Ep 178. Get to Work. (7)
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Ep 178. Get to Work. (7)


A ball of sweat streaked across Aether’s cheek as she examined Ardion on his half-collapsed bed.

The elder’s transformation hadn’t lasted very long – but even so, she could clearly tell how much of a strain it had been to maintain it. The apparent destruction of his home clearly indicated the scale of the elder’s transformation, what with all the missing roof, shattered floors, and half-broken furniture.

With a heavy sigh, she turned to face Xerun behind her.  

“I’m sorry, Xerun. There’s…nothing I can do.”


Xerun’s expression quickly twisted into a frown.

“How can there be nothing you can do? Hardly any time has passed. Surely we’re not late!”

“…It’s not that. Elder Ardion’s state is due to his age. There’s not much you can do with magic…”


Xerun grit his teeth, fists clenched in frustration. His father was drawing weak breaths on a half-destroyed bedside, and yet their son could do nothing about it.

Though, soon, another dragon fluttered through the broken roof with someone who could.

“Mom! I brought Eline!”

With a soft thud, Ilias landed onto the floor to put down the human herbalist.

But before Aether could greet them, Xerun’s scowl would greet their arrival first.

“…Ilias. I see you’re with that human girl again.”

“Ugh, you’re home…er, I mean, yes?”

 “…A kin that’s forsaken their home, together with a leech feeding on our soil. A fitting pair.”


Ilias beamed a crooked smile as she tried her best to remain polite – which, in this case, was staying silent without rolling her eyes or telling Xerun to shut up.

‘I’ve seen this guy for decades, and I still don’t know what his problem is.’

As Ilias refrained from answering, the scowl on Xerun’s face only deepend.

“Hmph. Have you two no shame? I’m in no mood to tolerate such foul company today.”


Much like Ilias, Eline had also stayed quiet. But it wasn’t because she was trying to be polite; rather, it was because she was far too busy looking at Ardion.

But when she finally registered Xerun’s insults, she stomped her way towards the dragon before proceeding to…


…Him across his face.

“Who taught you to talk like that?! Is that any way to speak to others?!”



Both Xerun and Aether widened their eyes in shock at the herbalist’s boldness. Though, Ilias was holding a small internal celebration.

Soon, Xerun’s gleaming eyes turned back to face the human before him, staring her down with every ounce of menace he could muster.

“…I will give you one chance to explain yourself.”

“Don’t give me that crap, I don’t need to explain anything! There’s a patient that needs treatment and you’re being nothing but trouble! If you’re not going to help, then get out!”


This certainly wasn’t the first time Eline had yelled at someone for being a nuisance in her practice. She’d done the same to families, friends, officials, and even the emperor when they were interfering with her practice.

…Then again, this was still the first time she was yelling at a dragon.

An elder one at that.

“You dare-“


The anger in Xerun’s eyes quickly dissipated as his father’s pained coughing filled the room. He quickly shifted his attention to Ardion, watching their expression growing worse by the second.


Once again, Xerun scowled at his guests in frustration.

And once again, he stormed outside – as he was told to do so.

“Whew. Much better.”

With the obstacle gone, Eline hurriedly approached Aether by the bedside.

“Aether. How is he?”

“…Not good. He was already unwell…the transformation’s taken a really big toll on him.”

Eline bit her lips as she briefly examined Ardion, placing her hands over the elder’s chest.

His heartbeats were noticeably weaker than before. His breaths were short and sparse like he’d been through extreme physical strain; his entire body lightly trembled, seemingly unable to settle down.

 ‘When I first came here, I was not expecting there to be so many sick dragons…’


Meanwhile, Aymeia let out a quiet sigh before turning to point at the exit.

“Um, I’ll just…be outside, then…”

As soon as Aymeia’s voice was heard, Eline’s head instantly spun around.

And, like a predator that’s found new prey, the herbalist’s eyes began to gleam in delight.

“Wait. You’re human, right?”


“Great, come here for a second? I need your help.”

“…Huh? Um, I don’t know anything about medicine. I’m sure the others would be more helpful…?”
Aymeia helplessly looked around the room at Aether and Ilias. One was far more knowledgeable than her in healing, and the other was far stronger than her when it came to physical work.

Unfortunately, neither of those were what Eline needed at the moment.

“I would, but Aether and Ilias are dragons. They can’t handle small tools as well as you.”


