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Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.
Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.
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Tianlian Liu Shu Titles and Stats.
Name: Tianlian Liu Shu

<Awakened>: A title that's gained when a tree gains sapience and evolves, gaining human-like intelligence.

<World Tree>: A tree that can grow to be an overlord, admired by many, hated by some.

<Forest Ruler: You are the overlord of the forest. All trees that form part of the forest are like a small extension of yourself without losing their individuality. Your senses will become much sharper, and your ability to process information inside your domain will be enhanced. Additionally, all beings in the forest will recognize your presence as the overlord and avoid confronting creatures coated in your aura.

<Defender>: All creatures considered allies will gain 10% stats when fighting a defensive battle.

<Wonder Tree Building>: Buildings created in the future will receive all additional benefits.
Additional benefits:
All buildings created/assimilated by the World Tree will increase one sub-tier, breaking through tier rank if they are in the “+” rank.
All buildings created/assimilated by the World Tree will grow quickly and reach near the Level of the World Tree.

<Seedling World Builder>: A creature with the potential to become a World Builder. While she is still far from anything near the true meanings of those words, Tianlian Liu Shu will receive:
+20% building speed.
+10% Material Cost Reduction.

<World Tree Town>: All creatures entering the town will feel a faint, soothing, mind-cleansing aura. Crafters have an increased 5% chance of success in their projects.

<Perfect Cycle>: When creating new <Energy Cycles> in the future, it will be impossible to go under the 90% Completion Rate.

<Touched By Dimensions>: You have increased ease of connecting with or sensing other dimensions.

<One With The World>: You are a unique being that’s similar to a World Tree but not entirely one. Your inheritance is one that shall either wither in silence or bloom to illuminate all creation with your presence. Effect: You are able to assimilate all types of plant creatures in your domain, without exceptions, and keep their individuality unchanged while reducing their rebelliousness several times over. Moreover, your influence over other plant beings is increased by 100%, while other plant-based creatures have 50% less influence over you.

<Galactic Overlord>: You have unlocked hidden and unique paths of Evolution. Stats +20%. This title can be improved.

Hidden titles: [10]

Race: World Tree.

Energy Method: Basic World Energy Gathering (Gathers experience points*Level per day*(Complete Energy Cycle+1).)

Level: 30 [0/95,710]

Aether Mana Cores: 22.72/22.72 (2,272,907) (+81,900/Hour)
Phoer Body Cores: 36.88/36.88 (3,688,244) (+132,800/Hour)
Anima Energy Cores: 31.98/31.98 (3,198,068) (+115,200/Hour)

Attributes: Aether 4121 (1665+2456), Physique 5814 (2200+3614), Anima 5427 (2170+3257), Willpower 3490 (2230+1260), Destiny 3000 (3000)

Affinity Percentage: Aether Resonance (79), Physique Refinement (107), Anima Affinity (92)

Resistance Percentage: Aether Resistance (61), Physique Resistance (67), Spiritual Resistance (66) Mental Resistance (64)

Summoning Affinity: Summon Cost (-64%), Summon Enhancement (+20%), Summoning Invoking Time (-64%), Summon Upkeep (-64%).

Tianlian Liu Shu Talents
<Enchanted Land (D- Rank Level 2 [145,870/839,900])>: Creates an active aura that consumes your Aether Mana and Anima Energy in exchange for nourishing the land around you. Plants, animals, and all kinds of beings will have the ability to absorb and provide nutrients increased, among others. (See detailed explanation.)

<Runic Living Wood City (D Rank Level 2 [225,800/395.200])>: A master of wood and runes. Everything is possible for all wood-related constructions and items, from spoons and knives to massive walls and towering structures. You can imbue items and structures with Runic Formations to enhance their functionality.
+50% to production toward wood-related items is.
+50% to Rune Crafting Speed and Strength.
There is an 13% chance of increasing the wood items sub-level after completion up to the “+” rank.
All structures have offensive and defensive abilities to a certain extent. You can imbue the buildings built by you with <Rune Fields>.
+150% to the ability to manipulate existing structures.

