Supplementary Document: System Basics
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Yo! So obv this isn't a chapter but I came to a decision while working on the last... three numbered chapters; menu-crack is fun in moderation.

With that in mind I'm going to try and keep the main story more dynamic and less bogged down in menu-fuckery unless it's fairly plot specific.

In exchange I'll throw out these supplementary 'non chapters' with less immediately relevant menu-crap for those of you addicted to that stuff (like me).

Thanks for your understanding!

System Information:


Skill Information



Skills are trainable capabilities that determine how well you can perform certain tasks within the system. A high leveled Skill will ensure a better result when undertaking a relevant task.

Skills range in level from 1 to 10 for the most part, 1 being proficient in the simplest forms of the Skill’s use and 10 representing something nearing mastery. It can take a lot of time and effort to raise your Skill level, but don’t be discouraged!

Skills can be obtained and increased by leveling up a class, putting forth a concerted effort in training in that Skill, spending Skill Points, and sometimes simply by undertaking an action without a Skill and performing well enough to be considered proficient.

Skills must either be equipped in your 10 available slots for unrelated skills or related to an active class for you to gain their benefits.

[Equipping Skills]

Unrelated skills can be equipped to 10 generalist slots allowing for a greater degree of versatility, this process does however have it's own limitations and rules

  • Skills equipped to an empty slot will take effect immediately while skills equipped by removing another equipped skill will only take effect after a full night's rest.
  • Once equipped, a skill cannot be unequipped from a generalist slot until after a full night's rest unless a class is equipped that considers that skill related, in which case it is automatically unequipped.
  • Unrelated skills are generally reduced in effectiveness by half, only an associated class can draw out the full potential of a skill.

There exist a number of exceptions to these rules, for example a skill equipped with a [Legend Stone] will always take effect immediately, any skill can be unequipped using a [Legend Stone], and certain perks and titles can allow one to draw out greater potential from unrelated skills.


Ability Information



Abilities are similar to Skills but more specific in their applications, usually representing knowledge or capability in performing a technique or incredible feat in or out of combat.

The bulk of Abilities do not have levels in the same way that Skills do, though some may have tiers it is relatively uncommon for them to develop in a linear fashion.

Similar to Skills, Abilities can be obtained by leveling up a class or spending ability Points.

Abilities can spontaneously be learned or developed in states of heightened focus or in response to experiences and outside stimuli; to quote an adage “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

Abilities must either be equipped in your 10 available slots for unrelated abilities or related to an active class to be available for use.

[Equipping Abilities]

Similar to Skills, unrelated Abilities can be equipped to 10 generalist slots with similar limitations.

  • Abilities equipped to an empty slot will be usable immediately while abilities equipped by removing another equipped ability will only be useful after a full night's rest.
  • Once equipped to a generalist slot, an ability cannot be unequipped from a generalist slot until after a full night's rest unless a class is equipped that considers that ability related, in which case it is automatically unequipped.
  • Unrelated abilities have a much higher resource cost to use, associated classes reduce the necessary energy to activate and maintain abilities.

There exist a number of exceptions to these rules, for example an ability equipped with a [Legend Stone] will always be usable immediately, any ability can be unequipped using a [Legend Stone], and certain perks and titles may reduce resource cost when using unrelated abilities.


Title Information



Titles represent some significant facet of who you are or what you’ve done that makes you stand out from the crowd, they may not always be unique to you but collectively they paint a picture of what makes you different from others.

You can gain a title by doing something amazing, silly, unique, or otherwise notable, by having it bestowed on you by a higher power, or by the collective influence of what others call you.

Titles are more than just bragging rights, your Titles will impart certain bonuses or benefits relating to how you earned them or what they mean to the world at large and Titles you choose to equip will have an even greater effect.

By default you may equip a total of 11 titles, a primary title which provides the greatest bonus as well as 10 others. As you grow in fame or infamy, this number will increase accordingly, so do your best to make a name for yourself.

Choose wisely which face you show the world as it may influence how others perceive you. Your primary Title is automatically made known to anyone you meet and finding out the others you have equipped is easily done by those with the right tools or abilities.

[Equipping Titles]

Much like skills and abilities, there are rules involved with equipping titles that you should keep in mind.

  • Titles equipped to an empty slot will take effect immediately while titles equipped by removing another equipped title will not take full effect until after a full night's rest.
  • Once equipped, a title cannot be unequipped until after a full night's rest.
  • Even unequipped titles have an effect on you, positive or negative; these cannot be negated.

There exist a number of exceptions to these rules, for example a title equipped with a [Legend Stone] will always be effective immediately, any title can be unequipped using a [Legend Stone], and unwanted titles can be removed at a [Legend Stone] for a price that depends on the nature of the title.


Perk Information



Perks represent a permanent change to the way you interact with the world, they have the potential to be much more powerful than any other feature offered by the system if chosen carefully.

