Action + Fantasy + Sci-fi + Love = Story
Cesar is a veteran soldier with a mysterious past, for him supernatural creatures and ghosts are everyday things. He has saved the world from a brutal war against the dragons, a war that no one remembers, only to find himself involved in yet another war on his return. The Alliance and the Empire have been engaged in the Continental War of Europe for years. Cesar loses his life in an important mission to recover the Codex, a gem capable of granting a wish at great cost, the same object that originated the war against the dragons. But offered a second chance, the option to return to life but in the body of a white fox girl, a familiar face and a greater mystery are now set to be uncovered. He accepts with the goal of saving his sister, finding his lost family and unraveling the mystery of his past that continues to haunt him even after his death
New chapters in every Sunday, I hope
Author's Note:
This novel strongly emphasizes world-building and lore about the past, long elaborate battles, the Mystery of Forgotten Wars, complex dialogues, and complicated relationships of its characters, some of them with difficult backgrounds. In addition, it features a strong theme of family unity, loss and acceptance, a curious harem with several monster girls (important to the plot) and a little bit of slice of life and romance.
English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for any errors in the work.
Originally this story was to be a visual novel, so there are moments where a large number of characters speak at the same time. So I used a different format to be able to differentiate more easily the changes of characters and who is speaking at what time.
Also available in:
I will also be posting this story on honey feed , royal road, Pixiv and syosetu
* I apologize for my poor knowledge of English.*
I didn't dare to write, but low ratings and a small number of views and likes encourage me to do something. Perhaps, after reading the beginning, it may seem to you that the work is strange and does not deserve attention. I delayed reading it myself. There are such things as fantasy, school, shooter, family, timelines, Isekai and it may seem that these should not work together, but the author proves the opposite. I will not say that this is an ideal work, but I see that the person writing it has put his soul into it. I understand that everyone's tastes are different, but given the amount I've read, I think this work has an undeservedly small number of views and likes. I ask you not to give up reading at the early stages and give it a chance, and perhaps, like me, it will find a response in your soul.
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TLDR: Ignore my review and just read Valkyria Squadron! That's how much I recommend it.
But if you insist...
I am writing this review so that this story can, hopefully, receive the views and great ratings it deserves.
I originally read the first, now deprecated, version of this novel last year. My serious review of it is that, despite the interesting plot and likeable characters, the English grammar and formatting had a multitude of problems that made it difficult for me to read. I remember quitting around chapter 50-ish. From what I can recall, the main issues were that many words were either capitalized or spelled incorrectly; there were many run-on sentences that didn't flow well with each other; there were many paragraphs that were too long; and that dialogue was often ambiguous due to weird formatting. HOWEVER, that did not detract from the fact that the story was made with incredible love and effort.
I'll be honest in stating that I was incredibly excited to hear that the author, RedHunter2296, planned to re-write the novel. As the chapters rolled out, I gave it a second chance, and I can confidently say I was blown away.
First of all, pretty much all of the language issues the first novel had are gone. This is a big deal, as it allows the characters, from Cesar to Tamamo to Adelis to Maria, to shine. They are not one-dimensional; the writing really makes you feel each of their personalities, to the point that you will laugh with, cry with, and root for them. RedHunter2296, I hope you know that you did an amazing job here!
Second, another greatly improved aspect is the plot, which through the revision process, is now coherent and enjoyable. This is impressive because of how many ideas and influences this story combines into one. It manages to cram such an interesting world into a loveable package while remaining mysterious. I found that no matter how many chapters I read, I find that the world still has more to be explored, more to offer me, and that is awesome.
Third, let me talk about the tags. I think that Action + Fantasy + Sci-fi + Love actually UNDERSELLS how off-the-walls, in a good way, this novel is. It is unpredictable, dynamic in a way that feels real despite being complete fantasy. I enjoy the fact that this story keeps me on my feet, glued to the Next button, because there is simply never a boring moment, only adventure after adventure mixed with introspection, love, and everything in between.
Finally, for those who are interested, the Harem tag is not for display only. While I am not a fan of harems in general, I will excuse this one because it is just that good. Among the many stories I have read, Cesar's love interests are some of the most complicated, fun, and wacky characters I have ever read. Not only does Cesar treat the women he loves well, said women also play an integral part in the story. In fact, they end up saving Cesar from his own internal struggles much much later in the story.
Finally finally, one major thing that I would like to point out that is not directly related to the story but an integral part of the reading experience are the incredible pictures, illustrations, and maps the author provides. Even the cover of this novel is beautifully done. If this or the fact that it was rewritten for the sake of quality does not convince you just how much heart RedHunter2296 put into this work, I don't know what will.
Overall, if you are interested in any or all, just like me, of the tags Valkyria Squadron has, I highly recommend giving it a chance and reading it. I think that it is among the most unique stories on this site. It will charm you with its surprising wit and storytelling, then drag you into what can only be described as a fantastic time. For Atlantis!
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I like how the story is flowing from the original after reading up to the current released chapter
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