raund"