<World Tree Calling (D- Rank Level 2 [84,500/248,900])>: The World Tree has a connection with the World and everything else to a fundamental level. You can use Anima Energy to call for a summon. You’ve chosen Arboreal Winged Serpents as your summons. You can summon creatures that are up to D- Tier.

<Nature's Gift (D- Rank Level 3 [450,144/839,900])>: Produces small, magical fruits with unique and beneficial properties. Liu Shu can use 10% of the berry’s cost to accelerate 100 Gestation Days.

<Weeping Willow’s Aether Barrage (E+ Rank Level 4 [94,450/1,152,000])>: The World Tree can summon phantasmal branches to strike everything in a radius of two and a half times her height. The strength behind each strike is a combination of her Physique and Aether stats. Other than that, the World Tree’s ability to manipulate Aether can help her create Aether Mana Thorn projectiles to target things up to 6 times her height. (60 centimeters thorns= Height/100)

<Land Modifying (E+ Rank Level 4 [354,000/1,152,000])>: This skill allows the user to manipulate non-enhanced terrain. It uses Aether Mana and some Anima Energy. The range is limited, and the user must be touching that terrain.

Tianlian Liu Shu Passives
Passive Skills:

<World Tree Heart (A Rank Level 1 [50/589900])>: A core has formed in the middle of the Tree. The tree can recover from any external injury if the core doesn’t receive heavy damage. Depending on the damage, it will take longer. Innate Regeneration Increased, Innate Resistances increased, and Innate Affinities increased.

<World Tree Eye (C Rank level 3 [1,958,000/3,888,000])>: You can see as far as your roots extend. Clarity of vision and ability to process increased.

<World Tree Wisdom (SSS Rank Level MAX)>: You can understand all languages as long as they are complex enough to be considered a language by the system.

<Cerulean Bloodsap (B- Rank Level 2 [118,500/1,990,700])>: Your sap has now become a panacea. It can cure most poisons and ailments that don’t outrank you while also serving as a naturally purifying and healing substance. The world around you will now be deeply influenced by your essence and all flora will receive several growth boosts.

<Charm of the Seedling (E+ Rank Level MAX])>: Your aura attracts creatures and has a calming effect. Those affected by your aura will feel less propensity to feel negative emotions towards you. Creatures below the F+ Rank or those at half your level and below will be affected with much more ease.

<Living Roots (D- Rank Level 3 [0/31200])>: Your roots can move on their own if you are threatened. You can also control them at will. They are more flexible and will be able to move through the hard soil without much problem, and your roots can also pierce through rock. Your roots can resist extreme environments better.

<Minor World Builder Aura (D- Rank Level 3 [10,500/839,900])>: All living constructions assimilated receive a 25% stat boost and are affected by your living-being-related auras like <Defender>. They also have their basic intelligence increased slightly.

<Mind Echo (D- Rank Level 3 [28,900/839,900])>: It allows the user to create echoes of their thoughts. When actively used, Anima Energy is used to increase the range and penetration power, and it can damage creatures with low mental resistance.

<Runic Coverage (D Rank Level 2 [254,000/395,200])>: You can change your perceived aura and appearance at will. You can also allow anyone you wish to view your real body and image. This skill works like a global illusion toward all those who observe you through any medium.

Knowing Fruits That She Can Grow.

•    <Low-Rank Delicious Berry (D- Rank)>: +10 Experience Points. Level 49 and below 6/day. Level 24 and below --> 3/day. Level 9 and below --> 1/day. Production Cost: 100 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 100 Days.

•    < Low-Rank Phoer Berry (D- Rank)>: +1000 Phoer Body Shards. Level 25 and above --> 25/day. Level 10 to 24 --> 15/day. Level 9 and below --> 1/day. Production Cost: 100 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 100 Days.

