Arc 1–Chapter 20
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Chapter 20- [ The daily life: Unexpected surprises and Progressing development ]

(Protagonist PoV)

Storyline. The Plot of a novel, play, movie, or other narrative form. Within the storyline, is a plotline. It is a connected series of occurrences that form the plot or a part of the plot in a story or a drama.

Some people said that our lives are stories. It is connected to each other and our actions can affect a person's own story. The world just not revolve around ourselves. We are just part of a certain plot of the story. Still, every person's story is still important to the overall storyline. No matter how insignificant it may be. Without them, the story would be full of plot holes.

Some people may be wondering why I am having a philosophical thoughts.

Sigh, I only wanted my life to be comfortable. Is it wrong that I wanted to live a comfortable life? Tell me, is it wrong that I decided to make some agreement to the townspeople? I only just wanted to bring forth my knowledge from earth and pave the way for a comfortable life for the town.( for me!– I can't live without my basic necessities!!)

If there's a higher being that may existed somewhere, what did I do that you are giving me too much surprises and shock in my life?!

Tell me so I can fucking destroy every damn statue of you!

I have just made an agreement with the Townspeople and a notification suddenly appeared informing me of my improved relationship with them and my cheat's maintenance.... It was so ridiculous and absurd!

[ Omniscient Basic Appraisal System

→ currently ongoing on maintenance (upgrade). Please wait for a moment.

Requirements for the maintenance (upgrade):

[→ Encounter a total of 3 essential developments. ]

1. Alternate plot/ AU (Alternate Universe)  plot

→ No matter how insignificant a character can be, a dying character shouldn't live.

* Prince Ignotus Noir Arkavelnias survival

Note: This is a Major Plot. The World is now treading on Storyline of Alter Uni #3

2. Unlocking a Plot hole! The Reason Storyline

→ Plot holes shouldn't exist! They are a disease that needed to be exterminated, DESTROY!

* The Reason behind Prince's Ignotus Death

3. Encountering the Unknown.

→ Sometimes insignificant world building can be important.

* Forming a positive relationship with the townspeople has certain consequences. Certain actions has consequences. You are now interconnected with the Dark History of Lucia Town.  

→ Maintenance(Upgrade): 95 %   ]

Damn it!


(Succi's PoV)

Irisha, Year 9010 of the Fourth Cycle.
Third Month–Day 33

Irisha has a total of 12 months on a year. In every month, the Irisha has a total of 35 days. Succi wondered why would the Prince become surprised. But considering that he even forgot the other common knowledge, Succi wasn't surprise anymore.

It's been three days since the Prince and the townspeople had come into an agreement. Since then, the relationship between the Prince and them has improved significantly. But Succi wasn't happy when the Prince has agreed on the contract. Forming a contract is a sensitive and a dangerous affair. One mistake and it will cost you something.

The Prince just smiled when she and Avro has voice their concerns. How could the Prince so careless?! Still, despite the frustration that she felt for the Prince's actions, Succi can only wonder in amazement as the Prince started to bring his words into reality. It's been three days, no one expected the Prince to start so suddenly.

On her way back to the Prince's residence, Succi can't help but glance at the tall walls that was still under construction. She smiled as she saw Avro who was barking orders at the townspeople while still looking so sloppy and lazy.

Other than the walls, the Prince has started introducing strange things. One of them was a Soap.

" Soap? "

Succi glanced uncertainly at the Prince. She didn't know what is that thing.

" So that is what have you been making, your Highness. "

Beside her, Avro stared at the Prince. The Prince passed the smooth and fragrant thing called soap to him.

" Hmm... It was certainly different from the soap of those people from Western and Central continent. "

Avro muttered. The Prince look at Avro surprised.

" You have traveled there? "

Avro's purple eyes flashed. He was looking at the Prince amused.

" Before I have arrived at the Demon Empire... The town , I have wandered around in a lot of places. "

Such matter was surprising. Succi expected that Avro was– Succi's eye's widened.

" Avro, aren't you a citizen of a Demon Empire? "

" Of course I am..... " Avro wore a strange smile. " Highness this soap is fragrant... They are really different from the human products. The smell doesn't also have side effects.. considering that I saw you wandering in the town picking a plant here and there. Your lucky that you haven't gotten a poisonous one. "

" Yeah, I'm really fortunate enough. "

" It wasn't luck your Highness, you have a good ... Intuition. "

The Prince smiled wryly before he took out another strange things. He called them shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and hair gel. He then started to explain what are those things for.

" So it was for hygiene.. your Highness. "

" Prince your amazing!! "

" No... I'm not. "

In the end, Avro was looking at the Prince with a strange gleam in his eyes.

" If I may, Prince would you let me learn how to make them? Even it is such mere trivial matter.... These things are very interesting. "

" Sure! "

Avro that time was so terrifying. It was different from his normal serious mood. His 'passionate' mood made her felt scared at him. A lazy, sloppy and dispassionate Avro is the best one!

Succi continued on walking to the Prince's residence while she was carrying the basket that contain the freshly gathered crops. She double-checked the goods and make sure that it wasn't poisonous despite the Prince complaining that they taste bland.

She quickly flapped her wings when she nearly tripped on the stone and sighed in relief.

" Phew... That was a close one! "

After the close call, Succi inspected her way and made sure that she wouldn't trip on anything. It would be regretful if the crops has fallen to the ground. Finally, Succi has arrived at the Prince's residence with no furthermore accidents. Succi greeted the Prince who was sitting at the chair with his hands on the table and head slumped.

" Prince, I have arrived! "

" Oh... Welcome, Succi. "

The Prince greeted her. His face showing signs of exhaustion and resignation.

What could have happened that make the Prince look so defeated?