Gilly awakens in a strange, ethereal world with no memory of her past. Rescued by a benevolent elf tribe, she discovers she's inexplicably transformed, with pointed ears and vibrant blue hair. As she grapples with her newfound identity, she learns of a catastrophic event that brought her to this alien realm: a space-time rupture that decimated her team and forced the survivors to flee their ravaged world. Haunted by fragments of her past, Gilly finds solace in the kindness of her adopted family. Yet, an insatiable curiosity about her origins drives her to explore the enigmatic world of Equestea, a land of towering trees, flying creatures, and a society divided by power and strength. As she delves deeper into the mysteries of her existence, Gilly must confront the remnants of her traumatic past and uncover the truth about the enigmatic planet she now calls home.