Ep 184. Atta Boy. (1)
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Ep 184. Atta Boy. (1)


The next few days passed in a blur.

It wasn’t that Serenis was particularly busy; in fact, they were some of the most leisure days she’d ever spent in her second life. She’d hardly done anything besides socializing with her own kin, learning their names and the developments that had transpired since the past era (or lack thereof).

But frankly, as much as she would’ve liked to, she couldn’t linger forever – at least not yet.

There were divinities that had yet to be addressed. Light and Karas had to return home in Partivine, and truth be told, so did Serenis. They couldn’t just sit around waiting a full year or two for Raizel to recover.

But before they could make their trip back home, there was one other matter that needed tending to in Dragon’s Valley.

It wasn’t exactly a concerning matter, but…

…This is how it began.


✧   ✧   ✧


Last night, at Ilias’ nest…

“Ilias, are you gonna come home with us tomorrow?”



Hearing no reply from the red dragon, Light curiously peeked from the living area to find Ilias’ upper body crouched down on the dinner table, glaring at what was in front of her.

And on the other side, Theolus was ON the dinner table, readying to pounce like a cat at what was in front of them.

And between the two dragons, was…

The last biscuit Eline had made this morning.

As Theolus pounced forward, Ilias immediately hissed back as she likewise reached forward.

Her hand reached the biscuit first, but the hatchling’s open maw simply crunched down on Ilias’ fingers instead. It even seemed like he was chewing on it.

In fact, he was definitely chewing on it.

“Ow, ow, ow! Okay, okay, you can have it, you can have it! Stop biting me!”



Pretending not to have seen any of that, Light turned back around, slumping down beside Karas on the feathered cushion.

“…I can’t tell who’s babysitting who anymore.”

“I’m sure they’re just getting along. Eline can’t take him with her all the time.”

“I guess…”

Ever since their arrival, Light and Karas had noticed two things.

One, dragons from picture books were nothing like dragons in real life.

While dragons in their books slaughtered armies and burnt down entire villages, the real ones seemed perfectly content spending their days lounging around, socializing, collecting food, or babysitting. Bruton and Aether even seemed thrilled to have guests, what with their usual days filled with…well, nothing.

And second – as ironic as this was – the busiest individual within Dragon’s Valley was a human herbalist.

As far as they could tell, Eline had at least several dozen dragons under her care. She always had someone to see to next, and what little free time she had, she spent collecting herbs, making medicine, or taking care of Theolus. Despite staying in the same place, Light and Karas hardly saw the herbalist at all.

“…I feel bad for doing nothing all day.”

“To be fair, that does seem to be the trend in these parts.”

“Yeah, but…Eline’s been keeping her busy treating the other dragons, and Serenis has been keeping busy talking to all those elders. Heck, even Ilias is babysitting Theo. We’re just…sitting around.”

“The alternative would be to walk right into Raizel’s room and lessen Aymeia’s suffering. But I’d personally advise against it.”


Light pursed her lips upon hearing her professor’s suggestion. The last time she did that, she’d sat there watching Raizel use the former deity as a footrest for 30 minutes.

And had the half stayed any longer, it would’ve been her next.

“…On second thought, maybe I can help Aether make dinner or something later. Serenis did say we’ll be heading home tomorrow anyways…”

“Mm. Good choice.”

While the two lounged around, the nest’s entrance soon creaked open to reveal Eline and Serenis returning together.

Though, instead of exchanging hellos or the like, the dragonlord instead looked to Light and Karas apologetically.

“Karas, Light. I’m…afraid we may have to delay our return to Partivine.”

Unlike her professor, Light immediately jumped out of her seat at the news. Rushing over to the dragonlord’s side with a worried expression.

“Huh? Why? Did something happen?”


As Serenis looked to the herbalist beside her, Eline took the time to explain to the half instead.

“You see…I’ve been running really low on supplies. I can make most medicine from the valley’s herbs, but I can’t make things like bandages or alcohol. I need to buy those from a market, and…well, there is no market here.”

“Can’t you just come with us tomorrow then?”

“Well, actually, that’s the problem. I…don’t have any coin.”

“What? But you work all day, how’s that even-“

Two seconds is all it took for Light to realize Eline wasn’t actually receiving payment for her work here.

Or, more precisely, she couldn’t be paid. Not when no one here had any sense of what ‘currency’ was…or had any, for that matter.

But just then, Ilias came along to join the conversation – with Theolus securely held in her arms, nibbling on the biscuit he’d won from the red dragon.

“Did I hear that right? Eline, if you needed coin, you could’ve just told me! I can give you some.”

“Yeah, about that too…”

As Ilias mentioned her own coin, Eline looked to the dragonlord beside her.

After clearing her throat, Serenis warily looked towards the red dragon.

“Ilias. The coin you have…they’re tributes we found during our first meeting, yes?”

“…Oh. Was I…not supposed to use them?”

It was a little too late considering she’d already been using them left and right, but…

Thankfully, the dragonlord shook her head.

“No…it’s not that. After some deliberation, the elders and I have decided that we should empty Vulka’s grave of any tributes that remain within.”

Dragons had little use for coin, but that was no reason to keep items abandoned within someone’s remains – the second dragonlord’s at that. If only to grant Vulka a peaceful rest, it made sense that his remains be emptied of any foreign items lying within.

And besides, it was better to have and not need than to need and not have…as was the case with Eline right now.

After exchanging glances with Ilias, Serenis then looked over to Light and Karas to explain the situation to them.

“…Within Vulka’s grave lies treasures of human make: tributes given unto the dragonkin during the past era. But as the items are of human craft, I thought it’d be best to enlist all of your help in sorting what we find. The kin knows little of coin, and less about mankind’s treasures. To us, they’re all…glowing stones.”

Light’s eyes began to sparkle at the prospect of doing something useful. She’d spent the last few days idling by, so finally having something to do was a refreshing change – even if it did mean a small delay in returning home.

Meanwhile, Karas’ eyes began to sparkle at the prospect of…

‘Antiques from the past era, crafted by ancient mankind…to serve as tributes to dragons!’           

As an academic specializing in magic and history, the professor knew exactly how rare such items were: nonexistent.

And he also knew the worth they’d have when exposed to human society.


After a brief pause, Karas gave a look of evident disappointment towards Ilias.

“So that’s where all those gold coins you had came from. And all this time, you’ve been trading them for beer and donuts…I should’ve taken a closer look at what you were using.”

“Wh- what? Coin is coin!”

“Normally I’d agree. But, in this case…no it isn’t.”

Not these coins, anyhow.