Unlike Skills and Abilities they are not linked to a class and cannot be obtained by leveling up or by any other means, in fact the only way to earn a Perk is by spending Perk Points.

While everyone receives Perk Points from leveling up, not everyone can obtain the same perks. Some perks require a specific title, class, skillset, mindset, or personality; and there are many more potential prerequisites. Rest assured that while others may have the same perk as you, no single person will be capable of obtaining all the same perks you can.

The variety of perks you can purchase is expanded if you use a [Legend Stone] when doing so.

Beyond these few commonalities, Perks can range wildly in effect and the best way to understand them is to purchase one and experience it yourself!


Class Information



Classes are archetypes that influence how you grow as you level up, while many classes may be similar they all have at least one element that sets them apart from others, however minor.

As you level up in a class, you will gain new skills and abilities as well as increases to relevant attributes.

You may obtain a maximum of 10 available slots to equip classes, though most individuals will have a maximum of five1Two main classes and three subclasses

The maximum 10 classes 2four main classes and six subclasses are organized as follows.

♦Primary Class

    •Primary Subclass 1
    •Primary Subclass 2
    •Primary Subclass 3

♦Secondary Class

   •Secondary Subclass 1
   •Secondary Subclass 2

♦Tertiary Class

   •Tertiary Subclass

♦Quaternary Class

Any standard class may be equipped as a main or sub class so long as it follows these guidelines:

  • All subclasses must be of a lower level than the main class they are attached to
  • All subclasses must be within the archetype of their main class3Both [Wizard] and [Fighter] are acceptable subclasses for [Spellblade] and [Spellblade] is an acceptable subclass for either - however [Wizard] is not an acceptable subclass for [Figher] and [Fighter] is not an acceptable subclass for [Wizard]
  • Auxiliary main classes must be of a lower level than the next highest main class in the chain4Primary Class > Secondary Class > Tertiary Class > Quaternary Class

The simplest means of obtaining a class is by using a [Legend Stone], if you have no class when first using one, you will be given a number of them to choose from based on your desires, hopes, and ambitions, as well how you've lived your life up until that point. Additional classes may be purchased at a [Legend Stone] through the use of advancement points. Classes are difficult to obtain without access to a [Legend Stone].

This however is not how the average person obtains a class, other methods include apprenticing under a more experienced individual who teaches and guides you in the ways of one of their classes - alternatively a class may be obtained by performing exceedingly well and having your achievements recognized by the system.

Some specialized classes require certain conditions be fulfilled before they can be obtained such as the blessings of a deity, the slaying of a rare and powerful monster, obtaining understanding of occult knowledge, obtaining a specific title, or meeting a minimum threshold in one or more attributes.

In addition there are a number of special classes that can be granted as result of social position or authority that last only so long as that authority and position are recognized, defended, and respected; these classes do not require a class slot and are always considered equipped.

In many ways, a class defines what you do, so be certain to choose yours wisely; not all classes are made equal, classes of different rarity tiers will increase in potency and provide boons at different rates.

[Equipping Classes]

Classes can only be equipped or unequipped with the use of a [Legend Stone] and the act of equipping or unequipping a class is a very taxing one; for these reasons it is recommended that this only be done in a safe location where it is possible to rest for an extended period of time.

In addition, the following guidelines apply

  • Classes are automatically equipped when obtained if there is an available compatible slot.
  • After obtaining a class you must always have at least one equipped
  • A class that levels up beyond those higher in the class-slot chain must either be unequipped or exchanged with another of a rank higher than the class or classes it surpasses in level.

Attribute Information



[Resources and Resource Regeneration]

Health or HP is an abstract measure of life force and is governed by Constitution and Vitality

You lose HP when injured or harmed either directly or indirectly but it is important to remember that it is a resource; some skills and abilities may consume it and accepting injury to achieve victory is a valid tactic if you have enough to spare.

Reaching 0 HP in a combat situation is generally a death sentence but does not cause immediate death outright, regardless of this, it should still be avoided at all costs.

Health regen is governed primarily by Vitality but is also influenced by the size of your maximum health pool.

Stamina or ST is a measure of how much physical energy you have command over and is governed by Fortitude, Vitality, and Endurance

ST is used when exerting yourself, using a myriad number of abilities and skills, or by simply engaging in other generally physically taxing actions.

Reaching 0 or negative ST should also generally be avoided, while not an outright death sentence in a combat situation, it can cause physical weakness, a sense of exhaustion, and may lead to losing consciousness after the rush of battle passes.

Stamina regen is governed primarily by Endurance but is also influenced by the size of your maximum stamina pool.

Mana or MP is a measure of your mental and spiritual energy and is governed by Willpower, Intellect, and Spirit.

MP is used when calling upon supernatural skills and abilities or when engaging in mentally taxing actions.

Reaching 0 or negative MP should be avoided when possible, while again not as dangerous as reaching 0 HP, it can cause slowed reaction times, difficulty thinking, and impaired judgement, and may lead to losing consciousness after the rush of battle passes.