•    <Low-Rank Mana Berry (E+ Rank)>: +1000 Aether Mana Shards. Level 25 and above --> 25/day. Level 10 to 24 --> 15/day. Level 9 and below --> 1/day. Production Cost: 10 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 100 Days.

•    <Low-Rank Energy Berry (E+ Rank): +1000 Anima Energy Shards. Level 25 and above --> 25/day. Level 10 to 24 --> 15/day. Level 9 and below --> 1/day. Production Cost: 100 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 100 Days.

•    <Low-Rank Breakthrough Berry (D- Rank)>: +1 <Sub-Tier>. Max <D- Rank>. Any Creature can ingest one every 10 years. (Can Ingest Higher Ranked Breakthrough Berries with a 1-month cooldown). Production Cost: 1 AMC and AEC. Gestation Time: 3 Years.

•    <Low-Rank Resonant Berry (D- Rank)>: +1% Aether Resonance.  10 Max. Production Cost: 1500 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 150 Days.

•    <Low-Rank Refinement Berry (D- Rank)>: +1% Phoer Refinement.  10 Max. Production Cost: 1500 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 150 Days.

•    <Low-Rank Affinity Berry (D- Rank)>: +1% Energy Affinity.  10 Max. Production Cost: 1500 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 150 Days.

•    <Low-Rank Palace Berry (D- Rank)> +1% Mind Palace.  10 Max. Production Cost: 1500 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 150 Days.

•    <Energy Cycle Berry (D Rank)>: Increase the Completion Rate of an energy cycle by 5.5% up to 60%. You can Ingest 1 per Berry rank. Production Cost: 50000 AM and AE. Gestation Time: 2 Years. (+0.5% per sub rank, +5% per large rank)

•    <Cerulean Bloodfruit (D+ Rank)>: Increases Aether resonance, Phoer Refinement, Energy Affinity, and Mind Palace by 5%. Gives those who eat it immunity to poisons below the rank of the fruit. You can ingest 1 Max. If you consume higher-grade ones in the future, the effects will increase to those effects. Production Cost: 5 AMC and AEC. Gestation time: 5 years.

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    New LTB
    Status: chapter 290. the enemy attacks the...

    Its a really good world builder style story with a system and all the usual. Never thought I could find a trees' story so good. The reason I am writing the review is because I think it is crazy I came for the girls love tag and now honestly I am like, 5% interested in that. The world is so intriguing with the various world trees and how they fit within the standard fantasy creatures. I really love how our MC grows both literally and figuratively. It is just a super cool world that has sooooooooo few pot holes, like everything is explained well, its thought out. When new mechanics are introduced, there are always pluses and minuses. You could say that the MC is kinda OP but at the same time she isn't. She at least feel realistic within the world rules or I should say universe rules. If you like fantasy rpg style stories this is one of the top ones on this site 100%. I have never wanted to reincarnate as a tree before. 

    If I had to find something to suggest to the author, I would suggest that the description on scribble hub is changed, the way it is written currently makes it seem like the romance is going to be a major or even the main point of this story. The romance is definitely there but it is very much a sub plot currently, I think I can see why, but if you are after a budding romance, then for the first 280 chapters you will struggle, it is defo there, and I can see why it will become a major plot point in the future but currently its a minor plot point. This story is about a world tree growing and the challenges that entails in a world where world trees are both revered by some and desired by the greedy. 

    Love it, good story. I barely got any sleep before work due to this novel.  


    I love the snakes summons!!!! please make them be the MC's besties forever!!!!!! If one of them ever gets truly hurt I will stop reading! Also Flor and ignatia and Fortuna..... basically everyone : ( (


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    New Rizeres
    Status: chapter 183. troubles with equipment creation.

    I would normally write a review once I've caught up to everything that's been released, but this story is just too good to wait. 

    If you have read reincarnated as a slime, the story feels a lot like that. Kingdom building, Cool abilities, solid fights with good suspense, a dash of romance (though there will probably be much more in later parts of the story). The story has just about everything. Anyone who loves a good fantasy novel could enjoy this novel. 

