Commander Jane Shepard is perhaps the best soldier in the Alliance Navy. What would happen if she met a colonist on Eden Prime who fight back the geth and wanted Saren's blood?
One thing is for sure, the Commander's life took a turn when she met that cold, ruthless man who never removes his helmet.
Come and read the adventures and misadventures of Rick Wald in the Mass Effect universe!
There are so few Mass Effect fan fictions out there it’s almost as if there is a conspiracy of some kind to keep them from being written. I count myself lucky that as an ME fan all of the ME fanfics I’ve read are 5/5 stars, and this one is no different. I implore readers to give this story the chance it deserves.
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This story fantastic. For anyone that like that mass effect series isn't a must read.
I read a lot and this is one of very few stories that actually made me cry. The story is also completed, and completed well. With that amount of unfinished stories on this site that needs to be applauded.
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One of the best story's I've read so far and I'm quite picky on story's. Been a pretty solid story, the writing is awesome, the characters interacting with each other is the main selling point for me and I haven't been able to stop reading it. Give it a try and I know you won't regret reading this beauty of a story.
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I'm not a huge fan of Mass effect games (only played 1 and 2) but this is good. I was a bit unsure when I first started reading but god Damm I don't know why this hits my fancy bone. The comedy feels just right to me Give it a try. But I wanted to see more scenes with
ricks, wife kind of anti climatic that she just died off screen I cant care for a character if I didn't see them
Ps my first ever review
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