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Human capital. Aura

In a room in the palace that was adorned with gold and silk, a few heroes were gathered

Hibiki: "We should send a rescue team, we can't just leave her"

Himari: "You are right, but now it is impossible, all this stupid war is killing our resources and people". 

Hibiki and Himari were arguing over the fact that Kurata had not returned from Artom, the enemy base, ten days ago he was supposed to return.

Apart from them there were only a few heroes with them.

Hibiki: "If she has been captured we have to go and get her, besides she is your friend"

Himari: "If I already know that, but say they have captured her, she is no longer alive, do you think they would let one of their great enemies live"

Paladin: "Himari is right our apprentices were killed without mercy they will do the same to us"

As he clenched his fists the Paladin remembered the corpse that fortunately could be found in a terrible state.

The Sage only nodded in affirmation, looking at the gem that was constantly changing color.

Hibiki: "But that doesn't mean we'll leave it to its own devices"

Hibiki is too attached to everyone. In the past when someone was in trouble he would quickly come to their rescue no matter what the problem was. He was just a busybody.

Himari: "Right now you can't do anything, sometimes you have to abandon someone to move forward, just like we did with Ryuu".

Himari sat down with his eyes closed and his arms crossed. He is remembering the feeling he felt that day.

Hibiki: "How dare you? If I had known what the temple was planning, I would have stopped them with all my might!


Hibiki is so upset that when he got up from the chair they are sitting on, it flew away.

Himari: "And what would you have done? I know! You would have killed him.


Hibiki was silenced by Himari's words. That's exactly what he would have done.

Suddenly a voice was heard breaking the uncomfortable silence.

¿? "What is it? Why are you arguing?"

Who spoke was Kurata covered with a few minor wounds, she had entered through the window without much effort.

Hibiki: "Kurata!!"

Hibiki who was the most worried about her ran out to her only to be stopped by the others.

Himari: "Wait Hibiki, first let me treat his wounds"

Hibiki did not understand why he had been arrested.

Himari: "Kurata, please come closer"

Kurata said nothing, just approached with a calm step and stopped in front of Himari.

Himari: "[Healing]"

Immediately a warm light began to radiate from Kurata's body and with it the wounds began to close.

Himari: "It is good, it is good that you are still alive"

Himari gave his friend from long ago a light hug.

Hibiki: "Sorry, but I don't understand what's going on"

Everyone let out a slight sigh for the lack of logic.

Himari: "Idiot, I cured her first to check if she was still alive"

Hibiki: "What!"

Himari: "You told me about Darctalos being a Undead and his Queen controlling life and death"

Hibiki finally realized, the possibility that Kurata was an Undead.

Hibiki recalled the few reports he received that clearly detailed the existence of Undeads made from the bodies of dead soldiers. Whether they were friends or enemies.

The existence of Undeads is unclear and that someone producing too many is a big problem.

Himari: "Kurata, were you discovered?"

Himari went straight to the point.

Kurata: "No, if you are talking about the wounds, they were made because the border guards saw me and I went into combat with them, I ended up killing them and resting in the nearby forest".

Everyone sighed with relief, as it was not discovered.

I knew: "So who did you disguise yourself as?"

Kurata was sitting in an armchair and a maid had brought him some tea.

Kurata: "From Demon Kimg's old right hand, Darctalos"

All: "WHAT!!!"

Everyone got up from their seats in surprise. The enemy who brought the news of the war and in the end could not bring him back to death, she, Kurata, easily supplanted him and brought important information.

Kurata: "The truth is that it was difficult to learn their customs and habits, if it weren't for my class 'Shinobi' I wouldn't even be able to get close to any demons, their noses are very sensitive.

The 'Shinobi' class was a class that is perfect for Kurata and perfect for the mission of infiltrating demonic territory, assassination, spying and cover-up plus a few other techniques.

His ability to observe, blend in with the environment and his secrecy that he originally had increased when he came to this world.

Himari: "So what information did you get?"

Himari calmed down first and went straight to the point.

Kurata: "Well, the information I drink is Economy, Agriculture, Livestock, Social and Military, really the first three haven't changed, I really don't understand how they are maintaining their armies, maybe because they eat our men".

Certainly maintaining an army costs a lot of resources, medicine and food to mention a few. Therefore it is difficult to understand how they maintain an army that consumes more than three times as much.

Hibiki: "Certainly that would be impossible, we already experience how horrible the lack of supplies can be. But, did you find anything?"

Kurata: "Sure, there were too many Dwarves and Spirits actually, their stay only lasted a few days and they returned to their countries. This is why I deduce that they already formed an alliance with the Demons, they were able to bring supplies to support them".

All of them came to the same conclusion just by thinking a little more, the deserters of allied races and over all themselves who already had plans to invade the other kingdoms. This caused them a little paranoia and they did not think calmly; the truth was only memories invented by Yami.

These actions would further divide the alliance they had, but that was exactly what Yami wanted.

She knew: "And about the leader, what did you discover about her?"

Kurata was about to drink his tea when he knew it, he asked about Yami, in the end he couldn't take a single sip and he put the cup down carefully.

Kurata: "I only saw her a few times in the distance, she was a girl, her appearance was around fourteen, with black hair, blacker than anything else and her crimson eyes looked like fresh blood".

Yami had made a mistake, she erased most of when Kurata was disguised as Darctalos and did not take into account out of that time. She didn't want to give out any of her information.

Kurata: "Even though she looked human she is actually a terrible monster, once I could see her punishing one of her generals, he was an Orc King, he just made her a little angry and was torn to pieces in a single second"


No one said anything, everyone knew what an Orc King was capable of and being torn apart in a second shows how powerful Yami is.

Everyone suddenly came up with a simple idea, she might have had the time to build a powerful magic, but Kurata spoke.

Kurata: "Surely you are thinking that I use incredible and powerful magic, just let me tell you that you are wrong. I use simple binding magic that pulls the Orc in all directions without mercy and in his eyes I could see a little feeling of happiness and disappointment, as if he had gotten bored with how easy it was. She could defeat armies easily, she seems to like defeating her enemies in her own games".


No one spoke or thought anything, they just continued to listen carefully to Kurata.

Kurata: "The society they use is based on usefulness and strength, everyone can imagine what goes on inside the walls of that city, I think we should pass 'that' to the soldiers and attack those monsters. They are trying to carry out a multiple attack on different cities in a few months, we can use that to our advantage for an ambush with our high-level wizards.

Everyone agreed without knowing that they had fallen into a trap, but Yami did not know that all the experiences of the twenty-nine young people had a true encounter with a god.

Hibiki: "It is time to spread 'it' the power of the Gods that we all have since birth"