    The writing is solid with little to no grammar mistakes if at all. And only the very rare small spelling hiccup. 

    Can't wait to see our tree spread her Roots throughout the world and beyond.

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    Status: chapter 63. cinderielle’s realization.

    Good evening and once again, but no less important: Thank you for the chapter. As for this story, I admit that at first I didn't have high expectations. I thought it would be difficult for a tree to captivate me as much as Yasenia, but I was positively surprised. Liu Shu also has charisma and the chapters are a lot of fun to read. The different ways of thinking between the races and the pink fairies themselves are great attractions in this story and also add a lot of tension to the plot. (Example: As much as the pink fairies want to defend Liu Shu and are willing to die in this effort. They're not as strong as the maids and Tatyana, so I'm much more apprehensive about the tree and the lovely pink fairies than I am about the Dragon. Who, in addition to her own strength and cunning, still has Tatyana, Valeria, Mirror, Maids, Harem... and a whole range of allies). I kind of underestimated that Yasenia will cope with whatever the Heavens throw at her, but Liu Shu won't. Yasenia's ability is a trait developed from her efforts and I really like this hard-working MC that our Dragon is. But I have to admit that Liu Shu's naivety and fragility also have their charms. In short, you're writing two very good stories with immensely different but equally captivating protagonists.


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    9 Likes · Like
    Status: --

    Beautiful, well done, amazing, its honestly one of the best novels ive written and theres only like 9 chapters!! Cant wait for moreee!!!!!!!!

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    9 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 63. cinderielle's realization.

    This novel is gold. Liu Shu is cute. The Rose Fairies are adorable. Liu Shu is cute. The world building is well done. Liu Shu. Is. Cute. The system is perfect. LIU SHU IS CUTE. And there are 7 Sylvian Yanderes waiting to *eat* the MC out.

    Literally can't find anything wrong so far. Give it a try!

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    7 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 63. cinderielle’s realization.

    Very good story so far, I look forward to reading the new chapter every day. Power creep Isn't crazy and the characters all interact well!

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    5 Likes · Like

    I have a few things to say about it. I'll start with the bad.

    The writing is a bit... rough. There is excessive use of line breaks. A line break is not needed after every sentence. It makes the reading experience feel somewhat jagged in a way. Many linebreaks could just be omitted in it.

    Tell don't show is also a massive problem here. It has an overload of plainly described things that could be written to be a bit more, I don't know exactly how to put it, poetic? I just read about a war, and rather than describing the size or power of the army, or the threat various parts of the army has, you are just outright told the level of every creature. Instead of "Dozens of weaker creatures charged at the ect ect" it will be "4  level 5's, eight level 6's and a level 8 creature charged and the level 7 fairies fought alongside the level 9 fairy."These parts could be better described.

    In addition, there is a bit of an overload of information. We don't need to see all the details of everyone's skill sheets every chapter. I ended up skipping information because it was overwhelming to see everything pasted plainly, rather than just on occasion or sparsely important moments.


    With that out of the way, here is the good, the real good.

    The world-building is phenomenal. It has many unique concepts juggled with expert care. It's thoroughly unique and I love it.

    I am also compelled by the characters. Many of them have distinct and different personalities from one another, and the author does and excellent job of describing just how alien the different though processes between species is. Excellent job in this regard.

    Honestly, I think this story has a bunch of potential, but it would need some hefty rewrites across the board to be a great story. More focus on showing, rather than telling, and less overwhelming with plain text explanations

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    4 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 268. liu shu’s decision...

    I didn't vote for the Tree LitRPG thing way back then, because I wasn't interested in another LitRPG. 

    I have only had Liu Shu for 2 days, but if anything happens to her, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself. 

