There is a tale within the History of the Toruskaine State. Of how a Rover from another land paid a visit to the Highland County with a soapbox in the shape of a discolored sword. Ears were open and listened to the stranger, which brought inspiration for them to revolt and fight for independence. Many historians chalk this tale to being make-believe, an example of how Writers try to complicate history with their Fiction about the War for Independence in the state. This story may be seen as fiction by Historians, but in the people's eyes, it is as true as the stars in the sky. Additionally, It is a story that people regard as being pretty good. Follow the story of a stranger that may have played a bigger role in a county's history, than what many people seem to think.
*Chapters will be uploaded twice a week at 3-5 in the afternoon PST, on Mondays and Wednesdays. A third is rare, but expect that on Fridays with varying hours.*