Leon is a seemingly ordinary 16 year old boy, attending the most prestigious magic academy in the 7 kingdoms. However, Leon keeps his true abilities hidden to avoid conflict and maintain a normal life, will his strategy work allowing him to live a normal high school life or will fate cause him to reveal more than is necessary.
This is a series I began writing on webnovel a few weeks ago. I am adding it here to hopefully gain more readers for a story I've loved writing so far. I upload on Web Novel daily, so if you want to read more head there. On here I will compile a week's worth of the story and post it as a chapter. It is free to access here and on web novel so the choice is up to you. Let me emphasize that all chapters will be on here eventually, for the first few weeks I will add 2 weeks of chapters to catch up to the webnovel version, then from there every week I will release the chapters from the past week on webnovel. I repeat YOU DO NOT need to go to webnovel to read the story it will all be posted here at some point.