tldr - this is like beastars but with dinosaurs. and their version of it is called saurastar. there are good ones who hold dino society up, and their are bad ones who fight for the rights of everyone else. this story is about one of those bad ones. as they go against all the other ones.
dino high is an all dino school, it hasnt had a human in its halls for 2000 years, until now. your given an invitation because of a recent law change that lets all archosaurs and non dinos enter, because of some loop hole. everyone else is mad about it, but you dont care.
= the meteor was suppose to destroy the world 66 million years ago, but it didnt, instead it lay there suspended in the sky by some unseen force, but that didnt mean the world was safe as a 2nd meteor crashed down to earth and turned it into a dark horrible place as many other smaller meteor came crashing down the people who hold these fragments of the apocalypse are the ones who can be called saurastars.
- the main character is not your nice guy goodie 2 shoes hero, hes an insurgent, a partisan, a terrorist. he has long fought against dinos by the side of non dinos, but they arent friends not by a mile. he is infiltrating the academy in order to kill the saurastar, a person of great influence that will lead the dino world and wider archosaur world.