Monsters. They exist everywhere, and in every form one could imagine. No society exists that does not possess some form of monster to excite its imaginations and frighten its children. Yet, in some places far from here, monsters are not just things of stories and legends. In these far-off places, monsters have stepped out of the pages of myth and folklore to wreak havoc upon innocents of all kinds. It is perhaps inevitable that there should rise strong champions to protect those innocents. But strength invites challenge, challenge leads to conflict, and conflict grows into war.
In a war that has raged for thousands of years, who decides the side of right? In a world where both sides have brought death and suffering immeasurable, who are the real monsters?
What truly makes a monster?
This story is a repost of a storyline written over on CHYOA. I was recommended to try posting it elsewhere so as to get more eyes on it, and since I'm always hungry for more feedback, I decided to post it here as well. I will be posting three chapters a week until I catch up with what's posted on CHYOA, at which point I'll post chapters here and there concurrently. Feel free to read it there if you like, but there's nothing that's there that won't be here eventually aside from the comments and replies.
Fair warning: This is a smut story. It began as such, and while it quickly grew beyond just that, the sex is still an integral part of the story and is explicitly described. Also, it grew out of a choose your own adventure prompt, which on CHYOA was the first chapter of the story. My first chapter is somewhat of a recap of that prompt, and therefore despite the numerous references to rape, I only have one case of dubious consent, and that relatively late in the story against someone entirely capable of stopping it had they really wanted to.
Well sh*t, author is a Chef and has goood cooking skill.
This story starts as a SMUT, but with time becomes something more. With each chapter you can feel that SMUT with a story becomes STORY with a smut, and, that author cares about characters and their evolution. You can see them alive and unique.
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It's a well written, pleasant to read story.
On top of that the characters do get time to gain some dimension to them... At least those that happen to be in the center of action so far, which can't be blamed.
Later on the outright smut takes a back seat, while the story and characters become more prominent.
Oh, the lewdness doesn't go away, so don't worry (or don't get your hopes up). But it's tasteful.
I'd recommend taking a look, I personally enjoy it greatly.
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