    So, as I usually do, let me tell you what to expect: 



    Tianlian Liu Shu is our bebe, the greatest, cutest, most useful tree in the whole wide world, with the bestest fruits ever. No other tree can compare. Liu Shu is our bebe and that's that. Flor is the sweetest mother, though I always have to scale her in my head because of how small she actually is. Ignatia is best mommy. Tree is a cute mom. The love interests are interesting, and while it is currently a slow burn and the plot background still seems to be under wraps, they are interesting nonetheless. Still, I do not think anything will happen until all (7?) of them gather. They're like some powerful stones from an anime or something. Gotta gather all the rings! Also, the serpents are hard to picture, because wide wings and long snek just goes against the aesthetic in my head. Doing my best though. Really gotta accept how mighty a*s beeg the flying danger noodles are. All in all, good character writing, as usual!




    The story is wonderful. The chapters are a stretch longer than what I remember from HEM, but they are engaging and in a way, even better written than HEM. Still, neither are exact duplicates, and they both have unique qualities which make them distinguishable and lovable. What's particularly impressive here is the handling of the numbers. Most LitRPGs follow an average for their systems or their universes. Some have very large numbers which increase just as large, others have very small numbers which increase sporadically in small increments, others follow a balance while they all have varying degrees of progression for their MC and deuteragonists. What's impressive here, is that the numbers are handled incredibly well! You start low, then you gradually go up, HOWEVER, the numbers don't just fly sky high— in fact, you easily immerse into the world and feel the stupendous effects of large numbers when they arrive. (I postulate that it may be because the author is using an amount/max style, which really emphasizes the digits when status screens are brought up. This however, doesn't explain the effect on the reader when you read about the damage numbers flying around) The perspective and writing all blend together to make the numbers have weight, and lets you appreciate what over 100, 000 of something can do even when bigger numbers shoot, because you've come to understand and appreciate what only 66 of it can do




    About what you'd expect from the author. General mistakes here and there, but mostly word choices and such. The story itself is very readable. Though, perhaps it is because I am late to the party, I feel like the initial mistakes aren't being corrected as much as they were during the early cents of HEM? Could just be my imagination though, and anyway, I'm too busy pampe— I mean, spoili— I mean, looking forward to our dear bebe Liu Shu's growth.


    Who is the bestest and cutest tree in the whole wide world? 

    |  EHEHEHEHEHEHE~ Big numbers~ hehehehehe

    Big numbers are good! Big numbers are great! Who says otherwise? This doting one will fight them!

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    Status: c278

    Lovely story, I couldn't stop reading.

    After looking at the tags, I thought it would have a lot more of 18+ content, which I am glad it wasn't the focus so far. The whole concept of World Trees evolution and her interaction with the different species is quite nice. A lot of insights on the so "intelligent" races. There're plenty of cute and series moments without being too much either way. 

    Grammar sometimes is a bit weird, but nothing too much.

    MC is quite OP but it's a week-to-strong progression, so it's nice to see the growth of not only the MC but of many characters. I am actually happy with many of those side characters, with different personalities and views, although I wish it would go a bit further on their story.

    Overall a really nice time investment and read.

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    2 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 280. liu shu’s declaration.

    One of the best LitRPGs i've ever read and i've read a lot of them. Leveling is crisp and clear, the details are interesting, evolutions are fun, fights are engaging, its got good kingdom building, and most importantly it isnt being flooded with hundreds of 'oh-pee' skills that never get used. I also love that Liu Shu does not compromise on her principles for a safer life and challenges the status quo. I love that she is somehow a very active protagonist, despite being, yknow, an imobile tree. Another aspect I like which others might not appreciate but I do is all the slaughter. Liu Shu as a World Tree is naturally ruthless towards her enemies, and no one who threatens her or her family escapes the reach of her roots alive. Villain's getting what they deserve is such a satisfying aspect of progression stories for me and theres no lack of that here.

    tl;dr I can easily recomend this to anyone whos a fan of non-human LitRPGs. Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos is fantastic and a shining example of the genre.

    However, I do need to give one heads up. As of this review, the romantic and smut aspects of the story are basically non-existent. There are hints that there might be more in the future, and it could technically happen at any time, but for now, I'll just be like Liu Shu and wait patiently. 

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