A portmanteau of the French faux, meaning fake, and the Japanese ojou-sama, meaning young lady.
A large, crystal-looking dome that encases the city of Neo Crystal Tokyo. It extends underground, protecting the city from below. At the center of the city, not far from the Seine, it re-emerges from the ground and forms a tall spire which houses its control consoles.
When the Weeaboo Federation first annexed the city, one of its foremost scientific geniuses created the GINZUISHOU to keep enemies out. The process of constructing the GINZUISHOU was so arduous that he lost his life in the process.
Since then, no one else has been able to figure out exactly what the GINZUISHOU is or how it works, but studies have shown that rather than being one solid crystal, it's comprised of very tiny crystals that float in the air and press tightly up against each other.
Because it looks similar to Crystal Tokyo from Sailor Moon, the Federation named it the GINZUISHOU, and backronymed it to mean Geo-Infused Network of Zettai Ultimate Invincible Shields Hanging Over Us. They named the control room atop the spire the Crystal Palace, and even named the city Neo Crystal Tokyo to match.
Like all fallen nations, many details about the USSR have been lost and distorted by history. Millennia later, it was seen by the residents of Eastern Europe as a powerful federation of countries which voluntarily disarmed and separated to avoid nuclear conflict with the United States of America. In a world suffering after centuries of war, this misunderstanding became an ideal to which people were drawn.
And so formed the Soviet Expedition. At first, it was a movement to rediscover the missing details and artifacts of the USSR. Eventually, it grew so powerful that it overthrew the nations of Asia and Eastern Europe, growing into a superpower in its own right.
In truth, its leaders have long since discovered enough to know that the real USSR was not what they expected, but this only made them cling harder to their cause. After covering up the actual history of the USSR—and those who dug it up—they declared that they would model the government after what they knew of the USSR.
Additionally, they announced that the world had fallen to ruin and war because the much superior USSR had surrendered to the USA. As such, their goal was to crush the world's other powers and spread Soviet government to the entire world. Ironically, after modeling themselves after a government that they believed stood for peace, they became more warlike than the real USSR.
Formerly the city-state of Paris. Annexed by a breakaway faction of 'Murican anime otaku with advanced military technology. They originally planned to name it Neo Tokyo, but after the construction of the GINZUISHOU, decided to name it Neo Crystal Tokyo instead.