Mana regen is governed primarily by Willpower but is also influenced by the size of your maximum mana pool.


[Primary Attributes]

Constitution is a measure of your pure physical durability in the face of harm and resistance to toxins, a high Constitution will make you substantially more difficult to kill.

Dexterity is a measure of how easily you can move your body in line with your intentions, a high Dexterity will mean more precise control of your body in motion and an greater sense of balance.

Intellect is not a measure of how much you know, rather it represents how quickly you can learn, process, and internalize information and how effective your memory is. A high Intellect will make learning new things and solving problems easier.

Wisdom is a measure of how well you apply knowledge and experience to the present moment and how easily you can intuit information not immediately obvious such as subtle social cues. A high Wisdom will grant you the ability to parse minute stimuli that inform the ‘sixth sense’.

Might is a measure of pure physical power and how much damage can be done with sheer strength. A high Might will allow you to dominate in physical confrontations and display feats of power.

Charisma is a measure of your presence, it is not necessarily charm or beauty or even a conventionally positive aspect, but high charisma will more easily allow you to get attention, communicate your ideas, and be recognized as worthy of respect.

Vitality is a measure of the pure life force within you and represents general bodily health and wellness. A high vitality will allow you to recover from disease, injury, and poisoning at a stunning rate.

Fortitude is a measure of your physical and mental resistance to fear, panic, pain and discomfort. A high Fortitude score will allow for amazing feats of bravery in the face of terrifying foes and the ability to shrug off the pain of injury in times of need.

Spirit is a measure of a nigh indescribable quintessential element of the mind, important for calling upon divine powers and persisting when all else fails. A high Spirit may not provide immediate and well defined benefits but it is important none the less.


[Secondary Attributes]

Agility is a measure of how well you can apply your strength in motion and influences how quickly and easily you can move your body as a whole. A high Agility will let you outpace while running, swimming, and climbing. It is also a vital element when determining your reaction time.

Agility is governed by Might and Dexterity.

Awareness is a measure of how acute your senses are and influences the precision of your hearing, sight, and sense of touch, smell, and taste. A high Awareness will let you sense your foes hidden in the brush or smell poison in your food. It is also a vital element when determining your reaction time.

Awareness is governed by Intellect and Wisdom.

Willpower is a measure of your force of will and how easily it can be imposed on others or the world around you through natural or supernatural means. A high Willpower will allow you to cast more powerful spells, resist the influence of others, and impose your desires onto others.

Willpower is governed by Fortitude and Intellect

Endurance is a measure of your capability to press on when subject to adversity of the physical or mental variety. A high Endurance will allow you to go on fighting even when severely injured, exhausted, or low on morale.

Endurance is governed by Fortitude and Constitution

Faith is a measure of your ability to gain the attention of, converse with, and draw power from divine beings and other entities without physical form. A high Faith may not provide any power directly but does allow for more easily receiving blessings, prophetic visions, and divine favor as well as ensuring your prayers reach the ears of the gods.

Faith is governed by Charisma and Spirit

Luck is the fifth element, incomprehensible and indirect in its exact effects but it is certain that it has an influence on every scrap of random chance and probability. A high luck isn’t enough to coast by on, but it can swing an otherwise bad situation into your favor.

Luck is not governed by any other attribute.


[Defensive Attributes]

Physical Defense is a measure of how difficult you are to harm through physical means and how well you mitigate such damage through direct durability; physical strikes will have less effect on you if this defense stat is high.

Physical Defense is governed by Constitution, Fortitude, and Endurance.

Magical Defense is a measure of how difficult it is to harm you through magical means and how well you mitigate such damage by dispersing hostile mana with your own; magical attacks and status effects will be less effective against you if this defense stat is high.

Magical Defense is governed by Intellect, Spirit, and Willpower

Evasion Defense is a measure of how difficult it is to land a hit on you and to a degree reduces both physical and magical damage by turning full on strikes into glancing blows; all attacks are less likely to hit and deal less damage if this defense stat is high.

Evasion Defense is governed by Dexterity, Agility, and Awareness


[Increasing Attributes]

Your attributes increase naturally as a result of leveling up in classes, through the expenditure of attribute points, and through the influence of perks and titles.

Attributes can be increased through other means as well, such as specialized training and enhancement drugs.

The rate at which your attributes increase in almost any form is dependent on your base attributes, the attribute values you have before you begin leveling up - if your base attributes are low, you will find it impossible to keep up with someone with a higher base attribute even if you should have the same levels in the same classes.

Opportunities to increase your base attributes are much rarer and should not be ignored, the primary method by which anyone can increase their base attributes is the expenditure of advancement points at a [Legend Stone]; this should however be done in moderation as advancement points are also a means by which you may unlock new classes.

There are other methods of permanently increasing your base attributes, such as exceedingly rare specialized alchemic mixtures and boons from powerful entities.