Try as she might, Aymeia’s unease was beginning to show. But Eline didn’t bother to look at Aymeia for long as she merely held a spool of thread towards the former deity, eyes back to examining the heaving dragon on the bed.

“I was always short on hands anyways. Here, unroll this spool a bit, will you? Snap off the thread at your arm’s length.”


“Hurry! You’re not going to leave him to die, are you?!”


Even as Aymeia clenched her eyes, her mind began to replay a recent memory against her will.

- ‘Get to work.’


If she didn’t she’d probably never hear the end of it.

Or live to tell the tale, for that matter.


✧   ✧   ✧


A hazy, darkening sky came to vision as Ardion opened his eyes.

Though, it didn’t take him very long to realize that he wasn’t outside. He was still on the same bed he’d been before – just beneath the roof he’d broken.


“Elder. Are you feeling alright?”

When the dragon meekly turned his head, he could see two others by the bedside worriedly looking over his figure – as well as all the patches of green and yellow that had been sewed or bandaged on various parts of his body.

“Oho…Eline. Seems this old brood’s caused you trouble again.”

“Pff. If you’re sorry, then be more careful. You really overdid it this time, elder.”

“Har…I had no choice. No choice…”

After their short exchange, Ardion’s eyes drifted over to the girl standing beside the herbalist.

Though, as soon as the elder’s gaze fell upon them, their eyes quickly fell to the floor.

“Deity Aymeia…I see you’re still here as well.”

Aymeia returned a weak nod at the elder’s comment.

Meanwhile, Eline made a quizzical frown, turning to examine Aymeia anew.

“Deity?...She’s a deity?”

“N, not anymore…”

Aymeia’s denial did little to whittle Eline’s surprise.

After all, ‘not anymore’ just meant that she really had been before.

A light chuckle came forth from Ardion as he slowly lifted himself to sit upright on his bed.

“Har, I’ve clearly caused more trouble than I should.”

A few seconds ticked by while Aymeia fidgeted uncomfortably. It felt wrong enough to be near Ardion, and being a former deity certainly wasn’t helping.

Nevertheless, the elder closed his eyes, giving a short bow towards the two.

“Thank you…for sparing me.”

“Of course, elder. I’m glad I could help.”

Again, while Eline answered in words, Aymeia only answered with a weak nod – without even meeting Ardion’s gaze.

But instead of being offended or annoyed, the elder only beamed a warm smile at the sight.

“…Deity Aymeia.”


“Before, I thought you were here to take this old brood to the afterlife…but it seems I was mistaken. May I ask what’s brought you to our valley?”

“Oh, well…I just…followed the dragonlord here. I didn’t really mean to, but…somehow…”


“Mhm. The dragon from earlier…the one with white hair?”


Despite it only being a recent event, Ardion seemed mildly surprised at Aymeia’s description of the dragonlord.

“You know of this dragonlord, then?”

“I…do. I haven’t known her for very long, but…she is the first lord and all.”

‘And I also used to think she was my mother, so...there’s that.’

Ardion mulled over the former deity’s answer. He mumbled her last phrase to himself, seemingly lost in thought.

“First lord…first dragonlord…”

As he parroted Aymeia’s answer, a distant memory began to surface within the elder’s mind.

- ‘The lord before me was a far greater king than I. She was…’

Soon, the smile on Ardion’s face disappeared.

“…Har. That’s right. I’ve…places to be.”

Immediately after, Ardion hurriedly shifted to get up on his feet. Eline threw her arms at him, but even in his current state, it was impossible for the herbalist to prevent a dragon from moving.

“Right now?! You can’t! You need to rest, elder!”

“My apologies, Eline. But I’m afraid I must go this very moment.”

Struggling against the elder, Eline quickly turned to the only other person who could help.

“Ugh, I wish I told Ilias to stay…Aymeia, help me! We can’t have him move right now!”


Aymeia’s eyes soon locked with Ardion’s midair.

“Where…are you going?”

“…To the seal. Where I must be…”


Despite his choice of words, Aymeia knew exactly where Ardion was headed to.

And, unlike Eline, she had no mind to stop him – which was made quite explicit by her next phrase.

“…I’ll go with you then.”


Before Eline could protest further, Aymeia shook her head towards the herbalist before gently pushing her aside. She then held herself firm, helping the elder dragon to his feet.

Once his initial surprise passed, Ardion beamed at Aymeia once more, graciously accepting her offer to help.

“Har…thank you. I do appreciate it.”