And so Arascus, God of Pride, waited. He waited for his defeat as the forces of Heaven & Hell combined descended upon him. He waited as they tried to kill him. He waited as they locked him away. He waited for a thousand years in that dark prison.
Now. He was done waiting.
My discord: .This is the best place to talk to me and give your feedback!
This story takes place in a fantasy variant of our modern world with ancient Gods, with multiple differing character perspectives and excerpts at the start of each chapter. These excerpts are largely the character's own opinions, they are not correct. Also, unless said otherwise, most characters lie to achieve their own goals. Only believe the character's own perspectives for their own thoughts, but please do understand that everyone is biased in some way or another.
This story features progression of powers and technology, ramping up from swords to rifles into modern style of warfare and then further beyond. It is a slow-burn.
A great book with a focus on the plots and actions of gods. They are all written exceptionally and make decisions that fit with their domains and ideals.
The world building is fantastic. You learn why the world is in it's current state and how it is changing. The gods' power system is perfect and prevents any one god from being stupidly powerful. They all have strengths and weaknesses that fit their concepts.
Give the book a shot, you will not regret it. Definitely one of the best stories on the site.
The only issue is minor and it is that every 2 or so chapters there is a small grammatical mistake. Nothing that causes confusion though.
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Amazing, and awesome.
Characters are very human, the story is extremely enjoyable to read. Watching the characters interact and actually talk and behave as real people do, is incredible.
One of, if not the, best story I've read here, on RR, or Kindle.
Enjoy slowly. Very, very easy to binge the whole thing.
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