Nestled in the serene countryside, in a town called Pine Grove, lies an old house with a peculiar reputation. Charlie, a disillusioned nurse, was unaware of the history of the house when he bought it. He was simply seeking an escape from his old life and was captivated by the promise of a fresh start held within its walls. However, from the moment that Charlie steps over the threshold, strange occurrences begin to unfold. He also finds a strange porcelain doll in one of the rooms and quickly finds out that this doll, named Charlotte, is anything but an ordinary doll. Every night under the gentle gaze of the moon, she comes to life! To add to the mystery, Charlotte was not always a doll. She had been a young woman who had tragically died in the year 1906, only to wake up in the same house she had lived in all her life, only now empty, and with no idea as to what had happened to her.
Initially, Charlotte wants nothing more than to kick Charlie out of her house, but slowly grows to accept him as she begins to see him not as an intruder, but as a friend- and eventually, as a lover. But can this paranormal romance between a man and a woman turned into a doll stand the test of time?
The story is written from both Charlie's and Charlotte's point of view, with their names in bold over each section denoting whose viewpoint we are seeing for that section.
Updated five times weekly every weekday from Monday to Friday at 6:03 A.M. EST (New York City time).